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Gating the turtle egg behind the map 4 meta is really sleazy

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30 minutes ago, Molesworth.1684 said:

As for those green circles, no idea what they do or why you shouldn't stand in them - and I bet a large part of the people in the map are the same as me. 

Basically Aurene tells you to stand in these green circles so she can shield players from the blast. From each circle one of the players is kicked out of their body and dropped at the bottom of the tower as a wisp.  They need to jump back up, gathering glowing memory orbs to refuel their jumping endurance. If done correctly, this takes less than 2 min (depends on players skill somewhere around 30-90s) and gives a dmg buff to these players. If failed, essentially 2 min each phase are lost from boss hitting time. People scream "no green" because taking a wipe, using a way point on the airship and comming back to fight is faster than waiting for inexperienced players to do the wisp jumping part. Also trolls get in greens and just stay at the bottom esentially waisting 2 min.

For players who stay on top, they fight ads for 2 min and these ads spawn a lot of CC. Also they run behind crystals formed around wisps players' bodies to not get wiped by the boss.

Edited by Atria.6729
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Locking the turtle egg behind this meta has me so tilted. I know mechanics. I raid, wvw and do CM fractals. I don't need people telling me to get gud. I'm so angry that my progression in game is directly tied to other people understanding and correctly executing mechanics. I've wasted a total of 10 hours on this an one of my last fails was at 8% because someone chose to stand in a green circle. I like a challenge but this is completely absurd.

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Friend just got trolled in a run.  Someone took green and refused to come back up and kept spamming in chat "no turtle for you" over and over.  People reported him but I doubt they will do anything.

So yeah, this has gotten completely out of hand and needs to be addressed immediately!  This is ruining everyone's fun.

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The siege turtle is the first thing that got me really excited about EoD and I was relieved when Anet told us that the difficulty in getting it would be about on the level of the roller beetle. Seems Anet's statement wasn't true. At this point I haven't finished the story and so haven't gotten to this final meta. From everything I've been hearing about it here on the forum though, I am dreading having to do it. What a disappointing mess.

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1 hour ago, Will.9785 said:

Friend just got trolled in a run.  Someone took green and refused to come back up and kept spamming in chat "no turtle for you" over and over.  People reported him but I doubt they will do anything.

So yeah, this has gotten completely out of hand and needs to be addressed immediately!  This is ruining everyone's fun.

Tbh that sort of people should just get blocked by all the players in the map, forbidding that player to ever rejoining any of the maps while the blockers are in it.
That is a rather radical punishment but being this much of a jerk, really you have no shame, so a shameful punishment is the just dessert.

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47 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Tbh that sort of people should just get blocked by all the players in the map, forbidding that player to ever rejoining any of the maps while the blockers are in it.
That is a rather radical punishment but being this much of a jerk, really you have no shame, so a shameful punishment is the just dessert.

That's literally not possible... That's placing the burden of the solution on the players (who have no control) against griefers/AFKs/newbies (who cannot be forced to behave in a certain way) and away from the one party that does have control (ANet).

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I would like the chime in currently the End of Dragon meta event is currently unbeatable and im pretty frustrated. I haven't heard of anyone who has completed the event.


Some issues incl:

1. Green circles/wisp phases are a complete mess. Currently the whole map can't avoid the wisps as the whole map isn't coordinated enough to listen to comms and avoid green circles. In the same breath they also arent coordinated enough to do the intended mechanic.


Please fix this mechanic so if a few people fail the mechanic the whole meta doesn't fail.


2. It takes a long time, between 1- 2 hours. And everything in the meta other than the final chest (which noone has achieved yet) is not worth the effort put in just for the event to fail. You could add 10 minutes to the boss timer/ fix the tail mechanic there's a clear target and a bit more time to kill it.


I'm pretty disappointed I just want to get the turtle mount 🐢

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On 3/2/2022 at 3:57 AM, kaesebrezen.3104 said:

Not only is the dps check extremely tight, but the event itself is such a massive time commitment (you ideally want everyone to complete at least 10 events before the one hour event itself), that i just find it hard to invest that much - to ultimately fail the event.

You need most people doing 25k dps and thats not happening. Her hp is still halfway at the end point. There is too much running around for people that normally dont do this kind of content , to be able to dps enough and kill her. this is the single thing that has made me want to stop playing. I was actually enjoying the zones and story till I had to try and unlock turtle with a bunch of random players and no one can kill this boss. Tying turtle to it was stupid and I will leave it at that. 

Edited by Artemis.8034
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I got the siege turtle egg. Guess what one of the requirements is to get the actual siege turtle.


