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Everything posted by Tescao.3042

  1. Hello buddy, but it's not emptiness, it's blackness. It is impossible to imagine emptiness with an endless internal dialogue of the thought process. The Void can even "dance", although it simply observes the chaos and order (without choosing a side). If the void at least once evaluates which of them is good or evil, better or worse, etc., most likely the world that we know will cease to exist. 😊 Depth has no limit, it units everything.
  2. I knew it was a joke. Thanks buddy. As for the theme, the condition game lacks depth. The concept of a DoT game implies a deeper game in general.
  3. It's okay, that's the beauty of choice. My English limits some turns of my words, but I'm glad I tried to touch depth you still tried to understand. The realization that there is meaning is also a beginning. My knowledge of English also leaves much to be desired. [but my ape brain cant process] don't judge yourself harshly
  4. Why are people afraid to admit to themselves that if we consider the competitive environment as an environment, and not just a mind game, invented by society, then in this competitive environment there is a much more serious rival and his name is death. This is an unbiased hunter. On the other hand, this rival is always standing and watching from the side, without evaluation, and only this force can give a hint that little matters in this life, only its touch matters. This touch is like dragging out a game in which the DoT pressure will always win. Only this life partner can remind us of how important it is here and now always.
  5. The condi system is limited to some extent and restrains itself. The first thing to do would be to give the poison field more identity, which means adding a poison aura and changing the weakness blast finisher to poison blast (along with the removal of weakness spam from the poison field). After these changes, the poison will become more common, so it needs to be mitigated (as Shao wrote here, remove the ability to deal damage, for the counter game with resistance). With poison change some damage needs to be returned, this can be done through bleeding (for bleeding, give the old effect of torment, more damage when you move, it's more like bleeding). From burning, you can make a standard DoT game, the damage will increase with each next tick (It's more like burning) This is just the first example that came across how you can make the condi game more multifaceted and mitigate the spam of a weakness that many hate. If you want a condi game to be a "correct DoT game over time" then the current power builds and support does not match this so-called "correct DoT game" and the condi game itself is limited. P. S. In general, it's sad that the combo game has stopped developing (for example, new fields - blood field, etc), which means that the condi game has also stopped in place and selfish builds came to the fore with minimum combo game.
  6. Yes, this is a very cool study. I can only add one point to this. If you go around with a little smile, whether you're smiling at someone or at yourself, those facial expressions will send impulses to your brain to release more serotonin. Also, your body will have great recovery opportunities, etc. Therefore, you should always walk with a smile, regardless of someone else's opinion, so you improve your health. P. S. The brain is a computer that can be controlled, it is bad when it controls us.
  7. Yes, your messages about the war is deep. I'm glad you like the warrior, the warrior identity is really well done. ty buddy. P. S. Guys if you are interested in the observation of balance, read what mycorrhiza is (mushroom network that unites all the nature of the earth, it can also be called a kind of consciousness or neural network). I think some types of mushrooms are able to show people a piece of mycorrhiza knowledge, how the consciousness of nature behaves, but for this you need to observe the incoming information without evaluation. This is what society might be like if it did not separate itself from nature. Perhaps there would be a deep connection with mycorrhiza at least.
  8. Thanks buddy for the soulful description of the warrior, but for now I will continue to stick to my path of the warrior, where desires do not control me.
  9. If you are talking about the game, then the warriors here are guardian, warrior, rev, thief, ranger. Which reflect different peoples, styles, philosophy of combat with the addition of magic. Edit: and scrapper, holo we will add his technology to magic too. I spoke about the real way of warrior, in which people created a code of honor for themselves, which was difficult to manipulate from the outside.
  10. You noticed, good observation. It's called deep balancing. I already wrote about Specter, that they are connected with Mallyx, other world and animations. This kind of balancing was used in WoW between classes and specializations.
