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Spirit Watch


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I like spirit watch and it makes me kinda of sad how so much of the community resents it and basically any map that plays significantly differently from pre existing maps. Then they have the audacity to ask for new maps and we get bland maps like djin's dominion with essentially the same secondary objective as the reworked skyhammer and capricorn just with a different reward which in that case is so diluted in power for fear of people whining about it being op that no one even goes for it.

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I would like to play this map exclusively for some time to get the map achievements.

It's the only map I still need the achievements for because it is not part of ranked and in unranked it is not ran too often.


Apart for the achievements: Map is okay to me, just average. My favourites are Champions Dusk, Foefire and Niflhel, closely followed by Djinn.

Spirit watch has a newb trap where players waste their time fighting in the middle when the orb is not active. Focus on the points and only go to the middle if the orb is there.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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21 hours ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

I like spirit watch and it makes me kinda of sad how so much of the community resents it and basically any map that plays significantly differently from pre existing maps. Then they have the audacity to ask for new maps and we get bland maps like djin's dominion with essentially the same secondary objective as the reworked skyhammer and capricorn just with a different reward which in that case is so diluted in power for fear of people whining about it being op that no one even goes for it.

It's literally 5 people on alt accounts who don't like the map, or at the very least, can't stand the variety.

This little toxic discord mafia keeps variety out, and the exploits in.

Confused emotes coming hot.

Open every map up to ranked.

Anet you can't be bothered to make anything new so put all maps and modes into ranked, even stronghold.

Why you limit the game so hard for a few?

And the same complain about amulet removal...omegalul

Edited by Crab Fear.1624
There goes one of them right now lol
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The map has a lot of verticality like Skyhammer but in Spirit Watch said verticality can also be used to defeat players quite easily compared Skyhammer because of fall damage.


Skyhammer used to have no walls at the top of the canon capture which while fun was extremely cheesy to score easy kills. I still have a video about the ridiculous things that could be pulled off, it was fun for Unranked, but in Ranked it makes some CC skills so meta that it's unfun.


Arguably it's not that much prevalent of an issue in Spirit Watch but it could become somewhat of a nuisance if players started to take the map seriously.

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26 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

The map has a lot of verticality like Skyhammer but in Spirit Watch said verticality can also be used to defeat players quite easily compared Skyhammer because of fall damage.


Skyhammer used to have no walls at the top of the canon capture which while fun was extremely cheesy to score easy kills. I still have a video about the ridiculous things that could be pulled off, it was fun for Unranked, but in Ranked it makes some CC skills so meta that it's unfun.


Arguably it's not that much prevalent of an issue in Spirit Watch but it could become somewhat of a nuisance if players started to take the map seriously.

A different meta depending on the map?

Oh no, the variety!

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1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

The map has a lot of verticality like Skyhammer but in Spirit Watch said verticality can also be used to defeat players quite easily compared Skyhammer because of fall damage.


Skyhammer used to have no walls at the top of the canon capture which while fun was extremely cheesy to score easy kills. I still have a video about the ridiculous things that could be pulled off, it was fun for Unranked, but in Ranked it makes some CC skills so meta that it's unfun.


Arguably it's not that much prevalent of an issue in Spirit Watch but it could become somewhat of a nuisance if players started to take the map seriously.

Arenanet could simply disable fall damage for sPvP, or at least rework it so that people enter down state instead of directly dying.

That would solve the issue. The suggested rework would also solve issues in PvE (like deaths without down state from Whisper of Jormag's attack that throws people into the air) and WvW (where abusing CC to push people off cliffs is a problem).

Or maybe Arenanet could make it so that players cannot be pushed off ledges by CC abilities. Monsters can't be pushed off, so why should players?

Edited by Fueki.4753
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