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Male Norn need some love!

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@Fluffball.8307 said:Norn in GW1 look completely identical to humans, other than their height. The GW2 female norn are not prettied up, they're actually much heavier and muscular than GW1 norn. The males in GW2 are MUCH thicker though.

GW1 norn female:Danira.jpg

Yes but you have to be aware of the technical limitations of the GW1 engine. It was probably just easier to scale the human model than to make a new one. In GW2 humans and norn are 2 different models. And yes, female norns are way heavier than human females, but have the same proportions more or less whereas males don't. And that's ok. I like how norn look in the game. Maybe tone the females more in line with the males, but whatever.

Who really needs some love are the Charr. Especially in the armor department, most of it looks atrocious lol.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Fluffball.8307 said:Norn in GW1 look completely identical to humans, other than their height. The GW2 female norn are not prettied up, they're actually much heavier and muscular than GW1 norn. The males in GW2 are MUCH thicker though.

GW1 norn female:

Yes but you have to be aware of the technical limitations of the GW1 engine. It was probably just easier to scale the human model than to make a new one. In GW2 humans and norn are 2 different models. And yes, female norns are way heavier than human females, but have the same proportions more or less whereas males don't. And that's ok. I like how norn look in the game. Maybe tone the females more in line with the males, but whatever.

Who really needs some love are the Charr. Especially in the armor department, most of it looks atrocious lol.

A load of crap considering the concept art in GW1 also showed male norn as scaled up humans.

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@Zenith.7301 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Fluffball.8307 said:Norn in GW1 look completely identical to humans, other than their height. The GW2 female norn are not prettied up, they're actually much heavier and muscular than GW1 norn. The males in GW2 are MUCH thicker though.

GW1 norn female:

Yes but you have to be aware of the technical limitations of the GW1 engine. It was probably just easier to scale the human model than to make a new one. In GW2 humans and norn are 2 different models. And yes, female norns are way heavier than human females, but have the same proportions more or less whereas males don't. And that's ok. I like how norn look in the game. Maybe tone the females more in line with the males, but whatever.

Who really needs some love are the Charr. Especially in the armor department, most of it looks atrocious lol.

A load of crap considering the concept art in GW1 also showed male norn as scaled up humans.

Well, until Anet changes something, the current Norn look is canon.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Zenith.7301 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Fluffball.8307 said:Norn in GW1 look completely identical to humans, other than their height. The GW2 female norn are not prettied up, they're actually much heavier and muscular than GW1 norn. The males in GW2 are MUCH thicker though.

GW1 norn female:

Yes but you have to be aware of the technical limitations of the GW1 engine. It was probably just easier to scale the human model than to make a new one. In GW2 humans and norn are 2 different models. And yes, female norns are way heavier than human females, but have the same proportions more or less whereas males don't. And that's ok. I like how norn look in the game. Maybe tone the females more in line with the males, but whatever.

Who really needs some love are the Charr. Especially in the armor department, most of it looks atrocious lol.

A load of crap considering the concept art in GW1 also showed male norn as scaled up humans.

Well, until Anet changes something, the current Norn look is canon.

The point is that Anet needs to change it.

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Agreed.Well, 'adjusted chest muscles' still look terrible, imo. Norn males need complete reworking, even sexual dimorphism cannot justify their appearance. I mean, yes, they do look like some stereotypical professional fighters who have undergone hormonal therapy or something in their forties, with all those massive trapezoids, flat buttocks, worn out faces and suggy tits, but hey! If norn women can be young, handsome and blossoming, why can't we have some eye-candy models for our norn men? C'mon Anet! It's not fair!

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Male Norn actually look like they are from a different game compared to every other race/gender combination. I agree with the OP entirely even though I don't play them.

Although I do take issue with some people in this thread saying Female Norn animations are very well done. Some of them look good but they still suffer from a general stiffness in feel. Running feels sluggish even though it isn't, some weapon skills don't feel very fluid like they do on Humans for example. Firing a Bow is an example that comes to mind. Norn in general need some love.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:Yeah that's kinda the problem, females should look more like norn males in terms of proportions, and not like perfectly buff supermodels. So because female norns look like supermodels, and more human like, male norns by comparison look like ogres, but human anatomy shouldn't be a reference point on how norn look since they're not human. If they made females a bit more broad shouldered and broad waists and hips, they'd look more in line with the overall norn design.

