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Mechanist was my last hope for a cool elite spec


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On 10/26/2021 at 8:44 PM, displacedTitan.6897 said:

Sure it looks very cool and in casual openworld pve where you can literally select any combination of gear/traits/utilities it will be fine. This cannot be the bar against which we judge a new spec, or an old one frankly, every spec should be COMPETITIVE in at least one of those modes or its just a failure. As it is this wont be used in Fractals/Raids (high level PvE), WvW (roaming or zerg play) or sPVP. 


Well currently in BETA it is being used in those area's and with success. Sure it is BETA but everyone was already stating the eSpec was DoA and well look at that it isn't.

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Mechanist is SO fun that the fact that I'll lose all the loot I earn with it hasn't stopped me from playing it a lot.  I could finish off the legendary item I'm working on with the loot that will be thrown away at the end of the beta but that's okay, this is a game and I'm having FUN!

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On 10/29/2021 at 1:36 PM, RobinotX.1604 said:


Well currently in BETA it is being used in those area's and with success. Sure it is BETA but everyone was already stating the eSpec was DoA and well look at that it isn't.


Ofc. people were using it in those area's; People were beta testing it. I strongly disagree with you on it being a "succes" in WvW and sPvP, where it very much are DoA as we expected it to be.
That people have individual experiences of succes in unranked matches and 1vs1 duels against people in WvW does not deem it a succes in anyway. In special not when Mechanist were hard carried by bugs like 25 permanent might stacks.
And even then Mechanist got hardcore stomped by any PvP players that knew how to either break the mech breakbar or burst the mechanist fast.

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On 10/26/2021 at 12:45 AM, Kahrgan.7401 said:

But instead of big robot arm punchy kit, we get a pet.


I havent been less excited about an expansion pack in any game than I am right now.

It's either going to be OP or it will be lame and reworked in a year (cough scrapper cough)

Pet AI isn't fun to me. It's like playing a trap class, passive dmg is  lame. 

Exactly this. Every elite beata for EoD has killed my interest in Gw2 a little more. Mechanist has basically ended what little interest remained for exactly these reasons. Anet have never successfully balanced pets. Not once. They've never fixed pet ai and I don't think they will or can. And it's not just the Ai, it's the swarm of identical looking pets "you invented" the flavor text says but they all look exactly the same. Even Ranger gets SOME variety.

I pre-ordered EoD. I knew I shouldn't but I enjoyed GW2 so it was worth the risk, I thought. But the boring elite specs, which are different for the sake of difference but add nothing of value to the game or the classes whatsoever and worse, several of them have repaeated mistakes from HoT, mistakes that have only been fixed in the last year or two and fixed by removing the source of the problem! Single Ally targetting, proven failure thanks to Function Gyro, it was turned into a ground-targetted AoE. Engineer having pets or pets in general, proven failure thanks to gyros, turrets, Ranger, Guardian Spirits. Soulbeast showed us the best form for pets by allowing us to merge them, then release them every 10 seconds, but they've even failed to learn THIS lesson with mechanist and Untamed.

Most of the new especs as they stand are just the core version of the class with extra bits, or unnecessary complexity added or they're clearly designed to be flashy, basically to sell pre-orders but having no substance beyond that. Mechanist and Bladesworn are the most obviously problematic as their design is so bad that either the spec must necessarily be absurdly overpowered and damage game balance or they will be completely worthless. Something you can see by comparing their PvE performance to WvW/PvP. How on Earth did this simple fact, that Anet has known from the beta of the original release of GW2, allow these specs to get past concept and into the beta testing? The only answer I can think of is that they don't care anymore. This isn't about creating a good game.

Then there's the crappy boats with their terrible animation which I find it hard to believe will be fixed. The fishing. kitten why is fishing a mastery? Why are the boats? Every release preview just disappoints me further.

Oh and then I got my second 9th birthday and the dye pack wasn't in it. Which just showed how cheap and crappy anet have become.

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On 10/26/2021 at 12:32 PM, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Well this is a beta, they can very well rework the class before the full release if it's catastrophic.


I want to be optimistic while keeping my expectation low and think Anet will make the Golem AI not too bad.




At best it will be exactly the same as Ranger pet AI. Which is basically what we've seen in the beta. So no. This is it. This is the Ai.

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