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Fix Poison Modifiers


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You nerfed Mallyx yet again by changing everything to multiplicative. Just fix the core issues already.


By changing Resistance to only non-damaging effects but Poison apparently ignored even though it's not a damaging effect, Empowering Misery is a terrible skill no matter how you use it. Thinking adding Resolution would alleviate the issue to Pain Absorption yet that boon isn't shared to teammates nor does it nullify Poison effects. Shiro has more clears than Mallyx, a legend that is supposed to specialize in conditions, Transfers are specialization based, not utility based. It has nothing to hold itself together, even as a PvE spec other than a key mash of damage.


Please address this issue so that Mallyx can be played. While it may be playable with only condition damage modifiers, it deserves to at least have the Poison immunity, so does the entire other professions as it currently stands Resistance is weak, low and almost irrelevant.

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Poison is a damaging effect.  However, it might be interesting if you could clear the dot by healing.  It could be an interesting trade off;  burn your heal at reduced effect get rid of damaging condition.


Maybe confusion could do something similar.  Confusion could be a high damage dot that is reduced, by a quarter, if you use a weapon skill; auto attack excluded.  Except, as you use your weapon skills they are put on a much higher cool down.


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Surprised that many misses the point, if nullifying healing by 33% is a "damaging effect" then protection and resolution should count as an healing effect which makes no sense whatsoever because they're not healing me just like 33% less healing isn't hurting me but preventing, just like protection and resolution does.


If we're not gonna do the fix universally for anyone, at least fix Mallyx healing and sustain to work properly, it's in an unforgivable state of high risk no reward in the entire game as suicide buttons if ever played properly.

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1 hour ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

People are suprised cuz u aint clear enough. Should have said right away that you mean the reduced 33% healing effect. Anyways Mallyx is trash thanks Anet

Even after it's being elaborated. Nobody gets it. Anet did move the topic here for whatever reason when it affects everyone.

Edited by Shao.7236
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21 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

Even after it's being elaborated. Nobody gets it. Anet did move the topic here for whatever reason when it affects everyone.

They moved it here because your opening sentence (and most of the post) addresses revenant specifically.  It’s really easy to get Threads moved, especially to sub forums, if the goal of the post isn’t clear.  I don’t think your original post is clear enough that you’re discussing poison in a broad sense and not in a “only revenant” sense. 

Regardless I agree with you.  Poison’s secondary effect not being affected by resistance is asinine and Pain Absorption is absolutely still a suicide button even after they added a paltry amount of resolution to it.  Mallyx’s identity is scrambled now and the core concepts don’t work well in the current iteration 

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On 10/7/2021 at 7:02 AM, Shao.7236 said:

Surprised that many misses the point, if nullifying healing by 33% is a "damaging effect" then protection and resolution should count as an healing effect which makes no sense whatsoever because they're not healing me just like 33% less healing isn't hurting me but preventing, just like protection and resolution does.


If we're not gonna do the fix universally for anyone, at least fix Mallyx healing and sustain to work properly, it's in an unforgivable state of high risk no reward in the entire game as suicide buttons if ever played properly.


Nullifying healing by 33% isn't a damaging effect. The bit where it does damage is the damaging effect. Poison does both.

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2 hours ago, Ben K.6238 said:


Nullifying healing by 33% isn't a damaging effect. The bit where it does damage is the damaging effect. Poison does both.

Damage can stay, nullifying the healing cannot if Resistance is at play. It causes way way way more havoc by merely existing as a random condition with it's secondary effect than the actual damage against players in any builds, Resolution does not compensate in anyway since the damage can be low and still be extremely effective. That is overpowered with it's really common application with some professions, fact being that even 2 auto attack chains in the game have it and things like Mallyx greatly suffer because it cannot do "anything" about it. Guardian is the hard second because all healings don't have clears and there's no counterplay to it other than cleansing.


Sigil of Doom is quite literally a pro choice because even if it's just 1 stack, the condition gets covered easily by anything else if you don't ever re-apply it, for just one stack under many scenario's you have to waste a clear to not have your healing potential ruined when there's multiple utilities with Resistance that could be used and add to the variety of options, as stupidly useless Resistance is right now.