While I agree, the major issue still stands: the weird proportions and the tilted-to-one-side posture of the male Norn. They just look unnatural and deformed altogether, human or not.

Many other valid points and good statements have been made, thank you guys for that. :+1: Let's hope ANet will have a heart and take the extra time it requires to fix the (male) Norn.

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@Ardid.7203 said:I would like them to adjust both males and females to look less human, more giant-like, and more similar between themselves. More Norn, less "stretched krytans".

I would actually support this also, but I doubt it's in the cards. I do think we could hard enough for them to adjust the proportions on Norn males.

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I'm completely fine with how they are at the moment. The "corrected" version makes them look more human, which is the opposite of what should really be done. Literally all complaints here use the human-looking Norn females as a feeble crutch of an argument that just doesn't hold any water when you consider that for the umpteenth time, THEY'RE NOT HUMAN.

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@Ariurotl.3718 said:I'm completely fine with how they are at the moment. The "corrected" version makes them look more human, which is the opposite of what should really be done. Literally all complaints here use the human-looking Norn females as a feeble crutch of an argument that just doesn't hold any water

I'm sorry, but it seems like you've completely missed the point of this discussion. Whatever (or whoever) Norns are, they obviously have human bodies, and we think that their ingame models are (a)poorly done and (b)need more customisation options (both shapes and textures). Let's have a look at Braham, for example, because you can see his image just on the right side of this particular page at the moment, which is kinda funny, isn't it? He's a young athlete afaik, which is in line with his anatomy on some beautiful official concept arts (dispaying, among other things, his gorgeously muscular chest):Mf7K9My.jpg

— but in-game Braham instead has a generic swollen ~50-150 y.o.-ish :# norn body (which is the only possible appearance for player models atm, even if you can apply some minor, unsignificant changes). And if you can't see that body under Braham's fancy outfits, or refuse to examine thoroughly your own character's physique, i have a pic of my norn's weird chest (what's that? lil boobies?), so please 'take a look':TqB4kXg.jpg

And that's just a tiny part of what is a problem with norn males' anatomy, textures and animations.If you like it like that, well, good for you, dear, cause you already have it! And some ppl here simply ask for more diversity, which doesn't mean we want them norns look 'more human', no way. We want them look 'less ape', for Raven's sake! :p I mentioned norn females just for comparison, to define a 'good work'.

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  • 1 year later...

I don't really get this--just stop picking the deformed builds (which, to be fair, are almost all of them--but there's still ones that aren't)

I think my main (Male Norn) looks great and well proportioned, so it's not like it's impossible. More options would always be nice, but saying they don't exist is exaggerating.

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@"Operator.2590" said:I don't really get this--just stop picking the deformed builds

:sweat_smile: And which ones would be the non-deformed builds??

These are our options, they are all similarly deformed in the ways described by me and the others (re-read the OP for details):


P.S. In this particular example, I am using long hair to cover the triangular neck muscles and a long beard to make the head look bigger.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said::sweat_smile: And which ones would be the non-deformed builds??


No armor: Looks like a buff dude.With armor: Looks like a buff dude with awesome armor.

Perfectly fine to me. Literally the only thing I can see are slightly swol trapezius muscles--which, again, is completely normal, especially for a muscled-up giant. Unless you're trying to say having built trapes is a deformity?

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@Operator.2590 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said::sweat_smile: And which ones would be the non-deformed builds??


You must be overlooking the asymmetry and all the other issues. Well, not everyone has an eye for such things, I guess.

P.S. This is the exact same body type I selected in my OP, by the way... And yes, the head looks bigger, too, when one chooses a camera angle that's slightly from above.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:You must be overlooking the asymmetry and all the other issues. Well, not everyone has an eye for such things, I guess.

P.S. This is the exact same body type I selected in my OP, by the way...Wow, I didn't know it was possible to sound pompous over game models until now. Well, at least that's enlightening by itself.

P.S. Didn't really see anything wrong with the OP either, the photoshopped version just made it look like a scaled-up Human. Which, if you think that's what Norn are supposed to be, just shows your fallacy is a bit deeper than just game models.

Anyway, hope you find a character model you like I guess?

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