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Just throwing this out there, but why is conquest the only game mode?


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It just honestly feels weird to be that in Ranked pvp, its all conquest just with slight alterations to conquest. Where's the pure pvp no pve map? Some deathmatch? Can go 99 kills in a match and still lose cause mah conquest. Just had a match where I was a part of the majority in kills, and defence kills and damage from both sides, and yet we lost simply due to them having 2 players that could tank my other 4 teammates combined. If it was deathmatch, then at least that wouldn't be able to happen as we'd have to work together to take down targets not just camping nodes that win the game automatically. 

No CTF, no King of the hill, no 10 player single battle where you are all teamed cept the person winning whose against everyone constant 9v1, no extra game modes at all. Just conquest, conquest, and more conquest, for 9 years? how are people not incredibly bored of ranked pvp yet. No wonder its dying, removing premades and no new innovation and bad balancing between classes and botting. And don't say that one map where its just conquest but a thing to capture counts, cause it doesn't. 
Or is it like this purely because Anet devs love to actually force a 50% win ratio so hard that conquest is just easier to force it as it can't be gimmicked like a 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 could as skill would actually matter then and we'd need good balancing instead of the system just deciding if your next match is a win or loss where the devs can just forget the game mode exists. (I Find it extremely dumb that if I lose a 500-100 match, I'm instantly just put on the other side of that and win 500-100, both games are boring. I'd much rather every game be like a 500/400+ win/loss I don't care about losing or winning if the fight is actually fun and balanced.) 

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Conquest mode should be completed but not wiped off

The strategy in conquest allows so many choices of templates and options to win the game by covering the node during the 10 min of the fight

Of course, in a deathmatch, players will change their builds only in order to be competitive in the fast and only one teamfight of the game

An unbalanced combination can't be disorganised 

I often see defeats in the conquest mode due to players who only focused dammages or kills in each situation.

And i find funny to be happy to be the first in this statistic while the result of the game have focused the attention of other players before kills

Sure that in a deathmatch game, each player  focuss the kill, not the points and not sure that the performance of kills in conquest will go on for players with this only one objective for everyone...

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Probably because deathmatch is an extremely weak game mode, it is entirely decided by the numbers that the developers decided to give you rather than your actual skill.


Conquest means that if you are countered at one node, you can focus on a completely different node and still be relevant in the game, this is where your skill comes, in choosing what to fight and when to fight it as opposed to just mashing attacks until the enemy team is dead.


Conquest also ensures that the only relevant gameplay is not just 100% damage with a healer to heal, tanks (bunkers) can therefore actually be relevant in a ranked scenario because of this where otherwise they would not do nearly enough damage or anything to win anything.


There is then also the matter that a ranked system REQUIRES a single game mode to function or else the rating is meaningless, someone wins 30 times in deathmatch only to get destroyed in conquest 30 times does not make for a fair rating system, you would also not be to plan your builds accordingly for 5 different game modes without a lot of specific pvp templates saved.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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On 11/21/2021 at 8:41 PM, Gorem.8104 said:

It just honestly feels weird to be that in Ranked pvp, its all conquest just with slight alterations to conquest.

That's because despite the insistent complaining about wanting new game modes, whenever anet actually adds new game modes, people ignore them and only want to play conquest.

Secretly, people just like conquest.

It's true you know.

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8 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

That's because despite the insistent complaining about wanting new game modes, whenever anet actually adds new game modes, people ignore them and only want to play conquest.

Secretly, people just like conquest.

It's true you know.

It's more like the other modes they add are objectively terrible. Conquest is the only gamemode they properly balance for(well, relatively). 

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I would love to see a serious attempt made at CTF. 


There was a half-hearted try for this with the Spirit Watch map, but it failed for a few reasons:

1) It tried to just stuff a CTF mechanic into a Conquest game mode.

2) The map is waaaay too small for any serious strategy.


I think the devs at the time blamed the combat mechanics for the imbalance because high mobility/tanky classes were too effective at carrying the orb.  GW2 PvP mechanics are tough to balance for any sort of escort mechanic, but that's just exacerbated with a small map.  Without a long distance to travel, certain classes can just blast through to their objective on a single use of cooldowns before the other team has a chance to counterplay.


Their stop-gap fix also causes a lot of problems.  By replacing all the player's skills with 3 abilities, they effectively standardized orb carrying, but doing this removed so much of the actual gameplay from the person carrying the orb, which just isn't fun.  It also strips down the strategy involved in the orb to be overly-simplistic.


Making CTF work in GW2 is something that I believe is possible, but it will take some creativity and significant investment to implement.  It would really need to be a whole new game mode built almost from the ground up and I sadly don't think that's something the devs would invest in. 


If I were king of devs in GW2, however, here's how I would implement it:

I would design a map similar to Blood Gulch in the original Halo game.  For those unfamiliar, this is a large and long map with 2 small bases.  Inside each base is a flag.  Both teams start at their base and need to defend their flag while also trying to capture the enemy flag.  Flags can only be captured when that team's own flag is safely returned to their base. 


And here's how I would adapt this for GW2 mechanics:

I would add a "supply" at each base.  This supply would be needed to power defensive tools.  These tools would be 1) a sort of electric fence across the field at a point halfway between the team's base and the middle of the map that would cause a large explosion from the flag if it was taken across this point without first disabling the generator (which would be located out of the way at the side of the map).  2) There would be a portal generator that could allow teams that don't have a mesmer or portalling class to create a portal for use.  Portals would need to have a debuff applied so that no one could use multiple portals in a row. 3) I would add a power siphon generator at the base that could be triggered by the flag carrier if they were at their base waiting for the other flag to be returned.  This would reduce their health by half and keep them in combat for a bit after in exchange for a big power buff to the rest of their team.  This would be a risk/reward tool to prevent stalemates when both teams have their opponents flag.


Basically there would need to be some tools that would slow down flag carrying without neutering flag carrier's skills too much, to allow comps without portals to be competitive, and to break up stalemates with both teams holding a flag.  Never going to happen, but I can still dream.

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