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Merged thread - Bot's in PVP. How can I make this thread official?


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Thank you for bringing all of these threads together (including one from me, after my entire team proved to be bots one morning).


This is Arenanet's shame. They know their system is being extensively abused; that PvP is becoming unplayable and corrupted. Yet month after month, they not only take no action but STAY SILENT.


Really - shame on them. 

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Nice summary, that alone should make you (ANet) think about the miserable state. 💩😫 But yeah, this is long overdue, ... 🕧😠🌪️

ANet should find other and further ways to make money 💎 (and there are plenty of them) 💰 instead of breaking their own rules ⚖️ and allowing bots 🤖 just because they sell copies. ANet knows exactly what's going on! 🙈

If I want to buy an offline game, or want to fight NPC's exclusively, I won't buy GW2 in the first place (especially if 2/3 game modes are PvP oriented modes)! 💤💤💤

As I mentioned before, find (other) ways to make money that are also accepted and/or tolerated by the majority of the community. Especially in the PvP areas. Issues like that shouldn't have to be mentioned x amount of times until something happens. It is simply not fun and drives more players away than it brings. If that's your plan (to drive people away), then congratulations, keep it going!

You want to offer the community a great gaming experience 🤡 (haha, blah blah) - then do something about it, and not just in theory or on paper 📝 or with announcements 📣 like: "We are constantly improving our system or working on improving the reporting system". Just do it! ‼️



We value your input. We make this game for you.

Source: Mike O'Brien (even if he no longer works in the company)

Edited by Metzie.3451
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2 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

at this point this is getting to the spam category
I know there are bots.
you know there are bots
devs know there are bots
nothing is being done, nothing has EVER been done, and nothing will ever be done about it

I think its nice for our public record of complaints to be complied in one area.

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6 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

at this point this is getting to the spam category
I know there are bots.
you know there are bots
devs know there are bots
nothing is being done, nothing has EVER been done, and nothing will ever be done about it


Let me fix the last line for you.


We (the PVP community) are NOT ok with the fact that nothing is being done, we are NOT ok with the fact that nothing has EVER been done, and most certainly are100% NOT ok with the decision that nothing will ever be done. 

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3 minutes ago, anjo.6143 said:

Would u freak out if I told you 90% bots are better than actual human gw2 pvpers?

well, go to dragon fall, join any meta, quickly realize that out of 50 people only 5 deal more then 10k dps, realize that as a healbrand I have more dps then 90% of my party, lose faith in humanity

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11 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

well, go to dragon fall, join any meta, quickly realize that out of 50 people only 5 deal more then 10k dps, realize that as a healbrand I have more dps then 90% of my party, lose faith in humanity

sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true, sadly true

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18 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:

Would u freak out if I told you 90% bots are better than actual human gw2 pvpers?

I know this is a bit of joke but imma still respond.

You are correct that bots are better than some players , but 90% is a bit of a cruel estimate.


1. Players can learn. They may be worse than bots now, but humans have the ability to learn and improve.


2. Bot's preform skill rotations perfectly and can out preform many new and even some vet players. The thing is, like many fighting games, they have set behaviors and patterns they follow. A  player doesn't need to play skill rotations better, they just need to learn the set pattern of the bot and it is gg.


3. Players can make better judgement calls. When it comes to the 5v5 node based gameplay of GW2, I have seen humans make the awful rotation decisions. But a bot cannot make those decisions at all. You can ping the map all day long and they cant reevaluate their rotation decision.


18 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

well, go to dragon fall, join any meta, quickly realize that out of 50 people only 5 deal more then 10k dps, realize that as a healbrand I have more dps then 90% of my party, lose faith in humanity

First, PVE lacks the decisions that lead to victory like in PVP. What is my opponent doing? Where should I go? Thoes decisions lead to victory.


Bots do skill rotations perfectly; so, in a game mode that doesnt require thought, I bet they do play better than the majority of human players.


When I play meta events in PVE I feel like I could just log out and the outcome wouldn't change. I also feel the same way in WVW. I find it sooooooo hard to not just watch a movie and just kinda let my auto 1 skill go off and hit things. In large scale combat I am not important, so I I find getting motivated hard and then I dont try. Bots dont need to be motivated, they just play perfectly no matter what.


I just want to play with humans only in PVP for better or worse. Also if match making was better I wouldn't get placed with players that would be worse than bots, because given if they cant do skill rotations better they can definitely rotate better in higher tiers.

Edited by Wild.1705
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