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Bug reports (EU)

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Camps (green border, Rogue's Quarry as example) .... colour stays neutral (grey) for at least a minute after capping it for green.

SMC showed green circle when red capped it. It also showed red supply depots while the circle was green. Screenshot added after editting: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/891026099247652915/gw016.jpg. Note green circle and red supply depots. I confirm it was capped by red but cannot get inside to screenshot the portals at each gate.

More to come as I find them.

EDIT: Bizarre queues, instantly formed: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/388361359156314114/891027379923861564/gw015.jpg

I am assigned to Fortune's Vale if it matters. From Desolation, also if it matters.

Edited by Adzekul.3104
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Awesome thread.

- During World restructuring, the names of the border lands changed multiple times.

- In the new page for choosing the battle guild, there is an indicator which team you're assigned to, which is completely different from my guild (my guild is "Muuguuluu", i'm "Riesenanhöhe")


- The names of the borderlands don't match the team names at all - I don't know which teams I'm supposed to fight

/edit 2

- Reported by my guildies: They seem to be on the same map (red borderlands), and see their markings on the map, but they don't find themselves ingame. They have notifications that the player is in another instance (which shouldn't happen in WvW)

Edited by Jacer.3745
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The whole servers seem to be messed up.
Our guild was on different servers, we are all in Moogooloo now.
But everyone is on different servers. We all went to green map, but in different match-ups apparently.
Also, in wvw panel the place where you see the scores, show the servers in my match-up (I'm arborstone, they are now with Blacktide it seems?) and queued up for Aurora glade. Yet on the list of maps to go to, green border is listed as Piken Square.

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Me and my sister are both in team Skrittsburgh, we both joined red borderland, but we were on different map instances and under "B" we had different "old" server names

Edit: after we left the map, we now see the same server names

Edited by Auri.1365
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7 minutes ago, Auri.1365 said:

Me and my sister are both in team Skrittsburgh, we both joined red borderland, but we were on different map instances and under "B" we had different "old" server names

Edit: after we left the map, we now see the same server names

same situation here with guild friends being on a different "piken" than i am :'D

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3 minutes ago, Helicity.3416 said:

is your matchup window showing a matchup that your actual home server is not in by chance?


it was showing when reset happend and when got into queue first time, but now it looks like not

edit: even restarting game wont bring up home server matchup on

Edited by Dopamine.6324
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We had about 20-30 people on a map, all from different guilds and were outnumbered with a queue of 40+... other team had a group of 15 I saw, the 3rd team I saw nobody from. Seems it's not letting enough people into each map or they're in different instances of the same map as some people have said.

Also my team shows as Dragon's Claw but on the scoreboard it shows as SFR/Miller's Sound neither of which are my server (it's GH). Other teams show as Jade Sea and Gandara/Vizunah

Edited by Tartan.2408
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I seem to be bugged beyond believe. I originally made sure Far shiverpeaks would be my home server. I queued up for Far shiverpeaks home bl ( I saw it was named like that aswell ) and half way the queu the names switched to Whiteside/Underworld/Gunnar. The queue ended, i pressed to enter it and i got a message the borderland was fulll. I just rebooted the game and it still shows Whiteside/Gunnar/Underworld. I am not in the world i wanted to be...

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Huges queues showing everywhere. But that is normal I guess. On reset and especially with the beta and everyone wanting to try. (Need to balance this to get a bit lower queues though for the real start. Here 60+ on EBG and even OS has queue.)

I will try to play in 2 hours or so. Weird is that the WvW window shows server link names while I (solo player + no guild selected) get a team shown in that last newly added tab.

Shouldn't it be teams then instead of the server/link names at the first tab with the WvW stats?
(And yes - as someone said above - the links/servers are not my home server. I guess these should be the team names but just randomly using link stuff from the severs of the major guilds in that teams we currently have in the matchup?)

Also: Is there an option to see which guilds/players are in the same team? Or is this hidden and you only know it by chatting and getting to know them when on the map?

Edited by Luthan.5236
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4 minutes ago, Dopamine.6324 said:

it was showing when reset happend and when got into queue first time, but now it looks like not

edit: even restarting game wont bring up home server matchup on

I think *somewhere* in the system we're still in our server mu instead of alliance mu, and it's trying to send player to a mu they "don't belong" according to that system

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It looks like there are multiple instances of the maps for one matchup.
i and my teammates can see the same queues, and while they are heavily outnumbered on their instance of the map, we have no enemys and can take everything easy.
Also we can see the same matchup points and the same colors on the towers, keeps, ...

Edit: colors are them same except on the map we are on atm

Edited by titibu.7614
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