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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. On the right side of the dots there is a eye you can use to view the key and also a copy-symbol, you can use to copy and paste the key to the wiki
  2. The F2P-players would sit on their gold in gw2 anyway, as they can't use the gold to gem-exchange, only gem to gold is available. The rest should be solved by supply and demand, if gems get more expensive, more people are likely to sell gems. If you look at the rates of the last years, the whole system looks pretty stable.
  3. If the currently expensive items would drop more often, they wouldn't be expensive anymore. As the gem/gold exchange rate is also driven by supply and demand, gems would just get more expensive, if it was easier to get gold in the game, the price of the gems would also rise.
  4. I guess the Problem ist the G with the space afterwards, afaik it's banned, as it's an effective way to avoid any forms of GM-imposters
  5. They are already available on other stat-selectables too, but some raid- and fractal-equipment was forgotten in the first patch. That's what the post you quoted meant.
  6. Seems the spawn of the nodes wasn't changed, they are still there befor the boss is done (at least every time I checked it). Maybe they changed the drop rate, till it's really fixed, or it's just an eternal bandaid fix?
  7. Afaik it doesn't matter, because both regions share the same guild system. It has been a long time since I built my own hall, but I'm rather sure that I bought shovels and decorations from some NA-players too while being on EU.
  8. I should have added that i meant the playable races, but as the post I quoted also was about character customisation I didn't thought about all the NPC-races.
  9. Afaik there is already at least one of each race and they are even available as ingame rewards.
  10. Meanwhile the prices for most of the hardlight weapons are already rather low now, if you want an even higher drop-rate they may just end as another cheap exotic to salvage or for the mf. Gen 1 isn't that bad in my opinion, the weekly one is tradeable, so an extra way to make money for people who like the SAB but don't collect the skins.
  11. Afaik you get an item you have to use when you buy the garden plot, as your text only says that you accepted the mail, maybe the item is still somewhere in your inventory?
  12. Then it is an exotic jewel, not an infusion (ascended). Guess something like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Polyluminescent_Undulating_Refractor_(Black) An option without the effect would be e.g. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exquisite_Charged_Quartz_Jewel , if you want all stats.
  13. The difference between the complete package and buying the livings story with gems is actually not that big, you also pay 50 Euro for the living story when you buy the package, so the only difference is 160gems.
  14. It was the same for the other festivals, I guess this is on purpose and not a bug, so people keep playing the content, keep buying the RNG-bags or spend more festival-currency at the vendors.
  15. It may look like the jackal is the closest, but as far as I remember the basis of the warclaw is actually a griffon without the wings.
  16. Okay, let's see: Power/Ferocity: Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup - cheaper to craft https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~10-41569 Plate of Spicy Moa Wings - cheaper to craft https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~5-91917 Endurance Reg.: Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew - cheaper to craft https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~10-12488 I don't see a problem here, have you considered the red warning-text gw2efficiency shows?
  17. Can you give an example which foods you mean exactly? I just looked at the tradeable foods and utilities the PvE-Meta-build use for the different guard-builds (just as an example), and all are cheaper to craft?
  18. As far as I remember, many of the removed items came from recipes where all or most of the ingredients could have been bought from vendors, so they actually worked against the purpose of research notes. I also doubt that fixing material prices is the main intention behind this event, in this case the amount of material would have been higher to be closer to the prices of the rewards, guess it's mainly just a promotion for the shop and statuettes (as it also came together with the updates of them) and the material sink is just an addition.
  19. The old price of the Immortal and Onyx weapons was also 150, seems they got the new / recent / vintage treatment too. So yes, they are very expensive but , if we look at the older sets, the price wasn't really a surprise.
  20. As the wording sometimes causes misundestandings how kits work, I agree that it should be made more clear. But it's not a bug, the only kits that can recover upgrades are the Black Lion and the Ascended Kit, all the other ones will instantly salvage them (only if possible, like for runes and sigils, stones and crests etc. are different, as they can't be salvaged).
  21. The wording says "80% chance of salvaging upgrades", so you won't get upgrades back, they will also be salvaged instantly. You can compare the wording with the black lion salvage kit, then you will see the difference - "100% chance of recovering upgrades".
  22. Afaik you are right and the patchnotes were only for Gen 2.0 (with collections). The armory has as many places per item, as you can use for one build, so for weapons for main- and off-hand like Eureka the ,limit is x/4. If you move your mouse over the Eureka in your "Hero: Equipment"-menu, you can see, how much more you can store.
  23. Just adding a little pond sounds easy, but this area is 20+ units (according to TACO) above the waterlevel, so withouth a larger rework of the whole area this would be just a big hole in the map, where you won't even see two skiffs from the street level if you put them on top of each other.
  24. Just to make sure, what kind of problems do you have in WvW exactly - FPS-drops? As People tend to call different problems "lags" ( while some aren't even real lags), it's not clear, if a better CPU or GPU will even help.
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