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Blade Sworn Problems


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I'm going to be honest, It does do big damage in PvE but very bad in PvP.

You should be able to use Dragon Trigger without using the Gun Saber considering It's in Sheath stance.

Off Hand Pistol is simply horrible and needs rework Since it will just be Over shadowed by all of the other Off hand weapons.

Dragon Trigger should not  be charging because The stationary stance makes you very vulnerable To any attacks, Instead should be instantly loaded base on how much flow you have. Gun Saber Skill 2 is just terrible and greatsword 2 is much better dealing damage.

The whole damage output  of the Spec is simply terrible.


A lot needs to be changed for Blade Sworn before it's official release or Anet will have a lot of angry and very furious Warrior mains.


Edited by JinONplay.8905
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Pvp perspective 

I think they just need to buff the damage on the base gunsaber abilities and it will be alright.

The dragon slash actually does a fair amount of damage for what it does, ive noticed you really dont need to hold it for full charges it does roughly the same damage even if you only charge it for a split second

The build also is extremely good at surviving, especially in 1v1 situations, i could duel just about any build without dying, the main problem is that you just dont have quite enough burst damage to finish a fight against builds with good sustain, it just ends up being a stalemate until someone gets +1ed

Skill 3 is actually perfect on damage, but skill 2 and 4 really need a bump up, also i think they should make the 3rd hit on the auto attack chain much more powerful to compensate how slow the chain is to complete 

Overall if they buffed the damage a bit on the gunsaber i think this spec is going to actually be really powerful,  it performs more as a tanky brawler with steady pressure rather than a bursty combo hitter like previous warrior specs

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Main issues for me: Flow mechanic and rooting.

Flow feels horrible and vague, it's not reliable at all unlike good old adrenaline, with no real instant access into high (75%+) flow. It just takes far too long to build.

The rooting on Trigger is the other problem. It needs either movement allowed, or dodge during Trigger.

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55 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Pvp perspective 

I think they just need to buff the damage on the base gunsaber abilities and it will be alright.

It's actually a bit hilarious, but this is the one instance where the weapon skills should actually have higher coefficients in PvP than in PvE. You can't rely on DT to pull out 80k to balance the spec in PvP.

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35 minutes ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Main issues for me: Flow mechanic and rooting.

Flow feels horrible and vague, it's not reliable at all unlike good old adrenaline, with no real instant access into high (75%+) flow. It just takes far too long to build.

The rooting on Trigger is the other problem. It needs either movement allowed, or dodge during Trigger.

Also there is a equivalence problem, i mean you build up flow ok but how much of it is a full charge ?
in the middle of action you don't know so they should cut the massive flow bar into segment to help know when you have a max strike and not waiting to see if your to short or not...

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In pvp flow feels kinda off


In the beginning of a fight its really slow to build up but once you get to that point it almost feels impossible to spend it all so you basically have unlimited flow after being in combat for a bit


I feel like they should tweak it a bit so gaining flow is easier and faster but it costs more flow to max charge, the windup is the same but the damage increase tiers are more expensive per tick. That way you can get into dragon trigger more often when you want to early in a fight but getting max damage takes a bigger flow commitment, so you can do quick low damage slashes or long powerful ones

1 full flow bar = 1 max damage dragon slash

And then they could make that trait that lets you use dragon slash multiple times in a row increase your maximum amount of flow so you can still do the multi slash thing

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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Food to condi even with strength slotted and sio and mending. Harbingers living up to the expectation I had of them farming BsW in anything that resemble cele gear and more condi. WvW perspective, I don't rly have the mood to use BsW in pvp rn. Specter more fun for me anyway.


Unyielding Dragon carries the spec. Slot it out and see your offense drop to nothing.




Where is the might on explosion (unyielding), cleanse on explosion (immortal)  and something like vigor (daring) on explosion?????

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2 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Where is the might on explosion (unyielding), cleanse on explosion (immortal)  and something like vigor (daring) on explosion?????

I feel they really should revamp the Master tier traits to operate off of explosions, there'd be a lot more synergy through that than the first/last charge of ammo. First/Last charge don't really work (which they discovered with Firebrand "Weighty Terms") and should occur on effect.

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6 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

I feel they really should revamp the Master tier traits to operate off of explosions, there'd be a lot more synergy through that than the first/last charge of ammo. First/Last charge don't really work (which they discovered with Firebrand "Weighty Terms") and should occur on effect.

Either explosions or per ammo spent (with CD). Making the effects of the traits work on the last or first charge only is what is causing the problems.

I feel the first tier should be based on explosions personally. Like proc unseen sword when you hit a foe with an explosion (strikes in the area of the target), 1s ICD, gain flow per target struck. Grant swiftness around you when you hit a foe with an explosion, with bonus positive flow rate per ally affected.  River's Flow could instead heal in the area of the explosion (not anything major, like 1000/500 hp PvE/Comp split) and gain positive flow rate per ally healed.

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3 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I feel the first tier should be based on explosions personally. Like proc unseen sword when you hit a foe with an explosion (strikes in the area of the target), 1s ICD, gain flow per target struck. Grant swiftness around you when you hit a foe with an explosion, with bonus positive flow rate per ally affected.  River's Flow could instead heal in the area of the explosion (not anything major, like 1000/500 hp PvE/Comp split) and gain positive flow rate per ally healed.

