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I guess I'm not going to get the siege turtle.

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First let me thank you all that made comments, even the ones that just said I just need practice and get better.  I have played GW1 almost from the beginning and GW2 from the beginning. Believe me, I'm not going to get better when it comes to reflexes and finger management. 

For the most part and even with my lack of skills, I have done well. I'm closing in on 30,000 achievement points. It's not like I'm lazy. Still when it comes to things like dodging.... it's useless to me. By the time I realize I need to dodge.... it's too late so I don't even try.

I admit it, I'm subpar and that will never change. I've tried to improve with quick mechanics, but it's just not going to happen.

I was ready to give it another go tonight. I tried to join several groups. I could join, but not completely. I had

 no option to join. Just whisper or some other kitten thing. In other words, I couldn't join where they were as I did before with other groups. I did whisper, they told me to go to the Eye of the North. Did that, it did not work.

I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but for the love of God, I don't know what it is.

Again, I don't like complaining, but this siege turtle thing is getting me really frustrated.

Force me to do all the renowned hearts again to get it....and I will be happy. In other words, I'm not asking for a free ride, just a way to get there....:)

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Okay...one last post on this.....well mayby....lol.

I just tried again. As said above, I couldn't figure out how to join a group completely so....

I decided to advertise my own group.....lol.... "complete noob looking for turtle strike mission". It was almost instantly filled. The problem was, I think we were all noobs lol. We didn't last long.

I don't care what anyone says, there needs to be a work around for this. Not an easy way with gold or gems, just a way to get this. Make it a grind if you will, but I have had it with strike missions.

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13 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

"Just telling people to git gut" is the wrong way indeed. The right way though is giving them more specific tips on how to succeed (and/or playing with them in groups to see what they need help with), which some people on this forum for some reason try to paint as "git gut!" trolly response anyways. Completing content for someone certainly isn't "educating" anyone and has nothing to do with "closing the gap".

the most specific tip i have seen is to go and look for a build on an external website, i.e. NOT IN THE GAME

or, to get lost. carrying other players is not ideal, but its better than what the game gives you


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9 hours ago, Desh.7028 said:


There is food I didn't like as a child and love now.



It is available for all players. The BotJS meta is the larger mess. Strikes are tame and people can even get carried if they remain unwilling to learn the game they're playing (with others).

No where was it stated that the Turtle just arrives in your mail, it was said "faster to earn than the Skyscale" (sic) which would've been true if Dragon's End were not the roadblock it is.

okay, i guess all the devs have to do,is to wait a decade or more for peoples taste to change.

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I feel like this would be a valid argument if the requirement was "beat the strike mission without dying".

But if you have the ability to load into a strike mission and put at least the bare minimum level of effort in, that's enough to complete that objective with 9 other people you're probably never going to meet again.

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5 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

The strike can literally be done with 9 healscourges and a DPS (stealing someone else's quote) because there's no time limit and the only really dangerous mechanic is the zappy laser from the mech boss. (and stacking with the I - II - III markers on your head)


Really late Edit:

Y'all are really just psyching yourselves out when things are not as terrible as you think they are.

doesnt matter what CAN be done,  its a  matter of time/effort vs fun/rewards

and i have seen enough of strikes, to never touch them again

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9 minutes ago, Nightgunner.2896 said:

I feel like this would be a valid argument if the requirement was "beat the strike mission without dying".

But if you have the ability to load into a strike mission and put at least the bare minimum level of effort in, that's enough to complete that objective with 9 other people you're probably never going to meet again.

your feelings have very little power over other players wallets. besides that, HOW is this experience going to to prepare

anyone for raids, if they are as casual, as you claim?

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Some people would literally complain for days on the forum about having to do a Strike instead of messaging any of those people offering help to get the Strike done in like 15 minutes.

When you can slap a boss 2-3 times, die and let your squad pretty much kill the boss and get the same rewards as others there isn't much effort involved.

