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Bladesworn - Dragon trigger is rly frustrating (PVE)


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So i mostly play thief but like to play warrior from time time, so after changes to elite spec asended weapon collection i thought i would play some bladesworm to get his ascended pistol skin.


I logged to warrior and went to echovald to kill some mobs to try build, skills etc.

I started fighting with few mobs, filled my flow bar, eneterd dragon trigger, started charging dragon slash and... BAM some enemy instantly cast fear on me the moment i started charging dragon slash, my char started running all over place, dragon trigger is on cd... i think ok lets try again... few second later dragon trigger is no longer on cd, so again i start to charge dragon slash and BAM, again fear... it happened like 5 times in a row, i couldnt even use it once coz of insta fear from some simple mobs... i just gave up and stopped using it, and finished those mobs with axe and pistol...


So conclusion from all of this is that currently charging dragon trigger even in most casual open world pve can end up being rly frustrating and just not fun when dragon trigger is so easily interrupted.

Also even if somehow u finish charging dragon slash and use it on mobs, even in full zereker gear with good tratis (Snowcrows build or metabattle), simple mobs are not even killed in one hit ;/


I just wanted to share my impressions with current state of bladesworm most unique mechanic.

Edited by Opun.3824
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You have 3 seconds of stab when you use your dragon trigger so it should save you from at least one cc unless you charge for too long then your stab will expire. It only takes 2.5s for full charge so there should be enough time.


You also have skill 4 to block incoming attack with aegis as well which can saves you from cc if you time it right.

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1 minute ago, Opun.3824 said:

Yes i tried to use it, but the fear from enemies happened instantly the moment i started charging 😕

You should have use your stab when start charging unless your got hit by more than 1 CC.


Another possibility is you your dragon trigger in under 8s because the trait that give stab has 8s cd while dragon trigger only has 7s.

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Traits i have used:

Strength: 3 - 2 - 1

Discipline: 2 - 3 - 3

Bladesworn: 3 - 2 - 2


Stab is on 8s cd, dragon trigger 7s cd


I was fighting with 5-6 mobs, so maybe few of them casted fear on me in same time

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1 minute ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Its maybe one of the boon corrupting mobs. The stab will get corrupted into fear, because reasons 🙂


If that was the case then its even worse 😞, how are we supposed to defend against it?

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7 minutes ago, Opun.3824 said:

If that was the case then its even worse 😞, how are we supposed to defend against it?

Probably just watch out for those mobs (there is text below the mob HP bar that says "corrupts boons") and don't do DT on them (whatever gives you stability, don't use it; I didn't play the spec). As to what the devs thought about when designing DT and giving it to war, of all things... don't ask me. Maybe they thought only about instanced pve content when designing it.

Personally I switched from guard to war to do story content and those boon corrupting mobs are infuriating - all your might gets insta corrupted to weakness and your damage drops...

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Using BS is open world is a waste of a traitline. Pretty much like Zrk. You are only 2/3 of your character most of the time. Dont get frustrated by how useless it is. Just know it's not you. The class is crap.

Edited by Mesket.5728
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1 hour ago, Sentinel VX.1392 said:

You have 3 seconds of stab when you use your dragon trigger so it should save you from at least one cc unless you charge for too long then your stab will expire. It only takes 2.5s for full charge so there should be enough time.


You also have skill 4 to block incoming attack with aegis as well which can saves you from cc if you time it right.

There is a lot of CC in that map. And weakness in general in EoD. Also if said skill was actually a boon corruption then the stab itself was what caused the fear.

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5 hours ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Using BS is open world is a waste of a traitline. Pretty much like Zrk. You are only 2/3 of your character most of the time. Dont get frustrated by how useless it is. Just know it's not you. The class is crap.

Tell me dont play warrior without telling me you don't play warrior.


Bladesword and berserker are some of the best open world specs in the game

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16 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Tell me dont play warrior without telling me you don't play warrior.


Bladesword and berserker are some of the best open world specs in the game

They can be fun but the problem they both can have in open world is that you don't get to use the fun features because most things are dead before you get to that point vs other professions get to start out with their fun profession mechanics from the get go. Even Mesmer shatters you still shatter yourself even if you don't have clones. Plus they can have their clones pretty quickly into combat. While warrior I have to try to not kill my enemy so I can do the profession mechanic.