I feel the first Tier (Flow) traits would be better to proc based off the Armament skills (each use)

  1. Gaining extra healing by using your utilities would be a nice addition (triggering Heal Flow). It would be very similar to a Shoutheal Warrior using Vigorous Shouts which isn't actually a bad thing. Maybe change additional Flow to trigger on Armament use?
  2. Swiftness is meh, maybe change this to Superspeed similar to Scrapper Gyros? I want to push for Quickness but having quickness accessible on all Armament skills (even with an ICD) may be a bit much, especially with CD reduction in Second Tier traits.
  3. Unseen Sword on Armament use would actually thematically match with the Gunsaber. Gives the feel that Armaments are the "Gun" aspect with the Unseen Sword being that "Blade" component. At least, that's how it feels to me. On explosion might be a bit too much with the amount of explosion access but would be more balanced with Armament cooldowns. It doesn't do too much damage anyways so it wouldn't be overpowered, even with Tactical Reload/Lush Forests/Alacrity.
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10 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:


I feel the first Tier (Flow) traits would be better to proc based off the Armament skills (each use)

  1. Gaining extra healing by using your utilities would be a nice addition (triggering Heal Flow). It would be very similar to a Shoutheal Warrior using Vigorous Shouts which isn't actually a bad thing. Maybe change additional Flow to trigger on Armament use?
  2. Swiftness is meh, maybe change this to Superspeed similar to Scrapper Gyros? I want to push for Quickness but having quickness accessible on all Armament skills (even with an ICD) may be a bit much, especially with CD reduction in Second Tier traits.
  3. Unseen Sword on Armament use would actually thematically match with the Gunsaber. Gives the feel that Armaments are the "Gun" aspect with the Unseen Sword being that "Blade" component. At least, that's how it feels to me. On explosion might be a bit too much with the amount of explosion access but would be more balanced with Armament cooldowns. It doesn't do too much damage anyways so it wouldn't be overpowered, even with Tactical Reload/Lush Forests/Alacrity.

I’m not a fan of being shoe horned into using the spec’s utilities by every trait in a tier. The bladesworn utilities are not great in competitive modes, focusing trait bonuses with no alternative on them isn’t a good idea imo. 

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9 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:


I feel the first Tier (Flow) traits would be better to proc based off the Armament skills (each use)

  1. Gaining extra healing by using your utilities would be a nice addition (triggering Heal Flow). It would be very similar to a Shoutheal Warrior using Vigorous Shouts which isn't actually a bad thing. Maybe change additional Flow to trigger on Armament use?

Since most of the Armaments are munition skills that would be more healing than I suggested. I'm fine either way, there should be trait interactions with Armaments as well beyond the bad things that the master tier is trying to do.

9 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:
  1. Swiftness is meh, maybe change this to Superspeed similar to Scrapper Gyros? I want to push for Quickness but having quickness accessible on all Armament skills (even with an ICD) may be a bit much, especially with CD reduction in Second Tier traits.

There are trait interactions to consider with Swiftness though. That and swiftness on movement skills is something I suggested as a replacement for MMR assuming MMR is merged into Pinnacle of Strength. Yeah, the devs lifted another on of my suggestions, and botched it completely, again. You think I wouldn't notice, CMC?

9 minutes ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:
  1. Unseen Sword on Armament use would actually thematically match with the Gunsaber. Gives the feel that Armaments are the "Gun" aspect with the Unseen Sword being that "Blade" component. At least, that's how it feels to me. On explosion might be a bit too much with the amount of explosion access but would be more balanced with Armament cooldowns. It doesn't do too much damage anyways so it wouldn't be overpowered, even with Tactical Reload/Lush Forests/Alacrity.

It would match thematically, but we also need more on explosion based traits, and this would be a way of increasing LB and Rifle damage and up their synergy on Bladesworn.

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Either explosions or per ammo spent (with CD). Making the effects of the traits work on the last or first charge only is what is causing the problems.

I feel the first tier should be based on explosions personally. Like proc unseen sword when you hit a foe with an explosion (strikes in the area of the target), 1s ICD, gain flow per target struck. Grant swiftness around you when you hit a foe with an explosion, with bonus positive flow rate per ally affected.  River's Flow could instead heal in the area of the explosion (not anything major, like 1000/500 hp PvE/Comp split) and gain positive flow rate per ally healed.

Currently, every master tier trait interacts with ammo charges, which means they're useless on some builds or mostly useless if your only ammo skill is SiO. An explosions trait at this tier would always have some effect by virtue of there being explosions in the gunsaber kit.

Something like losing a condition for every explosion used with a 5-10s icd or maybe a resolution proc would be nice. The latter would provide a bit of synergy with defense since taking that likely means not taking shouts (nobody is taking a bunch of armaments 😛).

Edited by covahlam.6391
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4 hours ago, Ronnie Hu.1694 said:

Tested that elec fence. Not as good as u think, it only trap 5 targets so far. Guardian staff 5 can do better job

Yep, this utilitys are bad, on the 5 given 2 are useful and not by much, what good give a projectile barriere to a melee class  or a dodge mine or the fence ? they don't really feel like they been design for bladesworn but more copie pasted without real thought from other classes. I don't think bladesworn need them and they don't synergise well(they are more design for range encounter) i mean really with a more  static  gameplay like bladesworn we really needed a grab utility or a defence buble even a shadow field or a mass blind would have been a 100 time better synergie with it's gameplay gimmick.

Edited by DemonCrypto.6792
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