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Player's Personal Siege Cap


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Imaging doing this to nightcappings servers who play mostly when 90% of enemies sleep. Make siege limit on every border every night so they have to literally PVD doors 😂 For that purpuse i can evem make an alt account to laugh at off -hours bandwagonners stacked on few servers.

Edited by Daredevil.2745
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1 hour ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

Imaging doing this to nightcappings servers who play mostly when 90% of enemies sleep. Make siege limit on every border every night so they have to literally PVD doors 😂 For that purpuse i can evem make an alt account to laugh at off -hours bandwagonners stacked on few servers.

... doesnt that mean you also play when 90% of the enemy sleep, and thus is a nightcapper?

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For one, you can't call a player a nightcapper if they are in a different time zone and only play during their time zone. Secondly, the ones who agree with this sort of behavior are the players from the rival servers who have the trolls causing this kind of havoc.


I propose, and I know it is possible, that a siege limit per player per map zone be implemented. I personally witnessed this person waste supplies for the last 2 weeks. You can't defend a keep/tower with no supplies or siege. Not every server has multiple hacks/cheats to clear a mob of 50 with only 20. Multiple reports were sent in, nothing has been done and has continued to not get done.


Lastly, if a person who generally plays PvP above all else in the game, makes one report on a player with hacks, that player gets banned. But, if there is a daily/unrelenting disgusting server troll, nothing gets done. Pretty sure that in the long run, Anet will lose those have spent 100's if not 1000's on this game, because their complaints are not being addressed.


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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

... doesnt that mean you also play when 90% of the enemy sleep, and thus is a nightcapper?

I'm usually on outnumbered side, not on a bandwagonned side. That's a big difference. I don't pay to win. People who pay to stack and outnumber enemies at offhours deserve such kind of behaviour.

Edited by Daredevil.2745
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3 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

I'm usually on outnumbered side, not on a bandwagonned side. That's a big difference. I don't pay to win. People who pay to stack and outnumber enemies at offhours deserve such kind of behaviour.

But..,  still a night capper……


you play in ‘off hours’.  That is the definition you and others have used…

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3 hours ago, FauxFire.7209 said:

For one, you can't call a player a nightcapper if they are in a different time zone and only play during their time zone. Secondly, the ones who agree with this sort of behavior are the players from the rival servers who have the trolls causing this kind of havoc.


I propose, and I know it is possible, that a siege limit per player per map zone be implemented. I personally witnessed this person waste supplies for the last 2 weeks. You can't defend a keep/tower with no supplies or siege. Not every server has multiple hacks/cheats to clear a mob of 50 with only 20. Multiple reports were sent in, nothing has been done and has continued to not get done.


Lastly, if a person who generally plays PvP above all else in the game, makes one report on a player with hacks, that player gets banned. But, if there is a daily/unrelenting disgusting server troll, nothing gets done. Pretty sure that in the long run, Anet will lose those have spent 100's if not 1000's on this game, because their complaints are not being addressed.


So….  How many pieces is the cap to be set at?  5?



What arbitrary number is Ok?

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14 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

But..,  still a night capper……

i don't cap, i even tell everyone not to recap anything and simpy log off to make enemies bored. if they all offhour players want to stack in 1-2 place and faceroll others, they should be punished in this (boredom) or that (map siege cap limit) way

So i fully support what this player does and i will do it myself! This is increadibly efficent way to stop night karmatrains and kitten off enemies btw. I like it

Edited by Daredevil.2745
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1 hour ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

i don't cap, i even tell everyone not to recap anything and simpy log off to make enemies bored. if they all offhour players want to stack in 1-2 place and faceroll others, they should be punished in this (boredom) or that (map siege cap limit) way

So i fully support what this player does and i will do it myself! This is increadibly efficent way to stop night karmatrains and kitten off enemies btw. I like it

Good for you!  You go girl!!


Oh wait, let me edit this:  You go ‘person of unknown gender’.

Edited by Strider Pj.2193
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You can not solve this that easily with siege caps.

Any siege cap per player could ruin a PUG commander's day, because he would have to rely on siege drops of his squad at the right spot after the 2nd or 3rd tower and would have to mess around with mailing blueprints to squad members.