  11. QR codes are just the beginning. Sorry I couldn't resist. 👌 👍
  12. You have realized the moment of the present, the moment of truth. Your words also contain the meaning of how we are manipulated on a global scale and people want to be manipulated and do not realize their original nature (even the smartest, richest, etc.). In the old days, the "way of the warrior" was passed down from generation to generation. Following this path, the internal struggle (the most important) was initially carried out, and then the interpretation of the external. After that, only by the age of 40 or after did the warrior mature for the family. Those who took control of the story "ruled out" such minor details. Therefore, we see the shadow of those who manipulate even in games. As you yourself said in other posts, it is a reflection (deep observation) Thank you for the good interpretation of my words. P. S. Socrates is a warrior, Pythagoras is a warrior, etc. This list could go on and on. (True, now the way of the warrior has been made into a kind of show).
  13. Revolver (2005film) good quote about mind games and their part - ego. "The greatest con, that he ever pulled... was making you believe... that he is you". Funny paradox - balance existed before the advent of evaluation and reasoning. It can only be observed without inference about it. Most likely in order to see the true balance, we first need to win over yourself. Every time we draw a conclusion about something (whether it's good or bad, right or wrong, like or dislike, past or future, etc), we lose the opportunity to testify (be in the flow). .
  14. I think Willbender's fighting philosophy is very wisely thought out. He doesn't have the insidious attacks of an assassin or a thief because he initially has the identity of a guardian. As Bazsi said don't try to compare it to the current core, hot and pof specs. Better compare it with Warrior for example.
  15. The only hope is that devs will drop the concept of FoTM rerollers, which creates an artificial appearance of interest for those who jump between meta builds. If this concept is not abandoned, everything will be the same as it was and you will wonder why some things are nerfed and other things are buffed, thinking that the players who talk about it on the forum are to blame. Therefore, it is better to move away from such a system (today there are four necro, tomorrow five mirages, in a month six heralds in one match and one build, etc). Edit: P. S. gw2 wanted to be individual, but fell into the same artificial retention of interest trap as all MMOs. Therefore, to restore balance appears the opposite effect - exhaustion. The macro game can be unimaginably deep, but the real depth starts where the ego ends, because the ego has limits because of the evaluation and reasoning. Funny paradox.
  16. It's just another version of Necro and Guardian to play with them in the same game. Mobility spamming after the torment nerf, easy access to 25 stacks of vulnerability in one combo, possibility to do 6 dodges in a single pass. Guys, be more realistic when evaluating meta builds, don't rate them individually - it's a small micro game, with a limited eco system in between.
  17. I want to leave here a little observation of the depth deviation. You all know about the skill called Gaze of Darkness, which has in its arsenal the ability to open stealth - reveal. If reveal is associated with darkness in the case of rev, then why can't Mallyx have reveal in his set, which is the full manifestation of darkness! It is also very strange to have stacks of vulnerability on this skill, in contrast to the possibility of having torment.
  18. There is a very deep meaning in this message, which is directly related to the real world. The moment mystery was replaced by stability, we lost the ability and drive to manage momentum. Perhaps this is just the consequences of such a phenomenon as divide and conquer, which has acquired a "deeper meaning", but this is self-deception, because depth does not divide, it unites. Therefore the creator's game is always more elegant. Divide and conquer in any case will exhaust itself and shoot, like any spring compressed to the limit.
  19. I understand where you disagree, but I didn't say anything about the individual's personal skills.
  20. Kills through CC is what makes PvP different from PvE. CC kills can be so difficult and confusing that meta builds make it much easier and therefore more efficient. You need to understand the nature of the word Meta, it borders very strongly on the word fashion.
  21. Perhaps when the WB becomes more relevant, the warrior capabilities will also become more relevant. As they say here spam is a problem, sustain and support(another spam version) against spam is also a problem. Warrior has a lot of Melee attacks with a range of 130 and it is very hard for him in such a spam situations. Just an opinion, I do not claim to be the truth.
  22. Adding F2 for core rev without any trade offs.
  23. I think that these are already Mind games, it is very difficult to see the chain of events. Logic can only work with what it knows, unlike intuition. Most likely this addition will not be, so we will not know how it could be in the eyes of logic.
  24. I Agreed, this will require a wise setup. With any new changes, a rebalancing is needed.
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