If you guessed the new Kaineng strike mission, you'd be correct!


The siege turtle wasn't made with casual players in mind. Not only was the egg locked behind raid style open world content, but it's also locked behind actual raid like content too!


Eta: I'm not in favour of this being hidden behind a strike mission on top of the impossibly hard jade sea battle.

Edited by castlemanic.3198
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18 hours ago, Will.9785 said:

Friend just got trolled in a run.  Someone took green and refused to come back up and kept spamming in chat "no turtle for you" over and over.  People reported him but I doubt they will do anything.

So yeah, this has gotten completely out of hand and needs to be addressed immediately!  This is ruining everyone's fun.

THIS, the fact that malevolent players can prevent other players from succeeding the Meta and qualifying for their mount, the need to study up before doing the meta in order to PASS it, the amount of time required to pass the meta alone... This reminds me of why I left WoW...


I have the skyscale, the roller beetle and the griffon. This is FAR beyond that. Unacceptably far. Anet needs to change this or they'll start hemorrhaging players.

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3 hours ago, castlemanic.3198 said:

I got the siege turtle egg. Guess what one of the requirements is to get the actual siege turtle.


If you guessed the new Kaineng strike mission, you'd be correct!

I'm actually ok with this. I'd be ok if the turtle egg was also tied to strikes. You have control over who you're playing with in strikes. 

Locking the turtle behind this open world meta is bad for a lot of different reasons but at the end of the day it's going to be bad for the game as a whole. 

Think about how many new people will be coming to the game. A brand new expansion just dropped. Anet packages in a level 80 character boost.

People will 100% boost their characters with that and end up at this meta. They've probably been sold on the game watching adverts and hearing about how wonderful the GW2 community is. 

They get to this map(doesn't even need to be the event) and they see people being abusive to each other in map chat. I've seen people get torn down for asking what CC is after an event fail. Maybe they were trolling, maybe they were legitimately asking. I know I was too frustrated to answer but the people that did were mostly mean.

Even people who are normally super chill and helpful(myself included) are frustrated to the point of taking a break or writing the possibility of getting the turtle off all together.


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To add insult to injury ,   after finally beating the event   when it got nerfed (total of 18 tries, i.e 36 hours playing lottery until I got a good group with a good boss rng)   now the Seitung Province   meta event is bugged , kicking players 4 minutes into the 10 min boss fight, , this is the very last event I need to complete the collection  of this kitten mount that seems I am not supposed to have at all.   

This feels like the same kitten they pulled with the skyscale, except worst as it is not an actual time gate although it  might just as well be one. Five days into the expansion and I still dont have the kitten mount that was advertised , in fact I got to play it more without paying for the expansion than I did after paying for it, is just kitten ludicrous.  For once Anet should just give us the mount when we get to jade sea story point, just give it to us,  let us have fun with it, thats why we paid for expansion,  lock titles and skins behind collections and metas. We are the kitten hero of tyria that killed gods and dragons to save the world from destruction , cant we get a freaking mount for free ?    

All I got out of this was to hate the Jade Sea meta and the certainty that I will never do it again no matter what. 

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On 3/2/2022 at 3:53 AM, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

i liked how Griffon was an epilogue mastery:


ie: even though it was hidden until you took the drop to the zoo. the drop (which could be 3 different items that were not from bosses) would drop once you finished the story, and you could proceed.


i would very much like the egg to be obtainable similarly: that you don't need to complete the meta first.


honestly.. i'll keep doing the meta anyway, but it seems like the meta was designed FOR turtle mounts. so rewarding normal mode completion with easymode completion seems lame. 

scavenger hunting worked perfect for mount acquisition method.

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18 minutes ago, tekhiun.8653 said:

To add insult to injury ,   after finally beating the event   when it got nerfed (total of 18 tries, i.e 36 hours playing lottery until I got a good group with a good boss rng)   now the Seitung Province   meta event is bugged , kicking players 4 minutes into the 10 min boss fight, , this is the very last event I need to complete the collection  of this kitten mount that seems I am not supposed to have at all.   

This feels like the same kitten they pulled with the skyscale, except worst as it is not an actual time gate although it  might just as well be one. Five days into the expansion and I still dont have the kitten mount that was advertised , in fact I got to play it more without paying for the expansion than I did after paying for it, is just kitten ludicrous.  For once Anet should just give us the mount when we get to jade sea story point, just give it to us,  let us have fun with it, thats why we paid for expansion,  lock titles and skins behind collections and metas. We are the kitten hero of tyria that killed gods and dragons to save the world from destruction , cant we get a freaking mount for free ?    