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Here I was thinking Anet would resolve all the issues that casuals had with Strike Missions by offering tiered options or something. Instead they add even more hardcore missions, that roadblocks (advertized) "premium" features of the Expansion to boot.  Way to go Anet!   


It is obvious that they are still going for the "we WILL learn casuals how to do strikes, we WILL make them like them and we WILL make them ready for Raids somehow.  Not going to happen. It's like trying to get people to do PvP if they are not into that.  You will get the occasional player who discovers that they actually like the competing in PvP or some that will rise to the challenge of hard group content and start to embrace it, but most will not.  I wonder how long (how many expansions?) it will take Anet to realize that they can not really change peoples gaming taste.  

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31 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Some people would literally complain for days on the forum about having to do a Strike instead of messaging any of those people offering help to get the Strike done in like 15 minutes.

When you can slap a boss 2-3 times, die and let your squad pretty much kill the boss and get the same rewards as others there isn't much effort involved.

So? Do you think that if you gather more people that do not like strikes, they will suddenly start to like strikes more? What kind of reasoning is it?

Again, it's like trying to persuade greenpeace members to go on a hunting trip. Repeating ad nauseum that "come on, it isn't that hard" and "you won't even have to shoot, all you need is to participate" is not going to change the fact that this is a hunting trip you're trying to persuade them to join. And while you may see no reason why someone might be bothered with a hunting trip, many people will be bothered.

This here is the same principle. It's still a strike. None of your arguments are going to change that.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So? Do you think that if you gather more people that do not like strikes, they will suddenly start to like strikes more? What kind of reasoning is it?


You can gather people that like strikes, there are a lot of them. Or go with your guild or friends. 

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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So? Do you think that if you gather more people that do not like strikes, they will suddenly start to like strikes more? What kind of reasoning is it?

Where did I say I think people will like Strikes once they do one?

3 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Again, it's like trying to persuade greenpeace members to go on a hunting trip. Repeating ad nauseum that "come on, it isn't that hard" and "you won't even have to shoot, all you need is to participate" is not going to change the fact that this is a hunting trip you're trying to persuade them to join. And while you may see no reason why someone might be bothered with a hunting trip, many people will be bothered.

The thing is, those greenpeace members won't get any reward for going on a hunting trip. You would get a mount if you did a Strike.

4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

This here is the same principle. It's still a strike. None of your arguments are going to change that.

Yes, it's a Strike, not a Fractal, not a Raid. The complaints about having to do instanced content would be fair if Anet said you have to do a Tier 4 Fractal or a Raid, but all they ask you is to do a single Strike. Not Boneskinner, not Whisper, not Harvest Temple, just Kaineng Overlook.
If you aren't willing to join a Strike for a mount then you simply won't get that mount. If you consider complaining about it for days the better solution then.. keep complaining I guess. As I said, people offered help, so, the solutions are there already.

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On 3/15/2022 at 3:16 AM, Tom.6478 said:

This is not really a complaint. Some things in this game are, or should be for the better players.

I never do strike missions because I'm not that good. My fingers and reflexes are poor. And since I don't do them, I have a hard time to even understanding the mechanics of and given mission.

The two times I have tried this mission was embarrassing. Thats not fun.

I just wish there was an alternative way to get the thruster control unit even if it took a lot of grinding

u have to do a strike to get a turtle?
haha its that i couldnt give a kitten but anet seems to lock more and more things behind stupid things.

anet needs to realise some players enjoy open world PvE others instanced PvE others like raids

and then u have people who enjoy WvW or sPvP..
why force all these players into doing something they do not want is beyond me.

see saying u get forced into open world PvE to get something done is a stupid argument because u knew u would have to do it moment u bought the game thats how mmo's roll..
but for example making me good strikes or raids is a big fat no i will never go there i just dont like spanking a HP punch bag till it dies. why these mounts are locked behind something anyway the springer and raptor where easy to get and it was okay. rest i dont remember how to get them but beside stupid drake fly thing and griffon all stuff was easy to get and thats how it should be.

