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Vindicator and Combo Issue


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One of the tactics that is stressed in the beginning of the EoD storyline is using first a combo field and then a combo finisher. It's implied (or stated, don't remember) that this will be a necessary tactic for some EoD mobs. However, if you run the new Alliance stance with GS, you get 3 combo finishers (#5 on GS, Nomad's Advance on both blue and red) but no combo fields. None. Zero.
You get a field with Dwarf's Stone Road, Demon's Embrace the Dark and Centaur's Protective Solace. I'm ignoring Glint and Kalla, because, yeah.  This seems like a real fail on the part of the devs.

I'm also going to throw my 2 cents in about the alliance stance here, because 1k replies is a lot.
I loved the original Vindicator beta. it was fun, and challenging. I went and did hero points so I could play it immediately. But the way the Alliance stance is now is flat and boring. More of the same. Either I'm DPSing, or I'm healing/buffing.  I guess I could equip a staff as a secondary and switch if the fight goes south, or vice versa if no one is dying. But that still leaves me with one weapon set and one stance, and I could do the same thing with the Centaur stance. One of the things I felt was special and exciting about the Vindicator was the flexibility. The changes have taken that fun out of it.

Why bother creating a new spec and stance if the gameplay is just going to be the same?

Edited by Mirth.3204
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  • 3 weeks later...

So swap to Jalis, drop road, swap to Alliance, use finisher? I'm not sure I see any actual issue here for anyone that plays Rev properly

Vindicator took some getting used to for me but I wouldn't call it slow and boring anymore, feels a lot more active and fun than turning on one utility skill and forgetting about it


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It’s like people forget they can swap weapons or legends or talents. There is literally dozens of combo field/finisher variations that are easily accessible for vindicator of any variety. The one exception I can find is running a pure power dps Devastation/Invocation/Vindicator with GS/Sw+Sw and Shiro/Alliance. But the Herald version of that build also doesn’t have any combo fields so that’s not a new thing. 
I should also add that power Vindi will out dps power herald by camping GS which would allow you to bring Mace/X or Hammer as your second weapon to provide a field.

Mace 2, Hammer 4, Retribution 1/X/X, Demon/Dwarf/Ventari. Vindicator has tons of access to combo fields. 

Edited by Tulkas.2576
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21 hours ago, Mirth.3204 said:

I gave this spec a month, but I'm going back to Renegade. Vindicator is slow and boring. I spend most of my time in Dwarf stance with S/S, so I might as well get the benefits of Renegade with it, and add Demon back in.

One thing I found fun was going GS/GS, both with energy runes. Keep up fury with burst, dive ASAP, swap weapon, dive, F2, dive, swap weapon, dive (bursting when needed for fury). It is slower, and that is far from optimal, but I've not needed help doing any of the HPs, and you get to cheese the vindi gimmick, which I find fun. I like to swap builds a lot, so it's nice to have another one to throw into the mix.

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The thing is that it should have had at least one combo field either in new elite weapon or in new elite skills instead of relying on past/core revenant legends/weapons.

Scavenger could have been much better if it left a fire combo field which ticks damage/burning instead of the useless 3 burning stack. Even the disgusting dodge jumps could have been made into combo fields at their landing(ex: Forerunner=dark/fire; Vassals=ice/lighting;  Saint=water/light).

But with the 29/03 patch I find myself really sceptical they want rev to be good.

Edited by Howluffu.7259
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4 hours ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

Maybe with cele, but a power build would be kitten for a combo field.

Lol, sorry, that was confusing. I was posting while trying to put my 4 week old to sleep, lol. What I meant to say a power build would be bad with mace just for the combo field. Just quoting myself to clarify.

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Arguably if you want to do combo fields, use the actual options for it. Revenant is like close to be the only thing that can constantly do it's AoEs on 10< CD.


However it is quite reasonable to ask for a blast finisher on the evade since it's high risk high reward leaves quite to be desired, I can see myself do a blind to with Mallyx EtD to punish opponents that try to get an easy setup at the end of my evade.

Edited by Shao.7236
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On 3/8/2022 at 8:27 PM, Mirth.3204 said:

One of the tactics that is stressed in the beginning of the EoD storyline is using first a combo field and then a combo finisher. It's implied (or stated, don't remember) that this will be a necessary tactic for some EoD mobs. However, if you run the new Alliance stance with GS, you get 3 combo finishers (#5 on GS, Nomad's Advance on both blue and red) but no combo fields. None. Zero.
You get a field with Dwarf's Stone Road, Demon's Embrace the Dark and Centaur's Protective Solace. I'm ignoring Glint and Kalla, because, yeah.  This seems like a real fail on the part of the devs.

I'm also going to throw my 2 cents in about the alliance stance here, because 1k replies is a lot.
I loved the original Vindicator beta. it was fun, and challenging. I went and did hero points so I could play it immediately. But the way the Alliance stance is now is flat and boring. More of the same. Either I'm DPSing, or I'm healing/buffing.  I guess I could equip a staff as a secondary and switch if the fight goes south, or vice versa if no one is dying. But that still leaves me with one weapon set and one stance, and I could do the same thing with the Centaur stance. One of the things I felt was special and exciting about the Vindicator was the flexibility. The changes have taken that fun out of it.

Why bother creating a new spec and stance if the gameplay is just going to be the same?

For the love of God, do not give Anet the idea of reverting Vindicator back to the original style of your legend skills swapping upon use. That was such a clunky,  useless, frustrating, and idiotic design choice on their part. The way it is now actually gives us far more control over it and actually allows us to play the way we want to play it.

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