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21 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

They can be fun but the problem they both can have in open world is that you don't get to use the fun features because most things are dead before you get to that point vs other professions get to start out with their fun profession mechanics from the get go. Even Mesmer shatters you still shatter yourself even if you don't have clones. Plus they can have their clones pretty quickly into combat. While warrior I have to try to not kill my enemy so I can do the profession mechanic.

Well, that really depends on the build, not the spec, as well as the content. Of course if you don't consider how you get adrenaline/flow, you don't get to burst on trash mobs, ESPECIALLY in early game content. ALL warriors have this problem to some degree.

That being said ... haven't encountered many mobs in EoD that I don't get to use my bursts so the idea that Zerk or BsW is a 'waste of time' in OW ... is just angry player rhetoric. I have yet to not have the adrenaline to use Primal Burst on CD and on BsW, you don't need a full adrenaline to use it so ... people need to learn to make builds appropriate for the content they are doing for how they want to play. 

As for the OP being frustrated ... there is definitely more consideration when you should burst and it pretty much goes with out saying the more mobs you encounter with more chance for CC, the harder it will be for ANY class to take the actions they want without interruption. 


Edited by Obtena.7952
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42 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Tell me dont play warrior without telling me you don't play warrior.


Bladesword and berserker are some of the best open world specs in the game

Not for me it isn't. My experience is that you get berserker up when things are at very low hp and you run from mob to mob glowing red like an idiot only to go off by the time you reach your target. Or worst, dont even turn red because its meaningless. You have no burst while on downtime. So "usable"  zerk uptime is crap in open world and the dps gain vs core (solo playing) is minimal. Similar goes for BS. Even veterans die before flow is up. Its a useless spec for open world. Power Core Warrior on full zerk dps gear can melt anyhing in open worn while retaining everything that makes warrior a warrior. Heck, you can even take defense as core and use the trait for 10% dmg against weakness foes and apply weakness on hit to targets below 50% and dont loose that much dps while getting other goodies for sustain as a bonus.

I get you force yourself to play something new out of boredom or personal preference but that doesn't make it optimal. Instaced content is another thing entirely.

I have thousands of hours on warrior btw. It is my main character. Since closed beta till BS was introduced. It seems you dony have enough expierence on warrior to be honest.

Edited by Mesket.5728
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2 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Not for me it isn't. My experience is that you get berserker up when things are at very low hp and you run from mob to mob glowing red like an idiot only to go off by the time you reach your target. Or worst, dont even turn red because its meaningless. You have no burst while on downtime. So "usable"  zerk uptime is crap in open world and the dps gain vs core (solo playing) is minimal. Similar goes for BS. Even veterans die before flow is up. Its a useless spec for open world. Power Core Warrior on full zerk dps gear can melt anyhing in open worn while retaining everything that makes warrior a warrior. Heck, you can even take defense as core and use the trait for 10% dmg against weakness foes and the trait that applies weakness on hit to targets below 50% and dont loose that much dps while getting other goodies for sustain as a bonus.

I get you force yourself to play something new out of boredom or personal preference but that doesn't make it optimal. Instaced content is another thing entirely.

I have thousands of hours on warrior btw. It is my main character. Since closed beta till BS was introduced. It seems you dony have enough expierence on warrior to be honest.

What do you mean?

Seems more like you just aren't using your abilities properly and just spamming 1-5


On berserker you can open up any fight in open world with a headbut and instantly enter berserker mode, greatsword burst, heal, greatsword burst will kill like 99% of trash mob packs in open world including veterans and elites instantly, and thats without even using any axe skills yet which will clean up anything left with ease

On bladesworn axe 2 into flow stabilizer will get ypu enough flow for a full dragon trigger in like 3 seconds, and at that point u can kill just about anything extremely quickly.

The downtime between these things is rarely relevant in most open world activities. By the time you move on to the next fight your cooldowns are back or very close to it.

Few can kill huge packs of enemies as quick as a berserker or bladesworn

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4 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

What do you mean?

