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I am being stalked!

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I can see the point especially if OP is a WvW commander.
Having "another player" constantly know what BL you are on can make havoc groups a lot easier to target.

Going offline or invisible doesn't address that issue without blocking out the people you actually want to know where you are.


The GW2 friends system is a bit weird when I can call you a friend while you want nothing to do with me...

I agree, it should be mutual, if one side drops it, it's off.

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22 hours ago, kuku.2054 said:

You may be laughing at this matter, but for others it is a real issue.


A psychological issue which involves harassment.


How come is the predator allowed to add you to his list, and you are not allowed to say no?

ARE you being harrased by any of them? Or are they just there, literally not doing anything except they follow you on a list?

If you are getting unwanted whispers, someone interfering in your gameplay, literally following you around, getting weird mails from people etc., then you can report them. And please do so if they are harassing you.


You can also block them, and they can't bother you anymore.


16 hours ago, kuku.2054 said:

You seem not to understand me.


I am not interested in any of your help or suggestions how I am supposed to react/act.


I would like to an option in game how I can remove those followers.

Likely not gonna happen as this is an MMO. You can't run away from people - people running around in an mmo, "following" interesting people, making friends, etc. is kind of the point. Anet's philosophy from the start has been "this is a one big party and everyone's invited". Most mechanics revolve around bringing people together, not apart. Like it or not, the "follow" system is part of that philosophy. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others don't either. Plus, you already have the tools to deal with the situation - block them - but you refuse to do so, and instead demand that the world changes to accommodate you. You're not going to get very far with that attitude, nor will people have much sympathy for you.


And i'm here to tell you that Anet isn't going to rework the friends system any time soon with so many other things they're doing just because you feel uncomfortable. 


It is what it is. Could it be better? Probably. Hell, definitely could be better. Will it be? Probably not. It's so low on the list of Anet's priorities that i doubt they even see the friend tab as any kind of issue. 


It's up to you to deal with the situation yourself. Take charge and block people you don't want seeing on your follower list. Don't expect everyone elses world to revolve around yours.


Anyway... Good luck, and if you really can't get over the fact that some people found you interesting enough to add to their friends list - maybe MMOs aren't for you.

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Well saying random folks, then posters are stalkers isnt a light accusation, that's not exactly the good faith you'd expect from someone trying to convince you. 

This feature exist in literally every social game / website btw. I can send you a friend request on steam, facebook, linkedin , ... You may not accept it, but if I check my friend request list, I'll still be able to check back on what publicly available infos you left.

You've been told way arounds to deal with your (its yours since its perceived threat, not actual stalking right?!) problem.
Is it perfect? No, nothing is.
Are these solutions good enough? Depends on the individual (see my previous post about offlines being more fitting if social anxiety)
Is it gonna change? The bigger the change you ask for, the less likely it is to become true. 
I'm all for being inclusive as long as its a reasonnable demand, hence asking if "friends request" would suit you better than "followers", thats just editing 1 line of text. Asking to rework the whole friend system is however a massive waste of dev time.

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4 hours ago, kuku.2054 said:

When I read your comments I start to think that many of you yourself are stalking someone.


With all the perverts running around, this option should not be available in game, unless one is mutually accepted as a friend.

Now don't be cuckoo with your accusations.  :classic_tongue:

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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  • 1 year later...
On 3/27/2022 at 1:06 PM, Linken.6345 said:

Block is there and you can also play in invisible mode.

That don't work, these people have like 30 alt accounts posted up throughout the wvw maps. Take it as a type of gringe heavy compliment. You've done or said something that hit them just where it hurts their ego, now they're fixated on you. It might be a match you won, the armor and weapons you use, something you said in the forums or the simple fact that you're playing the game. That's why I don't do guilds, I tried a couple of times and all I saw entitled adults arguing over who's in the guild. He's too old, he's too young that's my stuff in the bank blah, blah, blah.

Wait till you graduate up to the level where you have entire zergs zeroing in on you, big fun. Then they'll come to the forums and talk about how your class is bogus even though they have targeted for fast elimination during battles.😁

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On 3/28/2022 at 12:00 PM, livstrid.5023 said:

You seem not to understand me.


I am not interested in any of your help or suggestions how I am supposed to react/act.


I would like to an option in game how I can remove those followers.

If you block them they will be removed.

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On 3/27/2022 at 8:43 PM, livstrid.5023 said:

How come is the predator allowed to add you to his list, and you are not allowed to say no?

Would you like it better if the tab gets removed entirely and you wouldn't see how many and who put you on their list?
(It's not like you are being stalked, you are being added to their friends list - do you stalk the players on your friends list)

Edited by Lucy.3728
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