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Stop using Discord for your GW2 comms

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I am totally with OP.

If this game is so dependant on voice comm and don't you dare say it isn't, many WvW squads make it compulsory to join their discord if you want in, Guild leaders leads only in Discord during guild missions, Raids, Strikes and now even in open World meta like the Battle for Jade Sea, squads need you to be in discord to join them... So why with the third expansion ANet still cannot give us a simple in-game voice comm system?

I have no problem using discord before. I used it for WvW before i quit that mode 3 years ago. The problem is getting back in now. Whether re-activating old account or creating new ones, just like ANet, in the name of protecting your account, Discord wants your phone numbers. Not giving? You are logout forever. And sure, I totally believe that protecting our account is the only reason they want your phone numbers.

Giving my private numbers to a game company already made me feel very uneasy, no way I am giving them to any third party companies that ANet supports.

Edited by Mil.3562
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Is this really the game the dev's want to make? An event so bad the LFG for it is dead and people have closed off communities in discord to do it? I'd love to see a dev come out and talk about fixing dragon's end. I'd be pretty embarrassed if I was an open world dev and this was the final result they doubled down on.

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21 minutes ago, Despot.3048 said:

I've seen plenty of LFG for DE with no discord requirement. Did drama school not work out for you?

You are the one trying to create a drama episode here. You have seen plenty of LFG in DE? Well, your definition of plenty has to be like one or maybe two in every few hours. Or did you even play the meta lately? Probably not.

I have already stated why discord is not what it was before, I will not be posting here anymore. Not interested in your drama setup. Lousy script 😅

Edited by Mil.3562
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On 4/5/2022 at 10:36 AM, Shangri La.6237 said:

Aand to everyone stating i am the only person with this issue, do you really think i would come here if i hadnt seen hundreds of comments online talking about this?

Why not actually get in touch with discord support instead of whining about a problem that can be looked into? That should have been your first stop, if not the only stop.

I know it's frustrating when tech doesn't work the way you want it to, but complaining on an unaffiliated game's forum isn't going to get you anywhere. None of us know more about discord than discord's own support team.

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On 4/6/2022 at 11:13 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

I think someone is trying to fish you, OP. Discord never once asked for my phone number.

For a Discord account of a friend, who was disabled due to some automatic system, the Discord support asked for a phone number and without it was not able/willing to reactivate the account. My solution back then (it was around 1 year ago) was to create a new Discord account because that did not require a phone number.

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On 4/9/2022 at 2:03 AM, Mil.3562 said:

don't you dare say it isn't,

except it isn't....I've been playing this game.over over 4k hours, have done literally every content, even lots of wvw and all the pve raids. And never have I ever used Discord for anything besides talking to my friend group of 4, who don't even play the game

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