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I guess I'm not going to get the siege turtle.

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On 3/16/2022 at 12:44 AM, NumNums.7935 said:

Dude doesn't need education, he knows what he wants and its not to do this type of content. Idk the strike mission is easily doable with 5 people who love this kind of content.


Why not help them out then godfather them on a later date for idk shovels for my guild hall or something. Lol



Heya - I’m about 7-8 attempts in pugging this with no luck. I’d happily make a guild contribution if you have a spot opening some time. This is my first GW2 strike but I’m an experienced raider from other games without much in the way of connections.


Let me know if you’re open to the idea - cheers!

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9 hours ago, battledrone.8315 said:

yep, new content is only for the good players. just suck it up and pay for their entertainment, while you go back to the decade 

old core game. thats a compromise we all can be happy with.

You do realize the enormous majority of content is released for the more casual crowd right, that other modes barely get any love.

13 hours ago, Islyn.8019 said:

Tbh a lot of people work HARD at work, and want their gaming time to be enjoyable to them and not a ‘motivation’ thing.

Don’t confuse or conflate people wanting their recreation time to be chill, with they themselves not being motivated. 

they’re just not motivated by this.


most people I’ve met who have this mindset in game, often don’t have anything else they have to be motivated about. 


just because you like or enjoy X doesn’t mean anyone else must.

I work way more than 40 hours and will still dump a lot of hours on more challenging stuff, and more recently on Elden Ring. So are many of my friends. We have different experiences but I don't think you can correlate what happens in our personal lives to what we like to do in gaming.

Yes, work is hard, and free time should be enjoyed by everyone. I don't see farming an event as much worth of my time because it's not only repetitive but also dull, but you may find that it is, and I might have to deal with it if I want something locked behind that content. 
At the end of the day though nobody is forced to do anything, it's all self imposed.

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1 minute ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

You do realize the enormous majority of content is released for the more casual crowd right, that other modes barely get any love.

I work way more than 40 hours and will still dump a lot of hours on more challenging stuff, and more recently on Elden Ring. So are many of my friends. We have different experiences but I don't think you can correlate what happens in our personal lives to what we like to do in gaming.

Yes, work is hard, and free time should be enjoyed by everyone. I don't see farming an event as much worth of my time because it's not only repetitive but also dull, but you may find that it is, and I might have to deal with it if I want something locked behind that content. 
At the end of the day though nobody is forced to do anything, it's all self imposed.

if it was a casual, as people claim, more people would be playing it.

specially since it doesnt have a sub, and you can get all that "casual" content, by simply logging in at the right time

new world had no problems finding a mio players. most of that crowd has since moved on to lost ark.

they could have been here instead, if anet really wanted it

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43 minutes ago, battledrone.8315 said:

if it was a casual, as people claim, more people would be playing it.

specially since it doesnt have a sub, and you can get all that "casual" content, by simply logging in at the right time

new world had no problems finding a mio players. most of that crowd has since moved on to lost ark.

they could have been here instead, if anet really wanted it

Today standards are different and people tend to quickly move around to different things because there's a lot of games competing for their time. I'd risk to say because the market is more casual these days as well.
There's also other factors that can explain it. The near non existent advertising being one of them.

Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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I'm somewhat amused at myself that after getting the turtle egg via the DE ordeal I've not bothered with the next step. Something to do with veggies? I dunno. I've been spending more time (and gold) mucking around with builds and seeing what kind of DPS I can get on that poor golem. And running around in Cantha participating in whatever events I run across. And another thing! I think it's hilarious that the engi bomb auto-attack makes it look like my sylvari tech is attacking via deep knee bends. DPS with your legs, not your back! /e curtsey

I just wish the 'meta' gear wasn't so expensive and/or grindy to acquire/craft...

Anyway, after re-gearing several characters I was nearly out of gold, so I replenished my reserves by selling some mystic coins on the TP. Can you say 'big bucks'? I knew you could. I still can't bring myself to buy a set of Scholar runes. Because pretty much the only time any of my guys' health is above 90% is when they're, ya know, NOT fighting. That 5% boost to damage doesn't seem particularly helpful then. I did get the recipe for Torment runes this morning from one of the Pact persons but egads, all the sprockets... and they're not even Spacely!

Someday I'll get back to the turtle. Someday. In my own sweet casual time. /e deep knee bend

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Okay I want to be fair. Since I started this thread, I probably made at least 10 tries. All failed and frankly it got worse the more times I tried it. I thought it was hopeless

Still every time I logged in, I looked for a group that looked friendly to newcomers. That never happened but tonight was a very generic ask. They didn't ask for a specific build or DPS, healing or whatever. I thought ok, I'll give it one more go.

I was nervous, I didn't want to fail or even worse embarrass myself. I swallowed my pride and hoped for the best.

While waiting for it to start. I didn't want fool anyone and I stated I may not be much help, and if I went down, maybe it would be best if you didn't rez me. Right away, another said the same. To the credit of the group, no one flinched, they were ready to go.

Some guy named Bluebeard I think was the leader. Before we started, he went over some tips. Most I already knew but it was helpful.

Right away, I knew this was better than most groups....not because of me of course...lol.

