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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. The intention of the devs isn't a secret in this case, it's mentioned in the patch notes (and I think also the blog post etc.), that you will get one stack for the whole wing and it only stacks higher, if you fail boss encounters (and resets back to one after the encounter).
  2. As I don't know this site, I don't know which guides you're looking for, if it's for leveling crafting, you can use https://gw2crafts.net/
  3. from https://www.guildwars2.com/de/news/studio-update-guild-wars-2-tenth-anniversary-and-steam-launch-on-august-23/ So still about 2h left till the launch
  4. The multiboxing rules don't distinguish between playing on one PC or multiple real or virtual machines: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013658134-Policy-Dual-or-Multi-Boxing So it would still be multiboxing, as you are one player, controlling more than one account. If you will get caught / banned for using it in an otherwise empty activity, is another question.
  5. Crafting is not the only option, the unbound ones can drop e.g. from strike chests too
  6. Dragonstorm only works, because there are enough people in the instance to carry all the leechers, and like you said, that's one of the reasons why it failed in smaller instances like DRMs and strikes. I agree, that it's also not an real auto-lfg, like in some other MMOs and it would need a huge rework to make it useful, especially, if it should also work in raids, where the system would have to solve more problems, as there are more different roles than in other instances, which may also change between the bosses and also depend on the tactics of the groups. In the end, you still won't ever find a way to make everyone happy. Because as soon as you add the option to kick, blocks for joining too often, role selections, some sort of group requirements, etc. , you can be sure, that there will be people who will cry about it.
  7. Advertisments for real money aren't allowed here too. Anets version of the auto-lfg (public mode) already exists for some instances (DRMs and daily IBS Strike), have you ever tried it? It didn't worked well, even for such easy instances (it was used so rarely, that it was removed from the "not daily" IBS Strikes later), so I doubt, that this would fix any problems. It would need a huge rework, but then it will have other problems
  8. Anonymous tickets don't exist anymore, you can now send an email to support@arena.net, if you can't log in on the support page.
  9. Have you checked, if you got the currency back, because that should happen, if you use more than you can use for the region? Just take care, they give back the currency related to the expansion they were added with, not the one you used to buy them: Tyria / Maguuma - Proofs of Heroic Desert - Testimonies of Desert Heroics Jade - Testimonies of Jade Heroics
  10. As far as I remember there was a patch to stop this behavior and since then, the participation chests stop dropping, if the south events need too much time. Maybe it wasn't patched on the chinese servers?
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by resetting? Do you really need a new password everytime, or do you just mean that the launcher doesn't remember your password even, if you checked the box?
  12. No, the achievment "Top-Tiered Terror Toppler" for doing 5 CMs / week will be removed, as each CM now will give extra rewards per week itself.
  13. The second one is the HP at the north of Darkhoof Heights in Snowden Drifts. For the first one, maybe it's just the lighting that makes it look like the yellow sandstone of the silverwaste, could be another cave too?
  14. It's an acronym for Heal Alacrity Mechanist
  15. The daily list wasn't changed on purpose, it's was confirmed by a dev that it's bugged.
  16. The endless canister will auto-refresh the new buff (according to a def post on reddit), so as it still can be used, it's unlikely that they will add a trade in option.
  17. You can get it without raiding, if you find someone who can open a cleared wing for you (if not fully cleared, at least sloth needs to be done). Shouldn't be to hard to find someone in the lobby or the lfg.
  18. When have you purchased the game? I have no experience with Trustly, till this post, I haven't even heared about it, so I looked it up and also found a lot of complaints, that payments may take days, despite the promise to be done instant.
  19. The content of Presents and ToT-Bags was changed after EOD and the food and utility items were removed (most likely because of the research notes). So as the main sources for the cheap festival food and utility items are gone, the prices went up.
  20. If you mean the NPCs including the commander NPCs Anja and Duncan on the normal Hoelbrak map, thats not a real fight, it's just there for the ambiance. To enter the arena you have to talk to Halstein (automatic grouping) at the west of the arena or use the portal at north (for premade groups).
  21. Regarding your 1. point, as DRMs are the only 5-man instances that scale with player-number, I guess this might be the reason why they are locked, so people can't easily abuse the scaling.
  22. The exotic back pack isn't a normal story reward, it's the reward of an achievement, so yes, it's one time per account (like all achievments, which aren't explicitly labeled as repeatable). The normal rewards of the story are listed in the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Charge#Rewards
  23. The graphic settings are only stored locally in the local.dat-file, so they shouldn't be shared. If the game doesn't remember your settings, you should check, if there are any problems with this file.
  24. Anet is currently testing some changes for new accounts, like the mount trial and a XP-boost. As it's an A/B-test, not every new account will get it.
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