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5 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Not a warrior main anymore but used to be. I have said since beta that if they are gonna root you this way with something SO TELEGRAPHED - that if you plan properly and are able to execute everything in front of you should die. The damage should be WAY WAY higher. Get caught? Well now your dead. Dont want to die? Then watch the movement. This was an opportunity to move pvp back into a direction where you have to actual pay attention to movement in PvP and animations instead of insanity on the floor, and AI BS. Really disappointed for warrior mains. TBH I haven't bought the expansion. First time since a release I didn't buy, and I don't think I will be buying it. So many wasted opportunities. 

Yeah, i'm not sure i've really ever paid attention to any fight in the past 2 years. 

As Warrior; I just load up on tank stats and damage reduction traits, open Oldschool Runescape, and practice my Woodcutting while autorunning between the capture points and occasionally having to stunlock some violent hooligan.

Since none of the new specs are really strong enough to change the effectiveness of this strategy, I feel like i'll be doing this for a lot longer.


I look back at my super cool Windows Movie Maker montages I made back in what I would call 'The Good Ol' Days' and it feels like watching a totally different game with the same graphics and maps. It really does. Tetherbreaker, Axe/shield Zerker those were some of the most fun Warrior builds to play both as and against.

I feel like if we went back to that at this point, I would have to relearn the game entirely. Am I the only Warrior main who feels considerably worse(skill-wise) at the game after getting stuck playing builds like Healbreaker and CC spam Spellbreaker in CmC's post-nerf wasteland? Or is it that all the warrior mains just quit when they realized Warrior had become subservient in every single gamemode now? 

4 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Don’t forget the 1/4s activation time to begin charging and the 1/2s cast time of the actual skill. You end up at a net 3.25s cast time if you want to go full power.

So even longer then? Pfffft.

Here you are, Bladesworn mains. Something tells me you'll need these: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flask_of_Blood_Whiskey

Unfortunately, if you have any stacks of torment whatsoever you're going to need something a lot stronger.

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New ranking:

1. Vindicator/Mechanist

2. Spectre

3. Bladesworn

4. Harbinger

5. Untamed

6. Catalyst

7. Virtuoso

8. Willbender

The reason I put Catalyst over Virtuoso and Willbender is because at least Catalyst improves core ele, while Virtuoso and Willbender are worse than core in many ways.

Edit: post-nerf Vindicator is way lower down. Probably Harb level.

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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@Vancho.8750 I call the New shout spam bladesworn better than the spellbraker Version simply cause of 2 things. 


1. Its ezy to get claped. Made one Mistake and your near death. Also to be usefull you also need to hit your dragonslash.


2. Bladesworn is more offensive playstyle while spellbraker is pretty defensive. Means spellbraker was more or less run in mid spam your cc and shouts and well thats it. While on Bladesworn you need to kite a lot to stay alife and time your skills (specialy dragonslash + for great justice + on my Mark) for good amount of self sustain and damage (just take a Look you pretty mutch use 4 skills for one big high telegraphed skill)


IN SHORT: I prefer bs Support over sb Support cause its less spamy and tanky but more glassy and dps+supp Mix with good Timing needed skills for damage dealing.

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6 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Vancho.8750 I call the New shout spam bladesworn better than the spellbraker Version simply cause of 2 things. 


1. Its ezy to get claped. Made one Mistake and your near death. Also to be usefull you also need to hit your dragonslash.


2. Bladesworn is more offensive playstyle while spellbraker is pretty defensive. Means spellbraker was more or less run in mid spam your cc and shouts and well thats it. While on Bladesworn you need to kite a lot to stay alife and time your skills (specialy dragonslash + for great justice + on my Mark) for good amount of self sustain and damage (just take a Look you pretty mutch use 4 skills for one big high telegraphed skill)


IN SHORT: I prefer bs Support over sb Support cause its less spamy and tanky but more glassy and dps+supp Mix with good Timing needed skills for damage dealing.

How is BS less spammy when all you do is spam, your elite skill is to add more spam, for both builds the the weapons side of the bar is not that relevant, it is there to push for more defensives so you can use the Tactics traitline more with SpB being able to make turn around play with Banner. Also please stop calling BS a support, you are not supporting anyone else but yourself with all the skills, just call it bunker like you should, since if BS is support we really should start calling all the Blood variants on necro support. 

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On 3/5/2022 at 6:01 PM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

This is my opinion based on my experience so far. Would love to hear what everyone else rates them.

Harbinger-A tier

It has great damage, but their is counter play. The damage in shroud needs to be toned down. 

