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I love being told that Berserker is trash.


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I love it when people tell me Berserker is trash, then they explain to me all the stuff that is wrong with it, then they  spend 30 min trying to convince me that they're correct, then they proceed to tell me how much better Bladesworn is, then I proceed to violently delete them from the face of the earth in a match, that feels good. That makes me feel good. I even had people pm me what my build is, people raging about the fact that I killed them, and people who kept insulting Berserkers as a spec.


No disrespect intended, I know Bladesworn is solid, but to disregard a class as a whole and relegate everyone to play one thing and one thing only, is what makes potentially good players worse.


The thing is, this game is not about what is meta, and what is the best build, it's about strategy, and human thought. Even gold making, and everything in the game, warrior, is all about strategy. It was never the spec, it was simply the strategy I used against them. Spellbreaker, Bladesworn, Berserker, Core, it's all just strategy man.

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38 minutes ago, Aridon.8362 said:

That makes me feel good. I even had people pm me what my build is, people raging about the fact that I killed them, and people who kept insulting Berserkers as a spec.

I know right, that's a really good feeling 👀

They're like "out of meta class/spec, ez kill" until you face them... lmao, a lot of people on pvp is so used to the meta and low effort high reward builds, that they get over confident whenever they see a warrior.


Edited by Zizekent.2398
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A lot of people dont understand that certain builds are or aren't considered meta purely based on what else is considered meta and being played most often.


There are TONS of strong builds that can destroy meta builds and perform decently well against most things, but they are potentially weak to another build that is played often or the role that they play is considered "inferior" to another popular build based on the assumption of what you are likely to end up fighting against more often 

With matchmaking being a complete diceroll you can sometimes hard carry a game with hipster builds just because the enemy team doesn't have one of the builds that makes your build a liability in more competitive play


For example, Something like quickness mortar scrapper is solid build that can 1v1 tons of strong builds and totally carry a teamfight with insane cleave and support, but if the enemy has a lot of projectile hate like say......scourge or guardian, well you're hard carry build just became a lot weaker

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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4 hours ago, Aridon.8362 said:

 then I proceed to violently delete them from the face of the earth in a match, that feels good.

Hahahaha. That is the way. 

But for majority strategy is difficult, requires a I thing that most people don't want to do. 'Think' and 'Study'. Better Copy and Paste the Meta build.


I could tell many tales of my adventures with the many builds that I have. Power Berseker I played Long ago, I even had a build With Hammer and GS. Was so fun delete the Spellbreaker from earth. 14k of dmg, I think it was that dmg that he received from my combo.

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3 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

With matchmaking being a complete diceroll you can sometimes hard carry a game with hipster builds just because the enemy team doesn't have one of the builds that makes your build a liability in more competitive play

This right here completely captures PvP.

On Skybreaker I played played 5v4 with us having an insane meta team vs. 1 each of core necro, scrapper, core guardian, and spellbreaker (their 5th teammate dc'd before the start), and we got SLAUGHTERED (something like 200 vs 500). Like, no rhyme or reason, we just couldn't get our rotation and synergy together regardless of how we tried and they were able to just outflank and murder us between points.

Counter that with a match on Legacy of the Foefire we lost mid and both points start of the match and it was like 0 vs. 250 points before we even managed our first kill (1 person rage-afk'd). We went on to win the match something like 500 vs. 499. (they were stuck at 450 for like 400 of our pips) Hell, the other team wasn't even mad about it. They started getting hyped and we were all playing like absolute madlads.

It's not to say it's random but really sometimes players just don't gel with one another, regardless if their builds are custom tailored to one another.

Healbrand + Alacrigade in Fractals will work 99% of the time because you know exactly what X is going to do and when.

Healbrand + Alacrigade (equivalent) in PvP might sweep match 1, get murdered match 2, struggle through match 3, and so on, all vs. the same Elementalist because for god's sake Rhodey that bunker build is like fighting a hurricane and you keep launching me off the clocktower!

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Yeah berserker against a team who dont know how to play v one can create some severe havoc.

Berserker isnt meta, because in high level play, people will know exactly how to counter Berserker, however in every day ranked, players tend to be ALOT Less organised and know ALOT less about less common builds, It isnt a "good build" but it'll one shot u if u dont play against it properly.

Fresh air weaver and Core Mesmer are 2 others which u would never see played in high skilled matchs but can absolutely obliterate in every day ranked gameplay.

Berserker 1 shot build can defintly be fun to run rampent in ranked for that reason. alot of people will head first charge into a 1 shot xD

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17 hours ago, knite.1542 said:

You should make a montage for us to all admire.

Make sure it starts with a clip of your character walking towards the camera, that seems to be popular.

Oh, and a clickbait thumbnail too.

Of course, CLEARLY needs a polish and get rid of the pve only spec.

Now, i have a video of 2 hours up there playing berserker, it's not terrible. and Montages doesn't represents the reality of the class/spec.

OP just said that you can adapt your tools to the current state, META ≠ always better/free win. Also said that just feels good beating a player that called you trash for playing Berserker. Berserker needs a check and a polish OF COURSE, but it's NOT trash level, it's not unplayable.

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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