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Next expansion - Climbing & Spelunking!

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Climbing and Spelunking - Mounts-B-gone!

Mounts have mobility crept enough of Tyria.
Taking away challenge of map exploration, diminishing value of other masteries (like Jade zip-lines) and forcing map design into gigantism are the first crimes of mounts that come into mind.

New way of exploring Tyria should be mount free. That's why Climbing and Spelunking is the answer. Opposite to mounts that love giant maps, this form of mobility (which can be made into fun minigame) would let us explore the small, hidden, tight spaces of Tyria. Jumping puzzles given new form, this time without having to outright ban mounts to be any fun, because you can't fit a dragon into human sized crevice.

Sounds dull? Well imagine these scenarios:

You land on a shore and above you is a cliff with lush jungle on top. Wines and roots descent nearly to the very bottom, Now you can climb then to get on top.
But as you climb you can see a human-sized tunnel before reaching the land. You can climb up and go from there, or try the tunnel to see where it leads and what kinda adventure awaits there!

You face a jumping puzzle with gusts that can knock you off and some slippery terrain. But wait! There is a small crevice near the start, just enough for you to fit in. Instead of jumping, you can climb or spelunk your way around.

Not to mention it could be a way to bypass some annoying guards in story instances if not outright position you for securing a nice predator style death from above takedowns!


Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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13 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Climbing and Spelunking - Mounts-B-gone!

I was just playing a game with my daughter a few days before the release, where characters have mounts, gliding, swimming, underwater swimming... and climbing.  I very nearly came here and wrote a post wondering why, amid all the requests for houses and swimsuits, no one ever thought to ask for climbing, but then I thought... "No, someone will take me seriously, and 10 years later, I'll have to live with the knowledge that Guild Wars climbing was my fault." 😆


On the other hand, not having a Griffon or Skyscale, and having spent the day in Echovald Forest, I'm behind you on this 100%.


Archeology, too, for that matter.  Digging stuff up GW style is the obvious follow-up to fishing.

Edited by Lyssia.4637
Added the emoji, because it occurred to me there are people here who would otherwise think I was being serious.
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13 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Climbing and Spelunking - Mounts-B-gone!

Mounts have mobility crept enough of Tyria.
Taking away challenge of map exploration, diminishing value of other masteries (like Jade zip-lines) and forcing map design into gigantism are the first crimes of mounts that come into mind.

New way of exploring Tyria should be mount free.

Nothing is forcing you to use mounts to explore Tyria.  If you want to do that without mounts, have at it.

I really don't understand how some players want to force their play style preferences on the entire community.

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OP's mount hatred aside, more mobility options could be quite cool.

Ladders, walls and cliff faces with grip points to climb your way up. Maybe with ledges too small for a Springer to land on, or too high for a Skyscale to fly up.

Going under the earth, we already have certain caves (mostly jump puzzles I think) that restrict mounts, but more like that could be cool -  sewers under cities, dredge tunnel systems under existing maps, maybe even introducing something like The Depths from GW1, but mount restricted.

On the other hand I love just how much more mobile I feel in GW2 compared to other MMOs, and I don't even have a Griffin or Skyscale yet. Bounding around on a Raptor, jumping high with the Springer, racing around on a Beetle, and when you grind the mastery, being able to take the Skimmer underwater are fantastic.

We don't need every map to be a giant open area to cater for a mount's speed, so having some tighter maps that encourage more on foot exploration could be nice.

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6 minutes ago, Reborn.1738 said:

OP's mount hatred aside, more mobility options could be quite cool.

Ladders, walls and cliff faces with grip points to climb your way up. Maybe with ledges too small for a Springer to land on, or too high for a Skyscale to fly up.


Why limit mounts?  Make the cliff as you describe and let players who want to climb do that but don't lock anything behind it where mounts are excluded.  More mobility options, sure, but not at the expense of current ones.

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1 minute ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

the new maps have very high vertical buildings and more "obstacles", i feel more "slow" with skycale. i guess they got the right direction.

I've only managed to complete the first map, but was encouraged by what I perceived to be a lack of invisible walls around most places.

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14 minutes ago, Reborn.1738 said:

Ladders, walls and cliff faces with grip points to climb your way up. Maybe with ledges too small for a Springer to land on, 

And there are SO many of those already!  😡  Honestly, all over Tyria and in every expansion, the landscape already seems set up for climbing.  Being able to climb trees in Echovald Forest and Tangled Depths would be a really awesome way to explore.  There's at least one ladder I already tried to climb in New Kaineng, simply because it was such an obvious way to get up to the "upper" level of the area that I actually thought it might trigger.  I wouldn't want to take away from mounts (or take mounts away) but climbing would add a really neat and different perspective.


And for people with motion sickness, it's a much more forgiving way to navigate than springers or even flying mounts.  Points to be gained for making the game more accessible, there, without taking anything away from "normal" gamers.


Lots and lots of potential here, I think, without requiring very much if any modification to the landscape, especially if Anet accepts climbing as an acceptable alternative to jumping/mounts for things like hero points.  And it'd make a great mastery; at first level, you can climb ladders.  At the highest, you can scale buildings in New Kaineng, a la certain action movies.

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I think climbing or spelunking could be designed like gliding. So to be set appart from mounts these abilities could be available even when in combat. Masteries could unlock further range or grips and sorts to interact with.
However, this game's camera doesn't perform well in closed quarters so I highly suggest not going into tight caves or the likes. Also, it's like day 4 into the new expansion. I don't know how usefu discusions about the next expansion are since ANet has fallen silent and we don't know what's next. Will there be a next expansion, will there be a living story, will there be weird dude in a cape trying to sell us funko pops? We don't know and instead of  focusing what was missing this time around and fantasize about what will be next, I'd rather focus on the expansion on hand and enjoy what I have right now.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Nothing is forcing you to use mounts to explore Tyria.  If you want to do that without mounts, have at it.

I really don't understand how some players want to force their play style preferences on the entire community.

just it.. i myself just swaped to raptor on cantha,

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16 hours ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Give everyone an endless miniature tonic for free and charr/norn won't be a problem.


I'm also quite sure most people would not enjoy this sort of gameplay, they would just wait for a mesmer like with most old tyria jps.

Or give us a Box O Fun Endless Embiggening Sized one so we can just demolish said crevace to let us pass! 😛

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