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Condi idea for mesmer


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So, I had this idea - well, not really, more like a rip-off of other game - a condition exclusive to mesmer (we all know what happens to mesmer exclusive stuff) that would help countering the obnoxious sustain that plague this game. 

Inverse polarity - negates healing and deals x damage everytime the foe would get healed. Stacks duration. 

"But we already have poison to counter heal." 

Idc, poison doesn't really fit mesmer and doesn't really counter heal, just negates partially. 


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1 hour ago, Mik.3401 said:

That would go with what Mesmers are and I think it’s a cool concept. If other classes can heal on hit then why cannot Mesmer negate it - this is the kind of stuff they are supposed to do.

I was told mesmer is not allowed to be mesmer cause deception, mind games and other this-kind of effects would make the community rage quit to fast. No exactly this words but well, that’s the attitude…

Non-damaging conditions are in generell a very much Mesmer thematical thing but somehow got taken away. The only thing mesmer receives in this regards is vulnerability. It’s a huge joke.

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46 minutes ago, Senqu.8054 said:

I was told mesmer is not allowed to be mesmer cause deception, mind games and other this-kind of effects would make the community rage quit to fast. No exactly this words but well, that’s the attitude…

Non-damaging conditions are in generell a very much Mesmer thematical thing but somehow got taken away. The only thing mesmer receives in this regards is vulnerability. It’s a huge joke.

I think i Heard similar thing. Funny how they denied Mesmers to get those and in the meantime gave us the 3-button one shot burst from stealth. Logic at its best.

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Confusion is already a good heal mitigator. If they have confusion, like a huge stack on them, and they heal; they take damage first before the heal completes, or if it is a mantra heal, they take damage simultaneous to the isnta heal. Confusion is really the condition that best fits mesmer. But having new conditions from EoD would be pretty cool.

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You can have a sort of hex condition (purple debuff) that can’t be removed and can only have one on an enemy at a time. 
During the duration of the debuff there can be a passive effect like “enemy boons have reduced effectiveness or, enemy deals % less damage to the Mesmer, enemy receives more damage from conditions etc…”

Then at the end of the duration there can be a more powerful effect that triggers. Pretty much these hexes can do/be whatever one can imagine. 

Edited by Tseison.4659
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