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Everything posted by Exile.8160

  1. Imma quote YOU from another post: "For real coming to the forums just to complain about something you barely played or understand does not help the game at all." Tisk tisk tisk.
  2. Even half isnt good, you realise that right? Also what part of not getting any info on EoD pvp dont I understand? Do I need a masters degree to see nothing about pvp has been realese for EoD?
  3. Its sad really, gw1 and gw2 (when realese) were pve and pvp focus.
  4. We have gotten zero bits of info for anything pvp related for the coming expansion (if there some pvp info please let me know). Most of the elite spec arent good (both theme and combat wise). The balancing given me even less hope for EoD balance. What reason do I have for buying this expac? ( spoiler its non). Anet if you reading this please give us something the way we have been ignore for years cannot be pass to EoD.
  5. They havent even mention the words "pvp" and "EoD" in the same sentence. So thats the status of pvp.
  6. You did get rewarded you got him in the downstate and into a vunerable position. Then tell thief to watch for guard rez, you can type amd if that doesnt work you can always play one. It is viable, you cant just spam once they are off cooldown. Holding on to your skill for crucial moments is very important in mastering a class. Why are you expecting a win from a team that is not working together vs a team that has a supp guard? cant complain you lost with a uncoornated team like that.
  7. The dude used 3 skills for 1 rez why shouldnt he be rewarded for it? He also left himself vunerable for doing so. Theres thiefs steal, corrupting boom, poison that still work or go for the guard first so he cant even use rez signet. Thats 4 counter plays off the top of my head you can use.
  8. This is clearly an overeaction. Theres counter play for them so they're not an all powerfull unstopable skill. You just have to be prepared for them if they bother you that much. Its the same as complaning about stuns but not bringing a single stun breaker to the game. Just come prepared for rez skills.
  9. They dont balance the game for deathmatch they balance it for conquest. It has been the main mode since beta.
  10. Yes lets remove more things from pvp that what we need right? -_- Downstate promote team play and can be use with strategy to your advantage being leaving an downstate enemy for longer spawn time or a clutch rez. Instead of wanting it removed, learn to use it in your favor!
  11. But but that would mean they actually have to work on something pvp and we all know thats a big no no for them. I actually belive if anyone other than cmc works on pvp they get fired. Which would make sense seeing how they treat pvp like the black plague.
  12. Welcome to every other elite spec (minus engi shocker)
  13. They havent even mention pvp and the new xpac EoD in the same sentance at all. So not much to look forward in pvp atm. Just same dry desert we've had for years.
  14. So Ive notice that some of the new elite spev trait lines look like theres planning in though involve and then I look at others (willybender) and they look like they decided to just throw in things the minute before the beta. You think anet will rework them? Or just yolo all those useless trait into live?
  15. I dont even think they have mention the words "spvp" and "EoD" in the same sentence. So no for now. I have zero hope for anything pvp related in EoD.
  16. Report, block and move on. Thats the best thing anyone can do. Anything else is just a waste of time.
  17. The only time DH should be buff is if trapper rune are removed from the game but for now DH is fine.
  18. Guard breaths: People in the forums: omfg that guards is breathing its OP nerf it now!
  19. As of now there is zero insentive for a pvper to buy the expansion. E specs are bad and literally zero mention of anything pvp on EoD.
  20. The sad truth is that we need a content creator to make anet see whats going on in their own game. That goes to show how much attention pvp gets from the devs.
  21. Pvp has been let to rot by the devs for too long, so most pvper lost all faith.
  22. They have literally said nothing about pvp in EoD, ill reserve my hyp for when they do.
  23. Did you guys forget about ritualist? There callback to almost everything cantha yet ritualist banish! The 2 things a cared about in the gw world pvp and ritualists and zero mentions of either. Hype went form 100 to 0 -_-.
  24. People hate anything they cant one shot, same as why this post was created. Since side noder are pretty much the meta right now and its hard to 1v1 them specially the good one that can kite forever.
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