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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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Just now, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Lets create your proposal for Raids to be a more like Ranked .



Automatic que

People wont care of your dps


In ranked people do care how you play. If you are so worried about your dps, just do more damage or play support. 

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6 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Lets create your proposal for Raids to be a more like Ranked .



Automatic que

People wont care of your dps


Yeah and get your teeth kicked in. Be a bother and leech your teammates. If it is so easy why don't you have the legendary pvp armor? Just tell us how you wanna have the 300 hour grind implemented in Open world content for YOUR legendary armor.

Edited by Albi.7250
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10 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

Yeah and get your teeth kicked in. Be a bother and leech your teammates. If it is so easy why don't you have the legendary pvp armor? Just tell us how you wanna have the 300 hour grind implemented in OP content for YOUR legendary armor.

I dont like PvP (lol) , i am an Open world guy , that why i want an aletrnative way

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Just now, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

I am not , but if something happens like headache or get hardcounterred by a class , then they cannot kick me .

I am wondering why you are greeffing me , and not give me an alternate way for the Legendary Armor ?

Anet dosn't give you another path for the armor. And i bet they could care less about this discussions.

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11 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Anet dosn't give you another path for the armor. And i bet they could care less about this discussions.

True .

They will try to pull under the rag .

But they must get more data about the different kind of the populations .

Just like people did the 1>4 Strikes without a problem , but when they found out that  egg forces them to redo those strikes , something "broke" (maybe they skipped them in the first time? Maybe the "must have item" awakens the "moar dps" guys ? Or simply boycot..."i never said that" ...."the company is in fault".... ?)


(this test must be repeated... with a spanish inquisition point of view...)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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There's a lot going on in this thread, but my two cents is.
1.) LI sink is a good idea.
2.) Legendary armor shouldn't be "easier" or "purchasable" to get.

Legendary armor and Gen 2 weapons are some of the few prestige items in the game that you can't pay-to-have. I also think a core component of legendaries should be that you had to interact and coordinate with others, be that in raids (incl. contacting raid sellers I guess), or doing PvP and WvW which are "player interaction modes". This is my opinion, and I am sure others have their as well.

If Anet were to add another legendary armor set, I'd argue that it should require strikes and 150 LI (current amount required for first set of raid armor). Sure, make the collection more "open world friendly" but engaging in end game group content for top tier gear seems "fair" to me.


16 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

Call it the Explorer-Armor and give it exotic level stats but legendary amour functionality.

Now, I kinda like this concept. But, I also don't think they should have complete legendary functionality. HOWEVER, the solution may be found in something like this. One idea could be an open world collection in EoD maps to unlock all 3 weights of recipes and make the material crafting cost double normal ascended. Now, this "Explorer Armor" doesn't allow for "free on the fly stat swapping", but rather "stat resetting" like the Bloodstone Fen trinkets that can be reset with an item, the consumable "Bloodstone Capacitor". But instead of a capacitor purchased from a vendor, have a craftable/sellable item that requires LI to craft (level 500 armor crafting profession). Let's call it an "Insightful Inscription" for this hypothetical invention.

Tada, now raiders can make consumables to sell on the TP that use LI, and people can have "legendary-like" casual-friendly armor to freely try out builds as long as they pay the TP cost of the Insightful Inscription or can supply the 6 LI themselves (from strikes or the rare but casual raid run) to purchase the 6 Insightful Inscriptions (+ currency/materials) to reset their armor pieces (also safely removes slotted runes) . You could just carry a stack of these around in your inventory if you so desire. Skins could also be unique and awesome, because why not? Even people with legendary armor should feel like there is some value in doing the collection.

The trade off is the continual purchase cost of Insightful Inscriptions for psudo-legendary stat-selectable functionality. The cost should be equal to or higher (in terms of gold sink) than mystic forge stat swapping. Also, there is no access to the legendary armory, so either each character would need their own set, or pieces would have to be transferred throughout the bank to alts, etc.

Sorta off topic, but I still think Legendary jade bot cores (stored in armory) should use LI to craft and become sellable on the TP.

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7 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

Now, this "Explorer Armor" doesn't allow for "free on the fly stat swapping", but rather "stat resetting" like the Bloodstone Fen trinkets that can be reset with an item, the consumable "Bloodstone Capacitor"

I liked that idea. As that would Streamline the build swapping process without making it technical Legendary armor.


10 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

The cost should be equal to or higher (in terms of gold sink) than mystic forge stat swapping. Also, there is no access to the legendary armory, so either each character would need their own set, or pieces would have to be transferred throughout the bank to alts, etc.

