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Will Pay You to Leave the Zone

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9 hours ago, Embered.5089 said:

This is necessary for the meta to succeed. The map has a cap of 60 players, and a squad holds 50. Some people use 3 squads, 20 people in each.

Usually when you're being asked to leave, you are also welcomed to join their squad to help with the meta. If you both refuse to join the squad and refuse to leave the instance, then you are actively preventing the meta's success. The commander offering you gold to leave is merely trying to help ensure a win for the 50-60 people relying on him. He's not buying you out of the "grand finale meta". He's buying you out of failing it for everyone in the map. Most of these groups, again, will welcome you into the squad if you follow their guidelines.

You do not have to leave DE entirely. You can leave for a few minutes, until your instance slot reservation is cancelled (not sure about the exact time, around 2 minutes?) and then return so you're in a different DE instance. Then you can continue doing what you were doing in DE without affecting any meta groups.

DE is not the only map where the entire map is expected to cooperate. Dragon's End, Dragonfall, Drizzlewood Coast, and Silverwastes are some maps that I can think of which require the entire map's coordination. DE is a little more extreme in that there's fewer map slots and the fight is less forgiving, thus requiring more coordination and voice chat.

In those other map metas the pugs who know their kitten can save it from an overcooked guild squad who are breaking apart and it might be healthy to have a good range of people. This new meta is so fine tuned towards raid structure that a map will have to go fully one way or the other, full guild squad, or full pug go-getters. That meta isn't important enough for me to care if your guildmates want a slot. I'll join squad and catch your breakdown prep but you can save it if you want me to get on discord or put up with any flexing or talking down to. 

Who is working for a living and want's to spend all night negotiating with a bunch of clowns about map slots?

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16 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

This new meta is so fine tuned towards raid structure

It keeps being repeated around here that the dps needed is around 7k. This is in no way fine tuned towards raid structure. Commanders willing to organize squads with assigned boon distribution, simply decided it's an easy way to passively increase dps. It doesn't make it required and it doesn't mean it's somehow "fine tuned around raid structure".

You also don't need to negotiate anything with anyone there. You are free to play on the map if you want to and you're free to participate in the meta if you want to.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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12 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Few days ago i was mining jade nodes and the Comm was telling everyone who is farming or runing achievs to leave the map because it is an "organised" map. Ofcourse peole refused and then it got bad after that. Lots of arguing and name calling. If we are not participating in end meta then we have to leave to make place for his organised squad members. This happens quite often since comm wants to bring his entire pre made squad into the map. 

Thanks Anet what a great meta you have created that now players are unhappy to see other players on the map.

 Seems to me if all you are doing is farming jade, you're serving no one any purpose to stay on that map.  You're not going to get more or less jade on another map.  Same with achievements. You're actually just as well off leaving the map. I would.  Why would I want to screw up someone else's meta if I'm not doing it and they need the room? 

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19 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

 Seems to me if all you are doing is farming jade, you're serving no one any purpose to stay on that map.  You're not going to get more or less jade on another map.  Same with achievements. You're actually just as well off leaving the map. I would.  Why would I want to screw up someone else's meta if I'm not doing it and they need the room? 

I mean. Ok. We can say those players were selfish for not leaving.

But on one hand it's not like there's a "leave this map" button. Either there needs to be a non meta map in LFG or you need to actively TP out, wait until your spot has been freed and filled by someone else and can only then enter back into the map. I guess logging out works too but wow.

And on the other hand. Why is that a thing on an open world map with several explicitly non meta activities? One of which heavily overlapping with the meta itself? And just to clarify. I mean daytime fishing. Which only has 20 minutes before the meta starts and is on the same 2h cycle.

Again. Outside of squads you have no control over the map you're on. Necessitating these kinds of things is not good.

Now, as a matter of fact it is not necessary. The meta scales down to some fewer people and you can totally ignore the meta without actively causing harm. But the perception of both that comm and the way you portray it here are really just symptoms of the event failing spectacularly at being a good meta. It may be good at delivering a different kind of experience. Getting communities and guilds banding together to overcome a challenge. It fills a similar niche as instanced content did traditionally. But it fails spectacularly at being a meta event that brings people together with ad hoc cooperation. It fails at the original purpose of meta events. 

