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Actual Unpopular Opinion: Bad Elite Specs is the best Bad thing for an expansion


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So the EoD is out for close to 24h and all i see across the forums is whining that the new specs are trash and that ppl dont buy the Expac bcause of it.

But i am honest: This is probably the best Expac in terms of quality that Anet delivered so far. Yes i agree that most specs miss the mark. But the specs WILL be adjusted to be better. This is something we saw in the past.

We would never see a rework of rushed story, gameplay experience, masteries or maps. All of those delivered for me so far massively and are totally worth your money.

I am also sure now that EoD is out the balance pacing will increase too, so even if the specs are subpar they are the best thing that can be bad about an expansion, because they will be adjusted.


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5 minutes ago, InsaneQR.7412 said:

Yes i agree that most specs miss the mark. But the specs WILL be adjusted to be better. This is something we saw in the past.

I can't wait to play Catalyst once it isn't this convoluted mess anymore... in 4 years. *laughs in scrapper rework*

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25 minutes ago, Superkai.4692 said:

Yeah but Scrapper Just got deleted again

It still gives perma super speed and peram quickness. Catalyst can no longer give pema quickness that is a massive nerf to an "roll for a class boon" and effectively ends any hope ele had for having any use beyond "I do good dps" stand in class. Anet took every thing from ele before it even relay had it.

The art work is always going to be the best thing form anet they are not good at making video games and balancing and programing over all but they are RELAY good at art.

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On 3/2/2022 at 2:09 AM, Jski.6180 said:

It still gives perma super speed and peram quickness. Catalyst can no longer give pema quickness that is a massive nerf to an "roll for a class boon" and effectively ends any hope ele had for having any use beyond "I do good dps" stand in class. Anet took every thing from ele before it even relay had it.

The art work is always going to be the best thing form anet they are not good at making video games and balancing and programing over all but they are RELAY good at art.

You can still get perma quickness with catalyst, but it's not as simplistic as qfb or scrapper. Need boon duration gear to help with that though.

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I'm not sure I agree with the OP's premise. I haven't experienced everything yet, but I've still found a lot that can be criticised - there are several encounters that have poorly telegraphed instant downs (or even instant defeateds), one of the big selling points of the expansion is locked behind a meta that requires a 40 minute time investment at minimum and seems to require having an organised squad using a mechanic skip to complete (gryphon just required completing the story, and it was a secret surprise and there were no events that assumed people would have them), the maps feel significantly smaller than the equivalent regions in Factions, and that's just off the top of my head.

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On 3/1/2022 at 5:09 PM, Jski.6180 said:

It still gives perma super speed and peram quickness. Catalyst can no longer give pema quickness that is a massive nerf to an "roll for a class boon" and effectively ends any hope ele had for having any use beyond "I do good dps" stand in class. Anet took every thing from ele before it even relay had it.

The art work is always going to be the best thing form anet they are not good at making video games and balancing and programing over all but they are RELAY good at art.

You say that but Gunsabre, Untamed Toxic-dogwaste effect, Jade Golem and the absolute junk skins that were given away with pre-order, kinda prove that isn't always the case...

Edited by wolfyrik.2017
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Oh it sure is, saved me 30€ at least. I stopped caring about the story when they killed off Balthazar and made everything only about Elder Dragons. The White Mantle stuff was actually a breath of fresh air but that was cut short.

Almost all specs are useless in WvW and I'm not willing to wait another 2 years for them to make them somewhat playable in this mode. Sorry, but if they don't change anything with the elites in the next 2-3 months then this is it for me. They've had more than enough time to come up with something better, they just needed to take a look at the ideas and wishes on the class forum and reddit. Both were completely ignored, even the feedback on how to make the current elites better. I've seen fan concepts that were better than whatever the hell the current ones are supposed to be.

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On 3/1/2022 at 5:09 PM, Jski.6180 said:

The art work is always going to be the best thing form anet they are not good at making video games and balancing and programing over all but they are RELAY good at art

Tbh they are good at making video games. Guild wars 2 is good, there's far more then just artwork which makes the game worth playing. 

The issue was never balancing. The issue was the lack of balancing actually happening. They decided to try make another game leaving this on the back burner. Then last minute binning the new game to come and do a expansion. Meaning they had litterally no time to try clean up the existing problems. 

We know Anet have stated they want every proffession to have access to 100% uptime to either quickness or alacrity, so they sudden turn around was either unintended or they've decided on a different plan. 

The issue is they delayed all mechanical changes, reworks, and larger balancing til summer. That includes the new speccs, they ran out of time and sadly that's not great. 

However they did some pretty solid changes on EoD launch day. 

The only place I'd say currently is worth hammering complaints in currently would be WvWvW because quite litterally every specc almost is awful at it which is pretty weird considering they made the statement they want to take WvWvW seriously this expansion. 

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On 3/4/2022 at 11:55 PM, mistsim.2748 said:

Actual copium. Good luck waiting two years for the e-specs to be playable, and another two years until there is any semblance of balance in spvp and wvw. Even then likely not.

I'm pretty certain people said this about PoF speccs also 😂😂

Alot of the elites aren't that far off the mark that they're all gonna be terrible for 2 years 🤦 I mean sure some of these speccs will not be great in PvP. 

But tbh this is a existing problem for every game with multiple speccs existing for each class. 

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