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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. It's a bit strange, yes, but it counts for magnetite shards too, but afaik it doesn't circumvent the weekly cap, so it isn't relevant for everyone who can clear enough bosses. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_Bonus_Rate_Increase
  2. The trading post uses the first in, first out principle. So yes, if you want to sell first, you have to undercut.
  3. Sadly I can't try it atm, because I need to get some of them first, but as far as I can remember they worked at least with other white trinkets. Will try it later, if the event ever starts.
  4. Normally you should be able to combine all 4 of them, have you tried different orders? They are just white trinkets, which would give a white or blue one in exchange.
  5. Point 1 - 9: The restrictions (500g per Week for mail and guild banks) were added as part of anets measures against RMT (Real Money Trading / gold sellers), hackers and theft and should protect players and also anet, so it's very unlikely they will remove it. Point 10 -11: already exists, just not for free- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vault_Transport
  6. Normally the support is helpful in such cases, just open a ticket and try it. If the license was part of a license pack it may be different.
  7. Have you tried double clicking the tickets to open the vendor, instead of the vendor-npc in lions arch etc.? The tiger-skins should be available there.
  8. The server-status is determined by WvW-hours (because it's the only mode that still uses the server-system) and not by player-numbers, so removing inactive players won't change anything.
  9. Have you tried to buy them by double clicking on the ticket too, or just at the vendors? Afaik only the vendors are bugged.
  10. The line is the staff auto-attack of the druid from the other team. Sometimes it bugs and the animation gets stuck on it's former target or in nowhere, when the target isn't available anymore.
  11. It's been some time since I did the achievment, but the shroom was bugged back then too. I watched one or two videos of newer gold-runs (with the bug), used tekkits marker pack for taco to remember the routes of the mushrooms better and a char with condi gear (even in the adventure the burning scales with parts of your gear - armor and backpack). This way I got it in a few tries.
  12. The info comes from somewhere inside the game-files, that_shaman is well known to find this secrets. His lists are rather reliable, but he can't know, if anet might change their plans later and afaik the list can also only show returning items and not sales for items that are already available, because this can't be found in the files.
  13. The items for both festivals were added with the wintersday-patch, guess that's why the first reward of the Lunar Chest was kept neutral, so it can be used for both festivals too.
  14. The last update for the chest was Dec. 14, guess the kept it neutral so they don't need a patch and can use it for both festivals, because all the New Year items were also already added with the Dec.14-Patch.
  15. I guess it's neither a bug nor it was forgotten, because the items for both festivals were already added with the wintersday-patch.
  16. The name hasn't changed, they were called Lunar Chests in the news from the Dec. 14- Patch too - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/sparkling-winter-nights-with-the-lunar-chest/
  17. The dev left anet, but said he got rather far with the project and hopes another dev can finish it. You can find more about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/rzqrq4/why_cant_anet_add_an_official_mount_wheel_option/
  18. The storage will stay the same, the associated upgrades are unlocked automatically
  19. Hi, just to be sure, you did it in the story instance and not on the normal map?
  20. It's just the name of the achievments, you can also use a char that hasn't done it before.
  21. Sadly people will always find ways to abuse the grouping systems, group leaders are nothing new and the current majority vote system was implemented because group leaders abused their power even more back when they existed.
  22. One of the devs once said in a stream, that they want to implement a vendor to exchange the redundant emblems from WvW and PvP. I don't remember the date of the stream, but I think it was over a year ago and also befor the rework of the trinkets, so I don't know, if this plan is still somewhere on the table.
  23. Firstly I don't think that voice chat is even in scope of the policy, because there is no direct interaction with the game. The overlays, game detection etc. may be an interaction, but it's not the part of this discussion. Secondly, there is an official mumble api and if this voice chat program is okay for anet, why should discord, TS etc. suddenly be banned. I like the third option, so to denunciate some discord users, because of your extremly strict interpretation of a game policy, you propose to violate the real laws of some countries?
  24. It still works for me? Don't know, if it was just down when you wrote the post, or do you have an old bookmark, because the domain was changed to .xyz (I think it was .au before) some time ago?
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