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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Backstab + some heartseekers doing x damage is better than backstab doing x damage on its own. For starters, this already "kind of" happened. HS is not nerfed in the patch but backstab is nerfed, which essentially means transferring damage. Passive/RNG quickness needs to be deleted.Also by "short duration on smokescreen" I meant at most 4 seconds. Don't forget I'm asking for these ALONGSIDE current thief nerfs.
  2. I saw 4 firebrands in approximately one and a half hours. Seems like firebrand is strong on dueling, sustain, teamfighting and bunkering. It has bad mobility though. I would say anet might need to nerf tomes and axe more if it's still strong.
  3. 2v2ing duo symbolbrands in a tight space is the most unfun thing ever. Especially when they know how to use their builds.
  4. Why did you necro this thread? It is from 1-2 years ago.
  5. Exactly. I think elite specializations are actually variations of subclass system (afaik GW1 has subclasses).
  6. Heavy skins might look very good on my guardian, do we know how will we acquire them after the patch?
  7. Same for mesmer focus phantasm and renegade utility skill, just anet things.
  8. I have no idea what his reasons are, but I think it will be spammed because it is buffed in the patch.
  9. Of course you can design it in 1 million different ways. Then this opens up a new question: Why? What does "team-fight presence" even really mean outside of "something that can sit on a point and stall for time with relative impunity" anyway? A good TFer should be able to:1) Either deal damage, support your team, or stunlock enemies.2) Kite the node (not just stand on it) or tank the node (scrapper and water weaver)3) Have good area denial attacks. Revenant, Guardian, Necro, Engineer and Elementalist can do all 3 depending on the build. Warrior and Thief can do 2, again depending on the build. Ranger and Mesmer can only do the 2nd one. I won't bother replying again though.
  10. Glamors need buffs in general. I don't know what's with the hate for aoes on mesmer. Edit nobody will see:Portal keeps decappers and sidenoders in check, and forces the opposite team to act accordingly. This is obviously strong but not overpowered.However, 30 seconds only work (somewhat) in a coordinated team. Taking portal to ranked is like playing with only two utilities.Change it back to 60 seconds.
  11. get 5 bunkers, 2 defends lord, 3 holds nodes ez
  12. Oh no, not inspiration chronomancer!
  13. As far as I know, there is already MMR rating foe ATs and Unranked but it's hidden to players.
  14. d/p would be perfectly fine if smokescreen was a shorter duration skill on a 35s cd. Also some of backstab damage should be transferred to heartseeker so it's not a OHKO.
  15. Current mesmer can't teamfight, there are many reasons but the biggest one is clones/phantasms.They die instantly in teamfights. You are asking for a ground up rework for mesmer, which won't happen this late in the game. Also you still have PvE to consider.
  16. Problem with mesmer is, it has nearly zero teamfight presence. If you are going to make mesmer a ccbot teamfighter (like the current warrior) you need to buff teamfight potential and reduce 1v1 - 2v2 potential. Also, GW1 players have this weird idea that GW2 mesmer should be similar to GW1 mesmer. However, as I stated above, mesmer is a duelist not a teamfighter. CC helps in 1v1s but not as much as damage and sustain would have helped.
  17. If mirage becomes unplayable, mesmer will have zero elite specs in pvp.
  18. Wrong thread. These aren't skills that are affected by nerfs.I am asking for reworks like explosions, corruption, death magic, preparations etc.
  19. The problem is not 1v1ing d/p, it's 5v5ing it. Smokescreen can be used on revives/cleaves, on or off point, 2k range away from you or in point blank range (you can smokescreen heartseeker steal backstab and still have a lot of initiative and smokescreen would still be up). I'd say 35s cd with 4 or 5 seconds duration would be better. I mean, they can just chrono it and add a shadow aura which would blind on hit. A shadow field would give this aura on you and aoe with leaps and blasts respectively. Would be funny.
  20. Every mesmer thread that is raising awareness is good. Even if they don't take our ideas, they will surely pay more attention to mesmer.
  21. We aren't talking about meta builds or mirage in general. Your comment seems off topic here.
  22. As I said, I'm asking for utility buffs and keeping the scattered damage (focus is a defensive weapon, not a single target damage weapon).
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