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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Chaith is also paired with them in the same match. Is that also for a reason?
  2. If deleting portal would give mesmer a chance to be good again, why not? xD
  3. Add this to your main post if it's not fixed yet: Maul (Ranger GS2) is unaffected by cooldown increase.
  4. Man I am so biased against my main
  5. Everyone who has watched EU mAT probably noticed that mirage with portal is, unfortunately, still playable. We know of at least (and at most) one person who can play it in high level without getting stomped. You can put it on a node and leave so you threaten decap, forcing one player to sit there for a long time. Otherwise you can use the portal to quickly bomb someone with your team to gain huge advantage. We saw similar tactics repeatedly used in mAT. It makes you and your team be on two nodes at the same time with no drawback. Literally the strongest utility skill in the game, and only one person needs to run it. This means it wastes only 1 utility slot for 15 slots for your team in total.
  6. Every gamemode needs different builds. For open world, nearly everything is fine. Instanced PvE (dungeons, fractals, raids) are mostly about damage while WvW is a bit more about area of effect skills. PvP builds depend but they take a lot more sustain tools.
  7. Poison + vuln, I don't think this is needed.
  8. Portal op btw not "mesmers" but "mirages" tywm
  9. I can respect everything you said (not necessarily agree). However, balancing has nothing to do with past. It's all about now and future.
  10. Well obviously you shouldn't be able to 1v2 so I assume it's like 2v2, 2v3 or 3v3. In that case, you have way stronger kiting options and your teammate and you can share your condi cleanses with each other (aoe cleanses exist on many classes). edit: I forgot about bigger fights such as GvG, in that case you should have dedicated cleansers anyway.
  11. Yup, called it. Now can I pls open a Mirage op thread? Here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1200115/#Comment_1200115
  12. Told you, R55 won the mAT in EU with a Condi Mirage. Here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1200045/#Comment_1200045
  13. Would probably work better than what some people run lmao
  14. Even if you get like 20 stacks of torment, it's just 1 condition. You can just cleanse it very easily.
  15. I suppose this is for open world? Then something like this might work better. Never use Signet of Domination. Blink is for mobility, swap with Mantra of Pain if mobility is unnecessary. Get Mirage ASAP.
  16. Flavor of the Month. Just play something that hard counters them.
  17. Less teams in mAT usually means less teams played regular ATs, which is bad for the future of pvp.
  18. Probably he was bunker or something, otherwise if the ranger does 2k autos with pets he would die too quick for 10 hits even if you stood still.
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