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Target Painter and Supply Traps + Template Swap


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I noticed that since the build/equipment template changes the target painter and supply traps disappear when swapping templates. Was that an intentional change or is it a bug?

I can see the reasons why they remove buffs even if I don't necessarily agree with it. But I don't see how removing the players traps could be beneficial as it has nothing to do with the template you are using. If it's a bug I wish it would get fixed soon, if it's an intended change I wish I knew the reason.

Edited by Fenrir.8619
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I also don't see how this could be beneficial for WvW, quite the contrary, it must be a bug. Regardless of the build template you are using you always had the right to have only one painter and one supply trap placed anywhere. Now you have to choose between having a trap placed somewhere to warn you someone is coming or being able to make any changes to your build at all.

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Pretty sure it's a bug, by doing that you would basically invalidate an interesting feature of WvW. I use traps very often on the way to supply camps to see if someone is going there, or inside keeps get a warn if someone is hiding inside it. Part of the fun of WvW is people trying to hide inside keeps and other people trying to find them. I hope they fix it soon.

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When they made the change, they stated that traps would be removed.  I don't think it's a bug in the sense that removing traps is unintended, but it may be a bug in the sense that they neglected to consider traps that aren't a part of class loadouts.

Said traps disappearing on respawn is a huge blow to WvW defense but, honestly, that doesn't seem to be on their radar so I think we just have to get used to it.

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There's a good reason why player skill traps would disappear and I totally agree that they should, but WvW traps are a totally different case because it doesn't matter which template you are currently using you will always have the right to have one of each type placed somewhere. WvW traps are such an interesting and fun feature of WvW and I really wish they would fix this soon.

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11 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

They dont disappear on respawn.

They do however disappear on template swap and that was intentional.

They were disappearing on respawn as of a few weeks ago when I was playing.  The patch notes also stated that respawning was one of the triggers to remove traps.

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It's a simple bug that should have been fixed some time ago as I have reported it many times as well, and this is not the first post about it either.

While they are at it, they should also be reduced in cost, they are far to expensive and require supply as well, should also be allowed to place at least 2 of each just have a range restriction on the supply trap placed by the same person so they can't supply bomb a group. Very few people use traps as it is because of this and now this bug even less people bother with them, and the people who do use them are the exact same handful roamers that always place them.

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On 11/10/2021 at 10:53 AM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Think they were referring to character skills but yea it's a annoying bug that doesn't make much sense. Supply traps and stuff have nothing to do with your build.


It's unfortunate but I think in the code it crosses paths under 'traps' label. Maybe they can find a different way to implement painter traps etc to not be counted as a build/skill trap so template swaps do not affect them. They probably could but maybe it's low priority.

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  • 2 months later...

Here it is 2 months later, still not fixed. 

Traps are still disappearing upon death and respawn.  The gear icon is missing from siege indicating if it is for another team (have to walk up to them to see the "Press F to use").  Back to the traps, per the Guild Wars 2 wiki: "Traps will disappear when a player leaves the map. When placed, traps last for one hour." (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trap_(environmental_weapon)).  Comeon Arena Net, fix the bugs you introduce.  These bug are easy to reproduce, and the fix should be a simple IF ((obj.id == 41291) || (obj.id == 42834)) && (obj.removeTime() <= systime()) { /* Place remove trap code here */}...

Edited by Morden Kain.3489
Oops, I had less than or equal to. Fixed.. See ANet, just that simple! Re-read my code, it should be less than or equal. See, fixed.. AGAIN!
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Traps disappearing on template-swap (and even potentially gear swap iirc) is intentional. This was introduced with the patch that added an automatic "cleanup" on template/equipment swap. Just like Combo-Fields stopping to work and active ground effects getting disabled (even though the visuals remain) on template/equipment swap. Until this point, everything is intentional. 

however: traps despawning on death... that´s one i´m not sure if it is intentional or not, so that may be a bug (but that´s just an assumption, it could be intentional)

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Skill traps, yes, on template swap, death, and map change should disappear.  The WvW environmental traps should not disappear on template swap or death (map change yes).  I can understand the confusion between these two traps, as ... well ... the names are identical.  The OP mentioned specifically the WvW environmental traps "Supply Trap" and "Target Painter Trap", not the skill traps that specific classes put down.  This is why it is a bug.

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19 hours ago, Morden Kain.3489 said:

Skill traps, yes, on template swap, death, and map change should disappear.  The WvW environmental traps should not disappear on template swap or death (map change yes).  I can understand the confusion between these two traps, as ... well ... the names are identical.  The OP mentioned specifically the WvW environmental traps "Supply Trap" and "Target Painter Trap", not the skill traps that specific classes put down.  This is why it is a bug.



Sadly, the developers don't seem particularly aware of WvW-specific elements of the game. I remember them looking at each other and shrugging when I mentioned that Tactics and Improvements could do with a review. It's understandable - the game is very big and there are so many things that have had the Implement-and-Ignore treatment. 

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Something tells me that there will never be a response from a developer within this forum topic, let alone any current forum topic, as they are busting their kittens to get the next great bug out the door "End of Dragons".  Yeah ANet developers and community moderators, I am calling you out on your severe lack of communication within this WvW forum. 

Yes, they do respond, only when they get called out... sometimes.  Of course the typical response will be "We are working on making WvW a better experience for everyone.  Your complaint has been noted and passed on to the Dev Team."

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