Seems more like you just aren't using your abilities properly and just spamming 1-5


On berserker you can open up any fight in open world with a headbut and instantly enter berserker mode, greatsword burst, heal, greatsword burst will kill like 99% of trash mob packs in open world including veterans and elites instantly, and thats without even using any axe skills yet which will clean up anything left with ease

On bladesworn axe 2 into flow stabilizer will get ypu enough flow for a full dragon trigger in like 3 seconds, and at that point u can kill just about anything extremely quickly.

The downtime between these things is rarely relevant in most open world activities. By the time you move on to the next fight your cooldowns are back or very close to it.

Few can kill huge packs of enemies as quick as a berserker or bladesworn

Great, you kill your target in 3 seconds instead of 4. Now have funning being a running cooldown.


ps. btw, raptor pull, axe 2, 4, 5 and ANY pack is dead before the whirl is off. No need for trade off packed mechanics.

Edited by Mesket.5728
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9 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Great, you kill your target in 3 seconds instead of 4. Now have funning being a running cooldown.

Don't really get this comment. What are you implying to back up your claim that warrior Zerk and BsW especs are waste of time in OW? How are you actually qualifying that claim if people are correctly identifying the ability to use the respective espec bursts in OW? 

In otherwords, if you think these specs are a waste of time in OW, it's certainly NOT because they don't get sufficient time to use their bursts on targets or have excessive CD's. I mean, if you are just complaining that using a burst on NPC's puts you in a CD situation that you simply can't repeat over and over for successive mobs, that's a completely invalid complaint since most skills for most classes in this game have CD's that would have the same effect.  

Edited by Obtena.7952
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You will likely kill EVERY target around you, the cooldowns aren't even that long.

Realistically if you kill a pack of mobs using this method you're gonna mount up and move on, by the time you actually have to fight again its probably ready to do again, and if not you will still have your high damage skills like axe 4 and 5 up because you probably didn't even need to use them because everything died to greatsword burst.

Same with dragon trigger and pistol 5 if you use that setup


If you're actually using your abilities effectively you rarely encounter any real downtime between big damage attacks 

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18 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Realistically if you kill a pack of mobs using this method you're gonna mount up and move on, by the time you actually have to fight again its probably ready to do again

one might think it is like that and you have no idea how much I struggled to make it work when they removed always angry and core burst from zerk (which covered the downtime a bit) but it is not the case. Perhaps its my fast pace frenetic going in from pack to pack but it doesn't work and the result is being on downtime more time that I'm enjoying it. Specially on HoT maps. The most irritating thing is rushing to the next pack fight with the last couple of seconds of red just to start the fight and the cooldown at the same time. It just doesn't work well and I know I'm not alone on this feeling. I get that end game is more about prolonged fights rather than this kind of quick skirmish and espec meta builds might perform better on those scenarios but for OW, not only its not better, I couldn't even find the fun in it.

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2 hours ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Great, you kill your target in 3 seconds instead of 4. Now have funning being a running cooldown.


ps. btw, raptor pull, axe 2, 4, 5 and ANY pack is dead before the whirl is off. No need for trade off packed mechanics.

Ok, so basically you're just using your cooldowns ineffectively


You're deliberately choosing to waste all your high damage fillers before using your bursts, those are the skills you could be using during that "downtime" you're complaining about 

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1 minute ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Ok, so basically you're just using your cooldowns ineffectively


You're deliberately choosing to waste all your high damage fillers before using your bursts, those are the skills you could be using during that "downtime" you're complaining about 

Yeah axe 5 is wasted in such a rotation usually.

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53 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Ok, so basically you're just using your cooldowns ineffectively


You're deliberately choosing to waste all your high damage fillers before using your bursts, those are the skills you could be using during that "downtime" you're complaining about 

Remember this is open world, not a sustained dps on a boss. That is just one way of quickly dealing with a pack of monsters including veterans.

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9 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Remember this is open world, not a sustained dps on a boss. That is just one way of quickly dealing with a pack of monsters including veterans.

Yeah, but you're complaining about having downtime in damage between fighting mobs in open world, you're wasting all your good fillers on the first pack you see instead of spacing them out from one pack to the next,

You can do bursts first pack, weapin skills the next pack and have bursts for the 3rd and so on.

Theres very few situations where you're being constantly put into combat against mobs to the point where u have no attacks off cooldown left to use, and any other class would usually run into the same issue in that situation and they probably would take longer to kill each individual pack

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