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Why are new specs 0dmg bunkers


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The beta events are a case study of why CMC's balance philosphy is flawed. 


The way Anet has chosen to do trade-offs is misguided. They need to stop trying to shoehorn these trade-off mechanics into the spec and prioritize making something fun, fluid, and functional. 


5k Fully charged Dragon's Strike crit. This is just sad. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

The beta events are a case study of why CMC's balance philosphy is flawed. 


The way Anet has chosen to do trade-offs is misguided. They need to stop trying to shoehorn these trade-off mechanics into the spec and prioritize making something fun, fluid, and functional. 


5k Fully charged Dragon's Strike crit. This is just sad. 

Having a Tradeoff is fine but not efn 5 or more without payoff. 

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12 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Because the community has made anet devs to scared to make anything do any damage, even specs meant to be high burst specs cant have high bursts or the community spams op threads. Now bunkers have bursts that equal the burst specs haha, it's sad but true.


Basically this, what happened to mesmers is happening to the whole game. I warned everyone about this years ago you guys keep on marching in this direction the whole game is gonna suffer for it. Mesmers have been dealing with this since HoT Anet has routinely destroyed the class because of tears having to make every mesmer main relearn how to play it in pvp. They even when so far as to destroy IP, Chronophantasma when every mesmer main said this is gonna destroy our class they ignored it because of tears. And ended up undoing those changes and giving back those traits cause they legit nuked an entire class over forum tears.


I don't expect any change until the community changes. Anet does what you guys want they have proven they don't have any vision of what they're own game wants to be.

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13 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Because the community has made anet devs to scared to make anything do any damage, even specs meant to be high burst specs cant have high bursts or the community spams op threads. Now bunkers have bursts that equal the burst specs haha, it's sad but true.

And what has made devs think specs need perma prot reso vigor and stuff? And 2 8k heal?….

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48 minutes ago, Filip.7463 said:

And what has made devs think specs need perma prot reso vigor and stuff? And 2 8k heal?….

When a vocal crowd of players complained that the ttk was to low they decided to do the Feb patch, unfortunately as expected the sustain was not hit across the board to match the new damage levels , the didn't account for how shroud, barriers and other sustain mechanics would function among these new damage values. They also wanted to increase the ttk but it back fired and went to far in favor of high sustain specs/builds. The balance in this game is a mess, tanky classes have equal  bursts to low sustain burst builds but also have sustained damage due to their sustain. If these damage values are to stay than classes with shroud, barriers, and multiple means to sustain itself in a fight needs to not only have its sustain nerfed a bit but their burst potentials hard nerfed that way the are in line with their lower sustain, soposed high burst classes who can't stay in a fight vs these high burst tanks to apply any sustained dps.

Onto beta using dragon trigger as a example, it's a 5 sec charge skill that roots u lmao if it were to have any chance of being viable in competitive modes it would have to take a huge chunk off of even a tanky spec to compensate for such huge drawbacks and such a long charge. If I was on a tank build and I got caught off guard by a skill like a full charge dragon trigger I 100% would expect it to almost one shot me.

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2 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

When a vocal crowd of players complained that the ttk was to low they decided to do the Feb patch, unfortunately as expected the sustain was not hit across the board to match the new damage levels , the didn't account for how shroud, barriers and other sustain mechanics would function among these new damage values. They also wanted to increase the ttk but it back fired and went to far in favor of high sustain specs/builds. The balance in this game is a mess, tanky classes have equal  bursts to low sustain burst builds but also have sustained damage due to their sustain. If these damage values are to stay than classes with shroud, barriers, and multiple means to sustain itself in a fight needs to not only have its sustain nerfed a bit but their burst potentials hard nerfed that way the are in line with their lower sustain, soposed high burst classes who can't stay in a fight vs these high burst tanks to apply any sustained dps.

Onto beta using dragon trigger as a example, it's a 5 sec charge skill that roots u lmao if it were to have any chance of being viable in competitive modes it would have to take a huge chunk off of even a tanky spec to compensate for such huge drawbacks and such a long charge. If I was on a tank build and I got caught off guard by a skill like a full charge dragon trigger I 100% would expect it to almost one shot me.

But none of the current classes has that heal and it wasnt added in feb, but now

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2 hours ago, Filip.7463 said:

But none of the current classes has that heal and it wasnt added in feb, but now

? Necros are dominant cuzthe large blanket damage nerfs left them crazy tanky via their shroud and barriers, using necro as the example but any class that had high sustainability now had even better sustainability as most skills or interactions that gave a build sustainability were made even stronger.  Yes some healscetc were slightly nerfed, especially war since its heal, mmr,strength rune etc all got nerf hammered but in general sustain was not lowered to a balanced level in comparison to the damage nerfs.

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On 9/22/2021 at 5:54 AM, Kuma.1503 said:

The beta events are a case study of why CMC's balance philosphy is flawed. 


The way Anet has chosen to do trade-offs is misguided. They need to stop trying to shoehorn these trade-off mechanics into the spec and prioritize making something fun, fluid, and functional. 


5k Fully charged Dragon's Strike crit. This is just sad. 

to be honest its funny that they even think someone gonna let you charge that dragon kitten...  the class is just bad joke.. like the whole warrior class ..   i mean..  i do love the concept that they added a whole secondary weapon so you are not forced to use dis for weapon swap cd and the saber is kinda cool but why does it need to have different range on every single skill ? 1/2 are 13 then 900 then 600 then 450 leap which never actually hit.   
the burst skills  (dragons kitten)   why does it charge so slow and you cant move no one ever ever ever gonna let you hit him.. and even if you do.. 4-5k crit at max..  really bad! 
the utility skills meh.. and bleh..  
the trait line..  garbage? 
pistol?  lame
and flow being at 100 instead of 30 adrenaline sucks bad.. and feels like it takes forever to build it for no reward really..  

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