Vindicator-S tier

Its strong in any role you build for. 100% needs a nerf.

Catalyst-C tier

Its viable up to gold. Lack of cleanse options forces you to build into fire or water. The jade sphere adds almost nothing. Hammer needs buffs, traits need a rework. It could prob go up to A tier if celestial stats were in pvp.

Virtuoso-D tier

Still havent met one I was threatened by. They have some potential as a duelist and team fighter though they are far too slow and the only viable builds are using blink and staff. Its one of those specs you wish had superspeed.

Bladesworn-A tier

The first warrior build where I didnt feel the need to run fast hands. Its ability to sustain with might and ammo skills makes it a good all rounder. You can take vigourous shouts for solo play and phalanx strength for ATs and casually give your team 25 might from 1 shout or everytime you fully charge dragon trigger. The biggest thing holding it back is its gun saber. With the appropriate changes to that I would put it as S tier.

Untamed- unknown

It is good at keeping enemies in place and may have potential as a duelist. I have far too little data playing with and against to make an assessment.

Willbender-B tier

The sc/x and sw/sw builds showing up have potential as dps but it lacks the same burst as a herald and offhand sword still feels a bit clunky to use.

Mechanist-S tier

Just avoid damage and watch your enemies die. Will be a meta side noder and honestly needs mechanical changes.

Spectre-S tier

A solid support and a solid dps. Might need some shaves. Will prob see meta play



For mechanist,

The only reason it's good is because 2 defensive traits in Mechanist, everything else is fine.

The other pairing factor, mech dmg is overtuned - it needs dmg reduction by 15-20%.

Everything else is fine on Mech. There are no mechanical changes that need to be made, just trait options that benefit the side node option and defiance bar removal on Mech.


Mech survivability traits/mechanics:

1. Reduce duration of boons granted by f2 and signet by 50%

2. Increase signet boon generation cooldown by 10seconds

3. Increase boon generation f2 by 10seconds and remove the stun break.

4. Reduce barrier generation from trait by 50%

5. Remove defiance bar, just make it cc'able

Mech dmg:

1. Reduce mech melee auto attack chain by 20% and 30% on the final strike chain (since its 2x)

2. Jade Mortar (even though meta side node doesn't even use this and only benefits from pre/ferocity major, another trait nobody uses in meta) reduced by 20%-25% in dmg or just make it not scale as much off of the ferocity.

That's pretty much it, those things alone would make it a bearable side node contender against Weaver / Core Ranger and not non-existent.

And well, on the other mech builds, nobody is gonna run pure burst and you can't really roam with Mech because there's just much better roamers and impact pug stompers in ranked than a roaming mech would ever achieve, simply because the core traits don't align well without running holo... You can definitely set yourself up for high burst with mech and yourself, but you have absolutely no survivability.

The only offender on mech atm is side node due to the survive traits, and you can't burst with mech in survive traits because it doesn't inherit pre/ferocity from the trait so yea.

With that said, if you nerf anything else on this spec you'll just make it unused, because it can't roam, it can't burst without survivability (you'll just be a meme like Harbinger).

Edited by Tanbin.2436
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20 hours ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:


The reason I put Catalyst over Virtuoso and Willbender is because at least Catalyst improves core ele, while Virtuoso and Willbender are worse than core in many ways.


Catalyst would be good if the devs added more sustain. Not sure why Rev gets 3k barrier on every dishes and Catalyst gets... 10% damage reduction?? If you actually build up 5 auras fast enough.


Lol, but let's remember. Only good players use Rev. 

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@Vancho.8750 so you say a class that could remove many conditions, heal, buff to your Team mates is not a Support in your eyes? If not then sry for that logic. Also a bunker/tank would be self sustain only so alot more like strength spellbraker. 


If you dont see what i mean then yea i would also say stop call it Support but hell it allready is one so sry to call it.

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9 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Vancho.8750 so you say a class that could remove many conditions, heal, buff to your Team mates is not a Support in your eyes? If not then sry for that logic. Also a bunker/tank would be self sustain only so alot more like strength spellbraker. 


If you dont see what i mean then yea i would also say stop call it Support but hell it allready is one so sry to call it.


It is better support with Berserker amulet than tempest even though one might say it may be a damage build that shouldn't be able to do that. 
All of the "support" Bladesworn it has is purely for personal gain, the healing and the condi cleanse are mostly for the warrior cause it ain't got good sustain outside of that, and if you are not playing sides with it and playing it over true support build you are not helping your team.

Also i see where the problem is, you do not know what the kitten bunker is, calling MMR Spellbreaker bunker. 

Edited by Vancho.8750
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