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11 minutes ago, reddie.5861 said:

u have to do a strike to get a turtle?
haha its that i couldnt give a kitten but anet seems to lock more and more things behind stupid things.

anet needs to realise some players enjoy open world PvE others instanced PvE others like raids

and then u have people who enjoy WvW or sPvP..
why force all these players into doing something they do not want is beyond me.

see saying u get forced into open world PvE to get something done is a stupid argument because u knew u would have to do it moment u bought the game thats how mmo's roll..
but for example making me good strikes or raids is a big fat no i will never go there i just dont like spanking a HP punch bag till it dies. why these mounts are locked behind something anyway the springer and raptor where easy to get and it was okay. rest i dont remember how to get them but beside stupid drake fly thing and griffon all stuff was easy to get and thats how it should be.

What more and more things are locked behind “stupid things”? 

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I really don't get this thread at all.

"Anet please remove the siege turtle from the strike. It's hard, unfair, and I don't want to do it!"

Some people in this thread: "Add me and I'll be more than happy to help you out with a few of my friends/guild members."

"No thanks, I rather kitten about it."


Willing to bet if they removed the strike requirement, someone would still find some other reason to complain about the unlock process.

Edited by MorpheusDV.8592
Grammar shenanigans
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1 minute ago, MorpheusDV.8592 said:

I really don't get this thread at all.

"Anet please remove the siege turtle from the strike. It's hard, unfair, and I don't want to do it!"

Some people in this thread: "Add me and I'll be more than happy to help you out with a few of my friends/guild members."

"No thanks, I rather kitten about it."


Willing to bet I'd they removes the strike requirement, someone would still find some other reason to complain about the unlock process.

Charity isn't a solution to systemic problems. Not gonna be arrogant enough to say that's a universal rule, but generally speaking... if there is an issue that will occur consistently for some specific percentage of people, the solution is not "some people doing them a favor some of the time." That's a temporary bandage, not a fix. We have to think about these things in terms of people not just now, but years from now (assuming the game continues that long). Maybe there are enough people now willing to help out, it can offset some of the issues, but how many people will still care enough about the content (or be active enough) to help later on? There are obscure events in this game tied to Return To achievements or collections that are downright hard to complete sometimes because they require a certain minimum threshold of people present or certain level of organization to get them done successfully and many of the zones they are in are dead half the time. Is the answer for those people supposed to be "make a thread and hope people will volunteer to help"? You see what I'm saying?

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11 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

“I’ve been enjoying this restaurant for years, but I don’t like the taste of the meal I’ve just been been served.”

”You know, in the time you’ve complained about it, you could have just eaten it.”

Yes, that's pretty much the attitude i keep seeing. Along with explanations that eating this meal is not that hard, and that if one can't do it, they can always ask someone else to forcefeed them.

Meanwhile, the meal still tastes bad.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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11 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

“I’ve been enjoying this restaurant for years, but I don’t like the taste of the meal I’ve just been been served.”

”You know, in the time you’ve complained about it, you could have just eaten it.”

The meal you are served is ordered by you, it's not randomly selected.

The meal you ordered being too hot to eat would be a better comparison.

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15 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

“I’ve been enjoying this restaurant for years, but I don’t like the taste of the meal I’ve just been been served.”

”You know, in the time you’ve complained about it, you could have just eaten it.”

Not every comparison is a good comparison. 

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6 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

The meal you are served is ordered by you, it's not randomly selected.

The meal you ordered being too hot to eat would be a better comparison.

If the meal you ordered is one you’ve always enjoyed, but the recipe was changed significantly, it fits.

6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, that's pretty much the attitude i keep seeing. Along with explanations that eating this meal is not that hard, and that if one can't do it, they can always ask someone else to forcefeed them.

Meanwhile, the meal still tastes bad.

Yes. I had another variation in mind.

18 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:


“I’ve been enjoying this restaurant for years, but I don’t like the taste of the meal I’ve just been been served.”


“Why are you complaining? Any number of people have volunteered to eat it for you.”

Edited by Gibson.4036
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