Until this time, I have never got to the last part. The last guy was down to about 2% health. Then all but one or two went down. I thought all man this really sucks....but we rallied and won the day. I have to admit that last part was really fun and satisfying.

Having said all of that....I got lucky. I could have easily joined 10 other groups and had no luck.

I still think there should be a work around....not free as some seem to think we want, but just another way to get the needed item.

Lastly, I want to thank Bluebeard and all that was in that squad. It made my day.....:)

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14 hours ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

Today standards are different and people tend to quickly move around to different things because there's a lot of games competing for their time. I'd risk to say because the market is more casual these days as well.
There's also other factors that can explain it. The near non existent advertising being one of them.

they have plenty of ads online, way more , than the other expansions had.

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On 3/17/2022 at 9:35 PM, AlCapwnd.7834 said:

Use this and focus on not standing in damage.

You're welcome



 I checked that build yesterday at the golem, but only got 10K DPS with Autoattacking. Don't know why. I did gave me boons. Only my shield was Exo, everything else was Ascended/Legy and I even filled all slots with +5 Power infusions. However, I went to test it on some openworld bosses/events and because it felt strange autoattacking in Melee-range with Berserker gear I changed the armor stats to Marauders. No problem melting elites with just autoattacks and from time to time a dodge, or two.

Then I went into Dragons End. Map was not full and the last event chain already had started. So I had no 20% buff. We were around 45 players in squad. It mostly it was a PUG map, not some pre-organized group. Final fight went smooth, no bad RNG and less than 10 players went downstate at the first boss attack. During boss DPS-phases my DPS (yes, it was hard just standing there autoattacking and not pressing any skills)  was between top-2 and top-5 according to ArcDPS. We failed at 2% and no one in chat was angry or toxic. It was a nice experience, unlike the first days after release.

So, I think, it is really a build that is doing some decent DPS without having to care about a (complicated) rota at all. I think this build will work well with exo-gear, too. This might help focus on the mechanics of a fight. Maybe this is helpful for some players.


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On 3/18/2022 at 6:29 AM, battledrone.8315 said:

one of the reasons, that i dont play anymore, is that i dont have the gold for better gear. and even if i had the gold,

Sorry, but if you can't get exotics over multiple years of playing the game, then I'm not sure how you even want to play any mmorpg game.


i still dont have a functional build.

If you understand you don't have a "functional build", then you probably should understand why? At this point... just try making one that's "functional". Do you need help with anything in that regard?


not only do geargrinders make it easy to make a build, they actually lets you play that build the entire game.

No, "geargrinders" still can have a choice of skills/stats and make changes to them throughout the new releases or balance patches. Just "being a geargrinder" doesn't somehow automatically exclude that element, it still depends on the game's core design in regards of class/build creation.


and the gear drops like candy in the normal game too. 

Most of which is quickly becoming the equivalent of garbage meant to be vendored or disenchanted (or whatever the equivalent for each of those games is, since the naming differs, but the purpose is usually fairly similar).


so, you have all the disadvantages of a gear grinder, but none of the good things from it

Again, "geargrinder" has nothing to do with developer's choice of how much freedom you have in creation of your build. These are 2 different things.


no need to rush is false too, seeing that i had to spam map chat 2 days to find a group for LW

It's not false. I said I won't rush EoD and I'm not. In the past I didn't rush either. No need to rush is a fact, rushing is your personal choice and nothing more.



On 3/18/2022 at 6:35 AM, battledrone.8315 said:

yep, new content is only for the good players.

No, that is not true either. But seeing how you've just said you "didn't come back to EoD", I'm not sure why you feel the need to make claims about the things you didn't even experience.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Looks like it's not happening for me either.  I could do strike missions, but I've always found raid-content tedious and boring and since I play games to have fun, I avoid doing annoying tasks I don't enjoy.   Like many others, I wish ArenaNet would offer alternatives for that step  (like a method to get do this step through WvW which I do greatly enjoy.  Or even PvP).

In 9 years, I've never accused ArenaNet of being dishonest but the whole "no more difficult to get than a Roller Beetle" was an outright lie.   I don't recall needing to join a raid-style group to get the beetle.  They really should have been honest and told people this is a mount would require doing a strike mission. I suppose they didn't want to see the response to that and knew the truth wouldn't be something that would help sales.

Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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Ran the strike with part guild part pug and it went fine, twice. (I didn't get the turtle part to drop the first time, the second run was for fun) we have a guildie with anxiety issues and i can see how it would be much more difficult for people with physical/mental limitations. We're cheering him on and letting him work his way up to trying it with us, and he's watching vids to learn mechanics. Don't be ableist. But also don't be a hand holder, teach and support as much as possible, but at the end of the day there are going to be people frustrated by their limitations. 

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I am new to strikes and did find this part difficult. I was patient and found a group for people new to strikes in LFG run by a kind, experienced player. It took us a few tries and some adjustments but we did get the turtle part and no one got shamed for being "bad" at anything. I won't comment on whether this should  be changed or not, but it is possible to find groups for new players or those who need extra help. Don't give up! Anyway, driving the turtle is not so much fun as being the gunner.

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