All I got out of this was to hate the Jade Sea meta and the certainty that I will never do it again no matter what. 

I don't want the mount for free.  I do not think they should make the turtle free or even easy to get.  I actually had no problem at all acquiring the griffin or skyscale mounts. I got my skyscale well before they nerfed the time gate stuff. I like challenging content. My problem is this is that getting the turtle egg is completely beyond my control.

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1 hour ago, yourexcellency.1458 said:

I don't want the mount for free.  I do not think they should make the turtle free or even easy to get.  I actually had no problem at all acquiring the griffin or skyscale mounts. I got my skyscale well before they nerfed the time gate stuff. I like challenging content. My problem is this is that getting the turtle egg is completely beyond my control.

How exactly is timegating  challenging ?  The skyscale was just wait  for timer to reset and do boring stuff with it, and then go on several fetch quests.   I  do think that challenging content should be rewarding , but there is literally no reason to lock  mounts behind them, as I said it would be better to  put a cool skin locked behind the meta, like a void siege turtle skin. The same for the skyscale btw, let ppl just get the mount and have fun with, and put a nice skin behind a boring timegated collection, that i not challeging at all  

Also it is not a matter of challenge as well with a open map meta,  having to just roll enough events until you get the right map, where people know their builds, know the mechanics , then another rng check for the boss not doing iframes enough  is not challenging, its just grinding a lottery roll. The collection of the siege turtle is easy, but at the moment it is impossible to finish because the event that locks out an item is bugged, is there a challenge in this? Because the only challenge I see is another roll of the dice until I get an instance that is not bugged or wait until the devs fix the issue.  

If getting to the point of the story where getting one would actually make sense is not enough , then put it behind something a strike mission, then you can enter with a well coordinated group, learn the mechanics together, beat it and earn it, this is way better than having to  rely on blind luck.  Or just sell in a vendor for 500g, that way people can work their way up  to that amount whichever the way they want by enjoyng the content. 

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3 minutes ago, tekhiun.8653 said:

How exactly is timegating  challenging ?  The skyscale was just wait  for timer to reset and do boring stuff with it, and then go on several fetch quests.   I  do think that challenging content should be rewarding , but there is literally no reason to lock  mounts behind them, as I said it would be better to  put a cool skin locked behind the meta, like a void siege turtle skin. The same for the skyscale btw, let ppl just get the mount and have fun with, and put a nice skin behind a boring timegated collection, that i not challeging at all  

Also it is not a matter of challenge as well with a open map meta,  having to just roll enough events until you get the right map, where people know their builds, know the mechanics , then another rng check for the boss not doing iframes enough  is not challenging, its just grinding a lottery roll. The collection of the siege turtle is easy, but at the moment it is impossible to finish because the event that locks out an item is bugged, is there a challenge in this? Because the only challenge I see is another roll of the dice until I get an instance that is not bugged or wait until the devs fix the issue.  

If getting to the point of the story where getting one would actually make sense is not enough , then put it behind something a strike mission, then you can enter with a well coordinated group, learn the mechanics together, beat it and earn it, this is way better than having to  rely on blind luck.  Or just sell in a vendor for 500g, that way people can work their way up  to that amount whichever the way they want by enjoyng the content. 

My point was doing collections can be challenging but are with in player control doing collections for Vision and Aurora come to mind. Some people had a hard time with the jump puzzles. I personally didn't and would help others through and have spent full afternoons porting people through Chalice of Tears when people were needing help with that. I don't have an issue if there is some challenge to getting the mount. I do have a problem with it being up to an rng riddled mess. It doesn't matter how much I practice if I don't roll a good map or the boss mechanic rng sucks that run it will fail. Stick the egg at the end of strike I'd be ok with that because even if we don't get it 1st roll you can practice and tweak as needed. 

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I hate that people are leaving the game over this. I DEFINITELY get the frustration and feeling of betrayal. I can't believe they did this to us intentionally either. They outright lied to us and instead of apologizing and fixing the situation...they seem to be encouraging the elitist trolls. Maybe I'm an idiot for being excited. Maybe it WAS naive of me to pay $80 for this...trusting them not to do...THIS. I don't want a refund...I genuinely love the world of Tyria. That's why this all stings so bad. They are encouraging the toxic players...while leaving the rest of us with a feeling of betrayal. Maybe ANet doesn't care...but it hurts ME even more seeing people leave over this mess...but I don't blame them for leaving. It just sucks that GW2 was getting SO MANY new players and even seemed to be taking the #1 MMO spot...WoW players started coming to GW2 and that is cool - new people! But ANet doing this to us all ruined the experience for so many of us...they KNEW what they were doing. It was an intentional design. I just don't get WHY they would do this when everything was going so well...

