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Thoughts on Mesmer changes?


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@"Arshay Duskbrow.1306" said:...what changes? It's nothing but bug fixes, tooltip rewrites, and camera stuff. This is what we waited for, THIS?

Expecting more than this would lead to huge disappointment, just like yours right now. Think we are all aware by now how "gamechanging" and frequent Anet's patches are. This time there were at least no nerfs and even some minor buffs, so I appreciate it.It's not enough, though.

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I am disappointed. This "balance patch" is very small in my opinion and just fixed stuff that should've been fixed since day 1 of the Mirage.

Anet hasn't adressed any of the mirage's core issues. No rework to mirrors, no rework of phantasms as a mirage, no adjustments to shatter skills as a mirage, etc. This patch is just a small bugfix with minor adjustments to axe and some traits. That's it.

It's a shame that these patches are called "balance patches". We have to wait another 3 to 4 months for another "balance patch" like that that only adresses a specific aspect of the mesmer again... It's just not enough.

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Well seeing as I already love axe and was using it all the time, the axe fixes and buffs are great from my perspective. :D

But I am disappointed that the confusion and torment was removed from staff ambush - I thought the idea was to supplement a variety of conditions which in a way enables iWarlock to hit harder. Now we're back to boring bleed, burn and vuln... I really hope confusion and torment is put back on staff ambush instead.

The rest of it looks great to me - and I wasn't expecting any deep changes so not overly disappointed anyway. :)

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Axe 2 feels more clunky than ever to me.Axe 3 still bugs on uneven terrain.Staff ambush and illusionary ambush are good now.

Also good to know ANet actually reads mesmers forums, since they introduce the exhaustion mechanic someone suggested, even if they don't give anything for mesmers themselves...

Axe 2 feels really bad now. Surprised no one else has mentioned it.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:i'm running hybrid mirage still and i had a lot of fun with axe in the last hour in wvw roaming and small scale fights. First time i can enjoy the weapon in Pvp truly. Soooo hard to decide between weapons now. Staff is my favorite in WvW as range weapon, while i had sword in the other Set for the last weeks. Now the decision between axe/torch-Staff or sword/torch-Staff is really hard. Maybe even sword/pistol axe/torch, but i still love Staff... Hard decision. If axe would have any kind of daze, I'd be sure to take it over sword, cause i could proc chaotic interruption with it granting imob etc. , while i could love without sword ambush and sword 2 ....maybe?

Slight tangent but I have to say - elusive mind and maximised mirage cloak uptime makes sword 2 redundant, axe 3 > sword 3 in wvw and you have jaunt for z axis anyway, and axe has native condi application which is awesome in hybrid.

The only thing you lose is sword ambush mobility - but between jaunt, blink (and if traited) and phase retreat you've got more than enough mobility that sword is redundant.

Seriously go axe - it was solid in hybrid before the patch, now it's a no brainer.

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Less than I hoped for, more than I expected. Overall, most of the changes seem to be QoL, which I appreciate since one of my main complaints with mirage was that it was clunky in a lot of aspects. I'm a little disappointed our traits didn't get a pass though, especially if it means waiting 3 months to get any changes to them. But then, I have said I thought mirage was difficult to balance until it was working properly, so if it's less buggy now, perhaps the time between balance patches will give them a better picture of what changes need to be made.

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I prefer to be prudent at the moment, I think I'll do some calculations before I pronounce myself. My first impression is that we have lost viability against other professions, at least, in PVE. The buff of the axe is conditioned to the recovery rate of the endurance plus the direct that you can obtain in some way, so is not as big as you can figure looking the numbers. Ambush is a lacked mechanics, by design. Use the endurance offensively is not a good practice in PVP and WvW, it usually brings bad consequences. Anyhow is a buff and more usable or profitable in PVE.

About the Chaos Vortex I have to calculate it. They put the numbers to look good but we have lost variety of conditions in the staff which is a 20% nerf to the Phantasmal Warlock. The less conditions that cover (confusion and torment loss) implies the easier to clean those that damage quickly for your enemy. So not sure if it's a buff or a nerf in the total damage, the frequency that you can ambush count, although seems more a nerf than a buff. Of course against bad players it can works well and make you have a wrong perception of the change. The burst of the Warlock usually surprise and down your enemy, the sustained damage is more predictable and avoidable.

Tomorrow I'll do the calculations and probably post them here, now I'm too tired. Looking back towards other balance patches, at least, it has not gone wrong at all. It is a consolation, but I feel envy seeing what other professions have gained...

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Im both happy and disappointed.I mean... Im SOOOO happy that these bugs got fixed. The only mayor thing I need now is some notification on UI about my trait cooldowns.The new UI look is beatuful - I didnt need it, but it looks awesome :)

Yet I'm kinda sad that all we got was bug fixes. Where is core power mes buff?Where are some trait changes to make shatters worthy to use on mirage in pve?

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@apharma.3741 said:My thoughts in roughly the order I had them:

"That's a small section""axe...stuff I don't care about...more stuff I don't care about""Chrono is still meta for raids""Lets see how savage this PS war nerf was""Holy cow that balanced stance nerf was savage!"

Pretty much how I went through the patch notes.

Most people don't seem to realise how big the "no changes" to chrono is given that PS warrior got removed from raids and druids GotL was changed making them too less required for a raid setup. 1 druid will probably be meta for 25 raid might.

To be honest though, if you do not distort, even dual chrono is not required any longer. Firebrand+Renegade can easily replace the 2nd chrono now.

Overall dps spots in raid groups have likely increased to 5 or even 6 dps from 4.

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So resuming:Axe bug fixes (skills and traits)Gs stealth nerf revertedThats it...

-Axe2 clone still replacing a phantasm in a 3 phantasm situation-Axe3 still not working on uneven terrain-Id prefer evade frame on axe2 instead of axe3 because how animations are (personal opinion)-Still many useless traits in mirage trait lines, im like "pick w/e they are freebies" until i reach Gm or if i have or not an axe.(1s prot on dodge.....)-No core/chrono changes or reworks.... Im like, several months and they just touch mirage, cya in 4 months?Even rev got off Sw reworked.... Seems anet consider everything is fine on core mesmer weps/traits....Not pleased since pof hit... Not seeing core mesmer traits / offhand weps revisited

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You'll still have warrior in a raid. They just won't be PS. Banners are still immense utility, and EA is still strong in the power subgroup.

Even if mirage ends up in a solid DPS spot with the current clone build, the patch notes took 6 weeks to deliver and all we got were numerical adjustments to axe.

Now you spawn clones and don't use your phantasms, which leads to the nonsensical equipping of an offhand sword for fencer's finesse, because our traitlines are pretty terrible for condi builds.

Our mechanics are still in shambles. We do not want to use shatters because they hurt DPS, we didn't want to use clones because they hurt DPS, and now we use clones but not phantasms because the phantasms hurt DPS.

It's just broken mechanics that did not get addressed at all. They need to incentivize shatters and retool phantasms some way so we use the entirety of our class mechanic and toolkit...

Utilities are still largely underpowered, and moa signet has a humongous cooldown in PvE for no reason.

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@Kobeathris.3645 said:

@Pyroatheist.9031 said:Also Axe 2 still doesn't work with illusionist's celerity.

Axe 2 has always worked with illusionist's celebrity, it's just not reflected in the tool tip, unless they changed it to make it not work, that wasn't something I tested today.

Ok, just tested it out and I stand corrected. It does indeed work, this is a tooltip bug only.

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