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Jade Bot Core - Need to be given to all characters. (Alt-friendliness)

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On 3/2/2022 at 8:47 AM, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

The Jade bot is definitely the most alt-unfriendly thing in a long time. And both the research note and the special salvaging kit are horrible.

Yeah - I like the jade bot in general, think it's a cool idea, but its' modules need to be account wide or there needs to be a legendary equivalent. I've made the decision to invest in jade bots on my 3 most frequently used characters, but as someone who regularly uses 20 or so 80's and has ~60 characters, it's a non-starter. This game is deliberately alt-friendly in so many ways which is part of why I play it rather than other MMO's, to take a big step backwards here really feels bad.

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I was able to craft a Lvl1 core (and then upgrade to Lvl2) yesterday and put that on an alt and you do get to use the Jade Bot fully.
You even get the nice mail to thank you for purchasing it and giving you alt a Research kit.


Having to buy the lvl1 core for alts does feel abit out of step with the other Masteries though

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To craft the core tier 1:

- craft 5 yellows (weapons or armor) and recycle them with the research notes recycler

- u should have 50 research notes, with them buy the core tier 1 recipe from jade bot merchant in kaineng or arborstone

- with jeweler 400 you will need 30 notes + 2 ectos + 3 jade's (found in jade sea as metal nodes in the map) plus some other cheaper materials, then craft the core and pass it to other toons via bank. 

Hope it helps

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Just to clear some things up, it was actually impossible to craft the cores in the first few days after launch because the Jade Piece recipe was unavailable to all players. Tier 1 cores were trading for 60g or more at one point. I guess the omission of the recipe was done on purpose, it's hard to fathom that this was a mistake. Nearly every new recipe relies on the Jade pieces.

Now that the recipe has become available to Jewelers, I think it's fine that alts don't get it for free without playing the story first. You can craft it on your main and transfer to your alts, or you can buy cores from TP relatively cheap. (<2g at the time of writing.)

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13 hours ago, Mil.3562 said:

It's easy and cheap to craft tier 1 core. Craft a few, store in the bank and upgrade them (by trading with the vendor) to higher tiers as and when you need them for other alternates. What is the fuss about?

Well when you have 30-73 characters it becomes a pain to craft I guess.

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well when you have 30-73 characters it becomes a pain to craft I guess.

When you have 30-73 characters it's also a pain to equip all of them with ascended pieces, or enough Infusions for fractal lvl100.

I did both by farming a lot of winterberrys and fractal dailys.

So i personaly see no problem in farming now enough jade from Dragons End, to craft the cores. All of my alts have already atleast core lvl 1. And i will upgrade all of them step by step.

The winterberrys and infusions took my several months. To farm the jade for core 1 on every alt took me only 3 h.

Edited by Keymaster.7362
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25 minutes ago, Keymaster.7362 said:

When you have 30-73 characters it's also a pain to equip all of them with ascended pieces, or enough Infusions for fractal lvl100.

I did both by farming a lot of winterberrys and fractal dailys.

So i personaly see no problem in farming now enough jade from Dragons End, to craft the cores. All of my alts have already atleast core lvl 1. And i will upgrade all of them step by step in the next months (maybe years)

And here I am running around with level 20 gears on my 80s xD
Most of people usually also have the Legendary Armory to back themselves up so I can see the actual lenience.
However just a Tier 1 Core automatically on you characters, so you are not like going, do I have a core on this toon everytime you swap characters to go jadeglide on a zipline.

The problem with the story option is if that instance was quickly accessible (not after 4-hours-ish) that wouldn't be a problem.
Crafting them is still a sink of mats that is unecessary (just to keep the economy going I pressume *smh*)

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