Edited by Erise.5614
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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

 Seems to me if all you are doing is farming jade, you're serving no one any purpose to stay on that map.  You're not going to get more or less jade on another map.  Same with achievements. You're actually just as well off leaving the map. I would.  Why would I want to screw up someone else's meta if I'm not doing it and they need the room? 

Sure if they pay me gold i will leave. Take this issue with Anet for creating such toxic enviornment. I play on me own time how i want. I am a casual player. Never before in history of GW2 i had to face a situation like this. Not my fault. No one owns the map or has the right to tell other players to leave. 

Edited by Mickey.4207
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Just now, Mickey.4207 said:

Sure if they pay me gold i will leave. Take this issue with Anet for creating such toxic enviornment. I play on me own time how i want. I am a casual player. Never before in history of GW2 i had to face a situation like this. Not my fault 

I play on my own time and how I want too. I'm still happy to be part of a community. If I can help out without too much effort on my part, I will. Shrugs.

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Just now, Vayne.8563 said:

I play on my own time and how I want too. I'm still happy to be part of a community. If I can help out without too much effort on my part, I will. Shrugs.

Yes if they offer me to participate in the meta i am happy to help. But most comms only want to play with their own pre-made squads. And how should I leave map and where should I go? It's not like i can jump instances at someone's whim. It's rude to ask other to leave the map and order them around. 

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20 minutes ago, Mickey.4207 said:

Yes if they offer me to participate in the meta i am happy to help. But most comms only want to play with their own pre-made squads. And how should I leave map and where should I go? It's not like i can jump instances at someone's whim. It's rude to ask other to leave the map and order them around. 

Not my experience. The commander I run with would be happy to have someone join rather than leave. But if they're not going to do the meta, she tries to bribe them. Not sure why that's an issue tbh.

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I remember people doing this too for Triple Trouble, Neo Tequatl, Vinewrath, Octovine, Chak Gerent, and Dragon Stand when they were new. It happened at the Boss Blitz too last time I played. 

EoD is still just about a month old. Give it time, people will get used to the fight and it will succeed more easily. When the stress of success will go down, it will not happen anymore. Or at least, only rarely.

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Fun fact - that's also the calculated needed dps for Vale Guardian.

That's calculated dps for VG "needed" for what exactly?

And fun fact -there's no respawns during raids 🙄


4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, you tried to present the story as if it was one-time exception that was immediately condemned, when in reality it was more like common behaviour that got condemned only because it was made way too public.

Because that's what it was, but nice try at conveniently making unsubstantiated claims with no source and now dodging the whole post, because you understand what you did there 😄


Anyways: definitely give me one of those ""common"" instances where I can be paid to leave, since sadly for the last month I still didn't have that pleasure.


2 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

But most comms only want to play with their own pre-made squads.

No, "most" comms don't, usually there'a easly more open squads in lfg than the ones that are trying to close themselves off from the rest. Like... not even close.

2 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

And how should I leave map and where should I go?

There's no any "should" here, you're free to do what you want there and play on whatever instance you want. From what I see, what Vayne said is that they don't see a reason for why they'd need to stay in specific instance if they don't want to participate in meta/group activities anyways.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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See, the way I see it, there's really nothing wrong here. As some fellow posters would say as well, they would be happy to receive free gold to leave a map that may not even succeed.

We have the power. They have to pay us to leave because they can't force us out of the map. If they could, they wouldn't even have to ask. It's just that if they start screaming at us, it's a one way trip to the block list. So they have to convince us. And this is fine as long as everyone agrees.

So the real issue is not if we get paid, but how much. It would be unreasonable to say the average player farms gold at max efficiency, but I think 15g/hour should be the minimum anyone should accept. And this is of course to remember your space is more valuable on a full map. And heck, people should be grateful to you for contributing to the map for free.

So I won't be insulted at all. But are you willing to pay?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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If I'm fishing I'm not leaving and losing all of my stacks. Don't make a map like this to have such feature then.

And really, does any other meta or world boss need the entire map population doing it to succeed? If that's not a strike/raid design then I don't know what it is. I haven't seen them paying but I've seen them asking for people to leave the map several times. Anet just has created a problem out of nowhere, like asking for LI or specific roles for it. Keep things like this as instances so players can join those with their squad, the supposed non-existent trinity in this game, and no one there wasting a slot with other activities, simple.

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