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I can see the merit in that, but I wouldn't be too surprised if the gameplay code doesn't support partially disabling a condition at the moment. Mallyx is suffering mainly because the entire concept was designed around using resistance to negate damage, and now that it does everything but negate damage, Mallyx doesn't work very well. (Surprise!)


The legend and corruption line could both use a rebuild, in my opinion. Something that takes the same theme of feeding on conditions, but implemented in a way that makes sense with the current game mechanics.

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6 hours ago, Ben K.6238 said:

I can see the merit in that, but I wouldn't be too surprised if the gameplay code doesn't support partially disabling a condition at the moment. Mallyx is suffering mainly because the entire concept was designed around using resistance to negate damage, and now that it does everything but negate damage, Mallyx doesn't work very well. (Surprise!)


The legend and corruption line could both use a rebuild, in my opinion. Something that takes the same theme of feeding on conditions, but implemented in a way that makes sense with the current game mechanics.

They could, but here's something to take from it.


Mallyx does play fine right now with Resolution, it can be used if properly handled by the player, tough be doable, it's only when Poison starts to come in that everything falls apart. I am all for not having total immunity to condition damage, it's fun, I always played purely with modifiers and only had Resistance for the Empowering Misery. The recovery is where it's impossible because Poison can't be specifically countered, ruining any hope of surviving.


There is place in the traitline to improve Resolution effectiveness like Engineer has with Overshield from 33% to 40%, Resistance does need serious increase in durations too.


So much to be done but is constantly neglected, I do think Poison is not just a Mallyx issue but game wide issue because of how Resistance is bad now, it's no wonder that on top of untouched pets coff like drake, broken immobilize spam that isn't properly implemented to be countered more reasonably and the Poison spam via weapons and traits that Ranger is overperforming a lot.

Finally, since Revenant modifiers are no longer additive, it's impossible to get full condition damage immunity with good combos, which is quite disappointing.

Edited by Shao.7236
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Soulbeast also has a trait that grants HP on inflicting poison, so poison spam is beneficial to their sustain whether it's a damaging condition or not. I don't think poison is one of the more dangerous conditions in raw damage, so the heal penalty does make it more interesting. But whether it's one stack or 20, poison certainly does make everything else more dangerous if you can't keep it off (which is a typical Revenant problem).


If Replenishing Despair changed the poison heal mod from -33% to +20%, that might be a rather appropriate solution to the Mallyx theme...

Edited by Ben K.6238
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Make the healing scale from stacks numbers.


June 23, 2015  
  • All damage conditions will now stack up to 1500 times.
  • This condition will now stack in intensity.
  • Poison's healing reduction will not depend on the number of stacks. Any poison will result in a static -33%, just as it currently does.
  • The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat.
  • New damage over time: 3.5 + (0.375 * Level) + (0.06 * Condition Damage)
Edited by Aeolus.3615
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5 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Make the healing scale from stacks numbers.


June 23, 2015  
  • All damage conditions will now stack up to 1500 times.
  • This condition will now stack in intensity.
  • Poison's healing reduction will not depend on the number of stacks. Any poison will result in a static -33%, just as it currently does.
  • The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat.
  • New damage over time: 3.5 + (0.375 * Level) + (0.06 * Condition Damage)

I can get behind such change, although that would make it really underpowered for some classes since some have little access. Sometimes only once per 10 second.

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Mallyx is totally fubar since the resolution/resistance changes recently, however anet probably won't decide to devote engineering hours to another core rev overhaul until sometime after eod, probably when we're in to the next living world saga. Since that's about the time in the release cycle where we got the last major core rev overhaul.

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15 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

I can get behind such change, although that would make it really underpowered for some classes since some have little access. Sometimes only once per 10 second.

Probably yes that would happen, but buffing it would also make poisong to strong in other specs/builds.

With the ammount of condi tanks  in current WvW isnt that hard to keep pressure with condis


24 minutes ago, Jthug.9506 said:

Mallyx is totally fubar since the resolution/resistance changes recently, however anet probably won't decide to devote engineering hours to another core rev overhaul until sometime after eod, probably when we're in to the next living world saga. Since that's about the time in the release cycle where we got the last major core rev overhaul.

Easy... do what some players have been saying:

Reduce Pain Abstortion energy from 30 to 15 and increase CD to 2 -4 sec's, increase the self gain on resistance and resolution.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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