Then you could make exceptions like a higher personal cap, if you lead a squad or something, but at this point it's getting confusing and it is questionable if this is worth the effort of integrating it into the game just because of one troll, even if this specific one is persistent.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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While a nice idea there's no way the limit should be lower than 10, since breaking into t3 keeps sometimes require 4+ siege on each wall or gate. Anything lower than that would be a major inconvenience to commanders who do the majority of siege dropping in the game, why punish all of them for a couple trolls in the game?


You could take it further and reduce the duration timer on cata's and rams, to a none refreshable 10 mins.


Lastly, you people care too much about trolls/spies, and give them too much attention.

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On 10/26/2021 at 3:11 AM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Personal player's siege capping on any one map.  This is to prevent/counter siege troll.

Our personal siege troll who used to build golem, pull the tactivators and used up all the supply everywhere, has today come up with new way to troll the server, by siege capping our map for several hours, we can't drop any siege anywhere on the map.  See picture, I have a video where I run to enemy tower, to drop a cata and was told that I am unable to deploy siege at the location


One player get to drop 2 of each type of siege on one WvW map, they can drop another set  at an  interval of 45 minutes in any objective/structure, tower/keep and its vincinity  in the same map. 
Commander can have a higher siege cap depending on the size of their squad.


I disagree with this. Terrible idea that harms people that don't abuse the system.


Personally I enjoy being a SMC defense builder.  Its one of my favorite roles outside of group support.

Its not a rewarding play style since you don't get participation unless a squad leader shares participation.  But its still a fun role for helping the faction. From observation,  I noticed that in most cases if left to be, most players don't build defensive sieges.  So usually left to a few players or sometimes one player to do all the work (Supply Running, Siege drop,Siege Building, Siege use). Now you are proposing to remove this ability pretty much.

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On 10/26/2021 at 5:06 AM, msalakka.4653 said:

In the long run a personal siege cap will hurt you more than it will help.

Siege expiration timers could be looked at, however. I see no reason why a ram only lives for 20 minutes while a catapult lives for 60.

Because Rams have only one role and role usage at that, unlike catas which can be used offensively and defensively. On the offensive side it can attack both walls and gates unlike Ram which only attack gates.

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5 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

I disagree with this. Terrible idea that harms people that don't abuse the system.


Personally I enjoy being a SMC defense builder.  Its one of my favorite roles outside of group support.

Its not a rewarding play style since you don't get participation unless a squad leader shares participation.  But its still a fun role for helping the faction. From observation,  I noticed that in most cases if left to be, most players don't build defensive sieges.  So usually left to a few players or sometimes one player to do all the work (Supply Running, Siege drop,Siege Building, Siege use). Now you are proposing to remove this ability pretty much.

tldr: this is a good solution to counter siege troll.

1) If you do not have shares participation from a squad, most probably you will not have people using the multiple siege you dropped
2) 45 minutes before you can drop another set is enough time for supply to grow and you to start building the next set
3) If you do not have back up you will only be able to operate 1 siege, therefore do not need to have the whole place siege up. Usually no one even uses the build siege. 
4) if you intend to have 4 trebs to hit the enemy outer tower, you still have 45 minutes interval to do that, build first set, treb the first tower, take it, go on the next one. 
5) If you do have back up coming, the commander and players arriving can drop more siege when they actually come to defend. 

6) i can go on, 

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11 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

tldr: this is a good solution to counter siege troll.

1) If you do not have shares participation from a squad, most probably you will not have people using the multiple siege you dropped
2) 45 minutes before you can drop another set is enough time for supply to grow and you to start building the next set
3) If you do not have back up you will only be able to operate 1 siege, therefore do not need to have the whole place siege up. Usually no one even uses the build siege. 
4) if you intend to have 4 trebs to hit the enemy outer tower, you still have 45 minutes interval to do that, build first set, treb the first tower, take it, go on the next one. 
5) If you do have back up coming, the commander and players arriving can drop more siege when they actually come to defend. 

6) i can go on, 

I take it ALL you do is defend?

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