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1 minute ago, Xero the Dark.8230 said:

I hate that people are leaving the game over this. I DEFINITELY get the frustration and feeling of betrayal. I can't believe they did this to us intentionally either. They outright lied to us and instead of apologizing and fixing the situation...they seem to be encouraging the elitist trolls. Maybe I'm an idiot for being excited. Maybe it WAS naive of me to pay $80 for this...trusting them not to do...THIS. I don't want a refund...I genuinely love the world of Tyria. That's why this all stings so bad. They are encouraging the toxic players...while leaving the rest of us with a feeling of betrayal. Maybe ANet doesn't care...but it hurts ME even more seeing people leave over this mess...but I don't blame them for leaving. It just sucks that GW2 was getting SO MANY new players and even seemed to be taking the #1 MMO spot...WoW players started coming to GW2 and that is cool - new people! But ANet doing this to us all ruined the experience for so many of us...they KNEW what they were doing. It was an intentional design. I just don't get WHY they would do this when everything was going so well...

The only way around this if they choose to ignore us asking for more changes, and to lessen the toxic behavior; is if players actively come together to try and help as many people as possible get successful runs - but a lot of people are sadly incapable of this, though it would be a great idea to try.

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Make the meta challenging, I don't care about that. Some content is not for everyone. 

The problem I have is that it's mandatory for what should have been a core, advertised feature. It's not even an attempt - it's a successful run. Why couldn't the sequence of events be - attempt the meta, a new collection is now available for you if you talk to X?

The masteries in this X-pac have not felt good out of the gate, and this is the cherry on top. There are perfectly viable places to drop the egg acquisition into the story or from the events on the last map, but instead they gate it behind a meta and leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. The zip line is the only one that felt impactful and meaningful as soon as you got it and didn't have to level it up, but even that is negated on alts because they are missing the power core. Mastery fail so far on this whole expansion.

And by reading this, I find it's also gated behind a strike mission that I have no interest in doing? I guess the turtle is not for me and I should just admire them from afar and hoard all my extra mastery points that I won't be using on it on future content that may or not be gated/be satisfying.

I just want to emphasize how BAD this feels. If no one takes anything else from this post, just take that away. It's not leaving a good impression or helping the word of mouth on this game. If there had to be a special reward for the meta, then make it something actually prestige - some skin or title - not an advertised feature of the game.

Edited by Shaaba.5672
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I guess it's just me but I really don't mind this at all. I'm very glad to finally have something else in the game that is rewarded through difficult gameplay. It's also wild to me to see people complaining that they couldn't unlock absolutely everything in one weekend... the game hasn't even been out for a full week yet, and people are complaining that they haven't been able to finish everything? 


Did everyone forget Tequatl on release? TT? Every other difficult world boss/meta? The expansion is new. People will learn how to run the meta. Right now everyone is still figuring it out. How often do you see Tequatl fail now? Almost never. I imagine this new meta will be much the same a month from now. I understand these days it's all about instant rewards, but have some patience. 


I'm also sure ANet is working on balancing things. People actually quitting a game over a brand new feature that hasn't had the kinks ironed out yet is ridiculous. 

Edited by kettering.6823
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The biggest issue with the fight is that abilities are be chosen at random, that makes making a good tactic impossible. 

I would bet that we would see a lot more clears if abilities (breakbar , bodyswap, tsunami, tail and the others not tied to each 20% transition) came at chosen hp % (or time even)

I had 2 back-to-back bodyswaps, breakbar during tail,  breakbar at like 42%.

fact that your emp get replaced by other useless specials abilities doesn’t help either. 



Placing anything, but legendaries behind a successful meta (esp if design to be hard, like Ruby mentioned) is just bad design.

that said. I done the fight roughly 20+ times. Closed I got was 8%. And totally given up on getting a turtle until there another source or heavy nerf on meta.

and most likely never set a foot in DE after i have the turtle, that what all these frustrations are brought me.


(Personally I’m oké if meta stays the same if we get another source for turtle)

Edited by Teunis.6427
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6 minutes ago, kettering.6823 said:


Did everyone forget Tequatl on release? TT? Every other difficult world boss/meta? The expansion is new. People will learn how to run the meta. Right now everyone is still figuring it out. How often do you see Tequatl fail now? Almost never. I imagine this new meta will be much the same a month from now. I understand these days it's all about instant rewards, but have some patience. 

I keep seeing people say this about Teq and TT. It's been a long time for me perhaps my memory isn't clear. Can you please remind me which mastery lines were gated behind successful completion of these events?

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