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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. Did you also kill them in the range of the camp, or have you just fought them till they retreated, because afaik the second case never counted as defence.
  2. Repeatable achievments that give AP have a limit how often you can get them. If you look at the description, you will see, that Agent of Entropy has a limit of 250 AP and Bounty Hunter 30AP.
  3. There is no big secret, you can just make it a bit better with the right tools. Mosst home instance nodes are just not there to get easy money, otherwise the tradeable ones would be even more expensive too. If you want to see how long it takes to to pay off, you can check this list: https://fast.farming-community.eu/gathering/home-nodes
  4. As I can't tell you, when or if ever the bug get fixed, something that helped me was condi gear, maybe this helps, if you haven't already tried it?
  5. For the skin excluding the aurene legendary itself (crafting cost could be found on gw2efficiency), you can find the (material-)costs here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aurene's_Facet_of_Crystal As it also needs research note, you can find the prices here, if you need them: https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/costs-per-research-note
  6. The launcher downloads all the updatet files separately, so you won't every see a speed as high as for single larger files. Especially if there are many small files to download and verify, it needs time. As an example you can take the patch from the 10th of january which contained over 130k files (one of the highest numbers I remember) and many of them under 10/100kB, the download needed ages for some people because of this.
  7. That's not the case, the vendor sell price is much lower then the buy price for all of the runes, so the minimum TP-price isn't a problem in this case.
  8. It's the same for a bunch of other crafting-materials you can get from vendors too, maybe so people can still get most of their money back , if they buy the wrong item or amount.
  9. Yes, you can now even get mats from a bunch of mobs which normally drop nothing, like all raid-mobs that give XP.
  10. I don't like it too, but I also think that spreading some made up stories, even, if it raises the awarness for this problem, isn't a good thing, it may even have the opposite effect and motivate players, if they see such large sums. Just an explanation why I doubt the story (it was removed in the meantime anyway), if efficiency wasn't just coincidentally bugged at the moment the screenshot was taken, it was already about 2 years old and maybe just copied from somewhere else. The post-history also leave some doubts.
  11. You won't get a second shipment, it's a known problem, but it seems the shop can only recognise items bought directly and not unlocks from things like the supply pack.
  12. Does the thing that shouldn't be mentiond exists, yes. Does it have some influence on the market, yes. The question is, how big is this influence and to answer this, we would need more reliable data. Some random claims on reddit don't help, especially in the case of the mentioned post, as it was very likely a fake.
  13. If you scroll further down on gw2bltc, you will see the reason for the declining price, the supply is going up and the demand is stagnating or sinking. There have been no new larger sinks for this materials in the last year(s), even the gen 3 legies need less of T6 materials than gen 1 & 2. Dust is the worst, because ectos have the same problem.
  14. The speed changes happen because it downloads 100k+ small files today, normally there are much less files.
  15. I'm sure it's not impossible as it was already possible to buy (by donating to extra life) named animals, but the problem is, that as soon as they add a NPC because of the request of one player, they will be swamped with a lot more requests and this time they are not just named animals which most of them can only be seen by wearing a special item. Just look at extra life 2022, where it was possible to get named ingame pets for 30$+ donations, I think it were 120 pets (60 cats / 60 other animals) and they were sold out within hours.
  16. Afaik it happens for a bunch of skills, if you use them when the level-up animation happens. I actually like this bug, because some animations look rather funny with the bugged posture.
  17. If we take AH as example, yes, the sniper mechanic from the NM would work, the version from the CM would be useless, but other mechanics would be useless too, like the orange and the green circle in the add-phase. The lighning-mechanic isn't so important if you are solo, just one more AoE. So it would be like the story-mode with one more mechanic. If solo-modes would be more common and rewarding, I also see another problem that may appear nearly instantly - balancing. As soon as you need specific skills like frequent boon-remove or reflects (if we imagine a solo-version of raid-bosses), or have no chance to flank (because there is no tank), or classes with a very limited boon-generation for themself etc., you may have a much more limited variety of good builds for this content / bosses.
  18. They share some assets and mechanics and I'm not sure, if it's not already the other way round, so the story instances are already the solo-mode of strikes, because at least for earlier CMs a dev once explained that they start with the hardest version and rescale the enemies and remove mechanics for the easier ones. Don't know, if it's the same for EoD-strikes, because at least the HT-instance is very different. The problem I see is that a (large) part of the challenge in group content comes from the group mechanics, if you remove all of them, without adding new ones targeted at solo players, it may just end like a hard hitting story story-boss without interesting (at least in my opinion) mechanics.
  19. The problem is, that even if the assets etc. already exist, a lot of mechanics from strikes and raids would just not work or be useless in solo-modes. So I don't think that it will be as trivial as you think, to convert raids and strikes into endgame-solo-content.
  20. No, it doesn't mean that prices will inflate, because most of the open world farms (I think the only exception is the bauble farm) rely on materials and items and not on raw gold, so they can actually remove gold via tp-taxes. If you check the tp-charts of materials you can actually find rather large inflations on the supply side, like e.g. ectos.
  21. Currently the food is still shown in the preview and as the change to the bags already happened shortly after EoD (most people just not recognized or cared about it back then) and the LNY-food can't be crafted / salvaged, I think it won't change next week.
  22. It's still in the preview and I think I checked most of the bags when the change happened some weeks after the EoD-release and as far as I remember only the Halloween- and the Wintersday-bags were affected, so I'm very sure, they were never gone from the LNY-bags. It also can't be crafted and so also not salvaged with the composter or the research kit.
  23. Let's try, I hope my calculations are correct: According to the different sources I found, the chance to get an uncommon or higher item is around 7 to 10%. So the chance to get non of this items out of 60 BLCs would be 0,18% - 1,29%.
  24. And who decided that only easy metas are allowed in open world? It seems people forgot after all the power creep of the last years and the nerfs to some events, that we had a bunch of metas / events that were harder and/or needed more organisation than DE in the past. Lets just think of LS1, reworked Tequatl, TT, DS and Gerent at release, T6 DT, etc.. I actually think it's a pity that most large scale events got so much easier over time and we lost a bunch of dedicated players, guilds and communities because of this.
  25. Which achievments do you mean, because as far as I remember all halloween achievments can be done with rental mounts too? Even the beetle race was possible befor the extension of the timer in the year the race was released. There are some races that don't work with rental mounts like the griffon-trial of the four winds festival, but I don't remeber a problem with halloween.
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