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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. Guess you mean this one - https://gw2warp.com/ As I haven't used this addon myself, I don't know how well it works and how many people use it.
  2. Depends which weapons the OP wants, as escort currently can only drop focus, scepter and hammer. (I wrote currently, because the loot from escort is bugged since more then two years.)
  3. Were you holding anything else, like e.g. a snowball? Just tried it with one and it shows what you described. For the second part, you need 10 piles of silky sand to use them.
  4. Before sending a mail to the support, you should in this case also check the safety of the associated mail-account. Because, if there is suddenly a 2FA on your account, it's a sign that the account may have been hacked.
  5. Afaik it doesn't matter, if you select a path or not, all open paths will be filled befor the XP goes into spirit shards, the selected path just has priority over the others. The spirit shard-bar is hidded in the background till all masteries of the region are completed (excluding the hidden mastery-tracks)
  6. Have you compared the XP-numbers you get from kills, events, hearts etc. (if you are on the same level) to see, if the difference comes from all sources or just a specific one? And as Linken wrote, it may also come from the "Character Adventure Guide" achievments? Maybe your friend did something you haven't done and is already a volume or more ahead? For the difference at the heart vendor(s), can you tell us the locations of the vendor(s), that had different items?
  7. The cape isn't a twitch drop, it's a code you can get from prime gaming, so a working account-link between twitch and GW2 is not needed in this case. For the problem with the twitch-drop, guess you have to send a ticket to the support.
  8. Can be, but as far as I remember, they also said, that the main priority for the WvW-team is the world restructuring and changes to rewards etc. may follow later. So it can take a long time.
  9. arcdps offers profession-keybinds, but unfortunately I can't tell you more about it, as I have never used this feature myself
  10. If you mean the "Inscription" accessories, it's not a bug, they are all named after the HoT elite specs, because they are needed for the associated weapon collections. So in the case of the Berserker's Inscription it's just a coincidence, that the stat-combination has the same name as the elite-spec.
  11. Many account-bound consumables were changed to tradeable in January 2021, but the change only affected items earned after the change, the old ones were still bound, so maybe you crafted one stack before the patch and one later?
  12. I'm not sure, if that would have helped much, without a big reduction of the pre-droprate. Afaik tradeable gen 3 pres can only drop from 9 EoD-strike-coffers, while gen 1 can drop nearly anywhere, no matter which gamemode, expansion etc. So I guess the collection pres would be undercut by drops soon.
  13. It's not listed in the tool-tip, but but the skill gives quickness. So I guess the OP saw it in the wiki or elsewhere and wanted to know, if it's possible to fill the quickness-role with it. But even if the skill would work in the strikes, the quickness is limited to yourself anyway, so no, it wouldn't be possible.
  14. In this case you could use https://killproof.me/, if you give it time to refresh (or manually refresh) between earning and spending your decorations, chests etc., they will be counted too. LI used for armors and the ring are also included in the calculation, but normally groups also accept, if you ping the armor or show the envoys herald-title instead of LI too.
  15. As far as I remember the vouchers are normally only updatet when they are available from the store and not just when one of the items is old enough.
  16. About 4.5% of the accounts on gw2efficiency have maxed it out, or have enough essences to do it, so yes, your number looks more realistic.
  17. There are two, but one of them seems to be available only from wardrobe unlocks: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Mushroom_Stomper https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Mushroom_Bomber
  18. I tried some other combinations and it seems only the single letter G is the problem here, guess it's part of the naming rules against GM impersonators.
  19. Black Ice Earrings can have Viper stats, they are one of the trinkets with a one time stat selection. You can see the list of available stats in the wiki - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Ice_Earring#Available_prefixes
  20. The Kirin is not the only EoD-Mini with a unknow drop-place and no API-entry, there are at least five more minis: Void Brandbeast, Void Vinetooth, Void Emberknight, Siege Turtle Hatchling, Corrupted Jade Behemoth
  21. If you mean the "Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic", it has a 100% chance to salvage upgrades, whicht means it salvages the item and also the upgrade directly and you will only get Lucent Motes and the chance on symbol and charms. The only kit that can recover the upgrades is the Black Lion Salvage Kit (100% chance of recovering upgrades). So it's not a bug, but you can try to get a refund because of the misundestanding, if you can't log in on the support site, you can write a mail to support@arena.net Is there a reason you have bought more than one? If it's not for more accounts, a shared slot would be cheaper.
  22. That's strange, the mini doesn't seem to exist in the API yet and as far as I remember, items are normally only whitelisted as soon as at least one player unlocks them. So, if this is still true and it's not just an API error, no one should own this mini yet?
  23. This feature was already added, if you activate it, it shows day/night/dusk/dawn next to the clock - General Options / User Interface / Show Time of the Day
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