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Does anyone actually enjoy fighting against BG?


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I'm aware that GvG numbers are standardized. My point was that I wouldn't be surprised if a significant portion of BG considered twenty a "small group".

After playing 3 hours tonight, I managed to get eleven 1v1s with CD and zero with BG.

I can't speak for others, but I'm certainly not enjoying fighting them.

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On 1/1/2022 at 5:29 PM, Hellbore.1473 said:

Serious question, all they f'ing do is camp nodes and overwhelm with numbers. My first inclination as to fix this bs is to remove servers all together and randomly assign colors to individual players. If you want GvG make a stand alone arena. The alliance system will just be the same garbage all over again, with everyone front loading a few guilds to steam roll everything. I can already see how the alliance system could be abused and Anet just shrugging their shoulders and doing f all yet again. I am almost done making the last set of Legendary armor and once that's done I will never step foot in that s hole again.


Actually I like fighting BG. Not on BG so don't take it as a plug but each time my server has had to face them enjoy the time. Personally when we have been paired against its meant a variety of fights from zerg to warband to havoc and roamer. BG has a mix of all and as a roamer/havoc player its a good time since you can avoid any zergs but still find other size fights. But that's my own experience, your mileage might vary. And I don't think alliances will fix this, may actually make it worse since we may end up with 3 BGs if people organize. Now it also may mean those 3 BG fighting themselves all the time if the 1 up/down works so watch what you wish for.

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On 1/8/2022 at 1:25 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Actually I like fighting BG. Not on BG so don't take it as a plug but each time my server has had to face them enjoy the time. Personally when we have been paired against its meant a variety of fights from zerg to warband to havoc and roamer. BG has a mix of all and as a roamer/havoc player its a good time since you can avoid any zergs but still find other size fights. But that's my own experience, your mileage might vary. And I don't think alliances will fix this, may actually make it worse since we may end up with 3 BGs if people organize. Now it also may mean those 3 BG fighting themselves all the time if the 1 up/down works so watch what you wish for.

Why would it be only 3 properly balanced servers?  I sure hope there is a fairly balanced population on all "servers", or shards, whatever... Think we should call them Globes personally.

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1. Strip Boons.  2.  Crowd Control.  3. Bomb.   Rinse, repeat.  Rinse and repeat infinitum.


What I'm seeing is some commanders using 25 people vs 60, and then expect to win.  Then I really begin to wonder whose having more fun.  I lose interest after hitting my head against the wall 15 times that way.  Some groups are willing to pair down, but then 1/2 their team get tired of waiting to do something.  Then it just turns from WvW into GvG, and then everyone gets left out of the fight that isn't in a "guild."

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7 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

Why would it be only 3 properly balanced servers?  I sure hope there is a fairly balanced population on all "servers", or shards, whatever... Think we should call them Globes personally.


I used 3 as a simple example, wouldn't read more into it. Again I think the Alliance system will favor those that organize since they will ensure they not only have people but the more organized will also make sure they have coverage. I don't think everyone will get there in the beginning but those Alliances that do will have higher odds of raising up in ranks. 

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6 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


I used 3 as a simple example, wouldn't read more into it. Again I think the Alliance system will favor those that organize since they will ensure they not only have people but the more organized will also make sure they have coverage. I don't think everyone will get there in the beginning but those Alliances that do will have higher odds of raising up in ranks. 

I understood the new way introduced was to remove the ability for these alliances to stack up a server before the lockout system catches up to them.  The alliances are already there for sure.  They just use their own spreadsheets and discords to organize the stacking of servers because i guess they don't want a fair and fight centric WvW.  The same way they came together to ruin EotM.

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