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DE is a serious problem

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Right now, as most of us know, the GW2 community is divided.

There are the elites who praise the DE meta and wish for it to remain in its current difficulty.

and there are the casuals (story lovers, overworld players, sight seers) who want to BEAT the open world boss, but can’t. So they call upon for a nerf to make it doable for them.

In case you didn’t know, casuals make up most the player base. They’re the ones keeping guild wars 2 fresh, alive, and relevant to this day. (Also, don’t assume casuals have no knowledge on combat and break bars. They’re casuals, not noobs. They know how to play well, they just prefer their fun builds.)


I stand firmly on the side of the casuals here.

Great job to anyone who managed to beat the DE meta. It is truly no easy feat.
But don’t go around saying it’s the perfect difficulty, or that the turtle will be handed out in a different way. Anet has clearly chosen to agree with you, and all that has furthered the rift between the two groups.


I am shocked with the dev’s decisions here.

People are clearly frustrated with this last meta. Enough time has passed that some seek more than just a nerf now. They want compensation for all those hours of their lives thrown away. The longer Anet waits, the more severe this rift will be. 

I am already ashamed that it hasn’t been solved on week 1. If this issue persists another week, I am not even going to bother with future releases of content. 

if you’re an elite player who loves guild wars 2, call upon a nerf for the fight. Because at this rate, you will start to see the early signs of the death of a game.

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The meta is not difficult.

Farming Kales is difficult.


If they nerf, they should give an achievement/mount skin to everyone who did before the nerf though. Imagine how salty and confused those permastuck people would be when looking at the turtle skin.

Edited by JPUlisses.8756
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I'm a casual player, but I like the Dragon's End meta the way that it is. I think it makes sense. It's the end of the dragon arc and we're killing the mother of all dragons. It's a fight that puts together everything that we've ever done in GW2. It's a good ending.

I think that locking the siege turtle behind it is fine. What do you need a siege turtle for? It's slow compared to other mounts, can't be used in WvW, and it needs a second player to go pewpew. I heard that it makes strikes enjoyable, but I haven't tried EoD strikes yet. Previous strikes are doable without the turtle.

The graphics of the meta are nice, the movement in the fight is nice, the coordination needed is nice and satisfying when done right, and a bunch of randoms banded together to form a new guild after many failures. I'm in this guild. I happened to run a failed meta with them right before they formed the guild. This meta brings people together. Even if it might only be temporary, since this guild is solely for fighting Soo-Won.

I will admit that I don't care much for the siege turtle. I personally don't like the drift technology. I was hoping for a turtle that moved like a turtle. But I am a collector. I am constantly out of karma because I buy every possible collectible thing from every merchant, including cultural skins for races that I never play and made temporary characters for just to buy the skins that I will never use. The turtle is no different. It's a "collectible" in my eyes and I will keep doing the meta until I get it. The meta is enjoyable and engaging enough that I don't mind re-running it. It's the only meta that I don't mind re-running on a loop. Put me in Silverwastes and I last maybe half a meta, no more than one meta at most before I feel like the gold farm isn't worth my sanity. Being unmotivated to farm anything is also why I'm constantly broke 😛

I want to beat the meta. Do you wanna know why? So I can see the ending dialogue and animations of a successful run, and so I can visit the Jade Wind Respite POI while it's actually a respite. That's it. I want to beat this incredibly difficult meta just so I can LOOK at things. The effort that I've "wasted" and will "waste" is and will be a good time for me, even if most days I don't have the time to sit down and play for 2 intense hours.

The Dragon's End meta is fine the way that it is. It doesn't need to be nerfed. It's not standing in the way of anything absolutely vital. It is fun to see and participate in, even when I fail. I think that locking the siege turtle behind it is fair, and I have no complaints.

Well, there was one complaint that I had, and Anet already fixed it. It was how at the end of the meta that I fought, Soo-Won spazzed out and phased repeatedly between head and tail, not staying in one position long enough to do one percent of damage. That was weird, but it's been patched.

Edit: I beat the Dragon's End meta. People kept dying and downing and refusing to join Discord, and we finished with 3 seconds left haha. I will still be doing the meta again :3

Edited by Embered.5089
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1 hour ago, JPUlisses.8756 said:

If they nerf, they should give an achievement/mount skin to everyone who did before the nerf though. Imagine how salty and confused those permastuck people would be when looking at the turtle skin.

If you want other people to be salty,  you are the problem. This is the kind of attitude that kills games faster than any balance issues. 

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Git gud. You join open squads, and just join them in your kale area and can pick again and again, also phase to wvw/PvP lobby. I do it with soybeans. Take harvest thingies of bounty, from Karma merchant for chance of more strikes. 

Unless you mean something else then I don’t know.

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4 hours ago, Michaelsnakefang.9642 said:

There are the elites who praise the DE meta and wish for it to remain in its current difficulty.

and there are the casuals (story lovers, overworld players, sight seers) who want to BEAT the open world boss, but can’t.

I love how some people know only black and white and put other people in boxes.

Take me, for instance: I am mainly that open-world PvE player who loves playing the story and explores maps until I have found all their hidden spots and solved all puzzles before I move on to the next. I didn't play the DE meta until I was done with the aforementioned activities on my main character, with eight more to follow soon.

On the other hand, I love the DE meta challenge. I agree that the RNG of the dragon switching sides could use some adjustment, but I nonetheless think that it was a fantastic idea to create such an epic battle as a finale for this long story arc.

Comments like the one I quoted only divide the community further. People get upset when you try to label them.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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1 hour ago, White Dragon.5429 said:

If you want other people to be salty,  you are the problem. This is the kind of attitude that kills games faster than any balance issues. 

Please stop crying while taking others fun. Its like you do two wrongs in one.

Edited by JPUlisses.8756
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14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

On the other hand, I love the DE meta challenge. I agree that the RNG of the dragon switching sides could use some adjustment, but I nonetheless think that it was a fantastic idea to create such an epic battle as a finale for this long story arc.


Adjusting the RNG to make it easier is a nerf btw. One that most people call for.

Also, since MMO history, the terms elites and casuals have been used. Someone didn't just invent these terms to be salty for this meta, pal. There are thousands of videos out there that will explain why they are both vital to make MMO games successful. 


And stop chanting your BS "Divide the community" crap on my post. The community IS divided. 

I'm not stoking the flame, I'm trying to die it down. This meta divided the community. THATS WHY IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED. 


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54 minutes ago, Michaelsnakefang.9642 said:

Adjusting the RNG to make it easier is a nerf btw. One that most people call for.

Not necessarily. There just should be a bit of logic behind it. You cannot DPS if you constantly run from left to right.

Mind you, I have seen the meta succeed with 3 minutes of time left, but I've also seen instances of the RNG going nuts. So "adjustments" do not necessarily equal "a nerf".

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