I disagree about the cost it should be relative low or people just not gonna swap. After all 15 times 1 gold is more then 1 time 10 gold in the perspective of a gold sink. With the capacitor you wouldn't even reworked the system much. The Bank moving part should be fine. If you have so many characters and different builds that the moving gear part becomes annoying maybe you aren't a casual after all. 

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24 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

t think they should have complete legendary functionality. HOWEVER, the solution may be found in something like this. One idea could be an open world collection in EoD maps to unlock all 3 weights of recipes and make the material crafting cost double normal ascended. Now, this "Explorer Armor" doesn't allow for "free on the fly stat swapping", but rather "stat resetting" like the Bloodstone Fen trinkets that can be reset with an item, the consumable "Bloodstone Capacitor". But instead of a capacitor purchased from a vendor, have a craftable/sellable item that requires LI to craft (level 500 armor crafting profession). Let's call it an "Insightful Inscription" for this hypothetical invention.

Tada, now raiders can make consumables to sell on the TP that use LI, and people can have "legendary-like" casual-friendly armor to freely try out builds as long as they pay the TP cost of the Insightful Inscription or can supply the 6 LI themselves (from strikes or the rare but casual raid run) to purchase the 6 Insightful Inscriptions (+ currency/materials) to reset their armor pieces (also safely removes slotted runes) . You could just carry a stack of these around in your inventory if you so desire. Skins could also be unique and awesome, because why not? Even people with legendary armor should feel like there is some value in doing the collection.

The trade off is the continual purchase cost of Insightful Inscriptions for psudo-legendary stat-selectable functionality. The cost should be equal to or higher (in terms of gold sink) than mystic forge stat swapping. Also, there is no access to the legendary armory, so either each character would need their own set, or pieces would have to be transferred throughout the bank to alts, etc.

Sorta off topic, but I still think Legendary jade bot cores (stored in armory) should use LI to craft and become sellable on the TP.

This sounds more like it i personally find. Because, the swap-thema is actually the part which is important. The stats are trivial. I got my legy armour fully for the swap function, that i can use it on ALL my classes(i mostly play light classes and am working on the medium armor now) and the fact that i don't have to use transmutions anymore because i love to change my characters often. But i think most people make it for the swapping point and that you can get your'e runes back.
And an easy to gather exo armor with stat swaps where just a full on blow to the legy armor and in my eyes absoluty not realisitc.

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10 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

I liked that idea. As that would Streamline the build swapping process without making it technical Legendary armor.


True , if the stats are exotic , then its acceptable .

But instead of LI needed to change stats  , its better to uses 1xMystic Coin , or Emperors tokens , or   something more accessible  as a Convertor

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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7 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

This sounds more like it i personally find. Because, the swap-thema is actually the part which is important. The stats are trivial. I got my legy armour fully for the swap function, that i can use it on ALL my classes(i mostly play light classes and am working on the medium armor now) and the fact that i don't have to use transmutions anymore because i love to change my characters often. But i think most people make it for the swapping point and that you can get your'e runes back.
And an easy to gather exo armor with stat swaps where just a full on blow to the legy armor and in my eyes absoluty not realisitc.

You think raiders, fractal enjoyers and WvW-slaves don't want ascended stats? They only people who would stop wanting/needing Legendary Armor would be casuals, OW-players and maybe Strikers. Which is kinda the point isn't it? Maybe a WvW player will use it as a stop gap and don't buy the third armor weight. And that should be fine.

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On 4/10/2022 at 10:51 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

But only two of those ways are meant for all players of said mode. Third (the PvE one) is not. It's meant only for a small minority of players of this mode.

To rephrase it, while all SPvPers and WvWers have a way to get legendary armor, of all PvErs only raiders do. Most PvErs do not.

And this is why I consider Raids not the same as PvE.


Even worse that PvP and WvW gains legendary armor passively, while PvE players who don't play Raids can't earn it in their game mode of choice.

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I suggested this also a month ago I think. It’s hard for ppl to imagine this for open world pve players when they are wvwers, pvpers or raiders. They obtained the armor with the content they like to play and automatically working on it. We are now 7 years ahead from first raids. And open world players still have no option to get it (with the content they like) the time gate should be shorter for the others. I avoid PvP because it makes me angry. Wvw can be nice but always need a Zerg and a commander. Raiding…. Ppl mostly want a fast run so kp needed. I always said that guildwars 2 is nice for everyone compared to other mmo (wow) where I was never be able to have current expansion legendarys. In guildwars 2 everyone can have legendary weapons. As long as you have the gold for it. But why not armor? Let us just have a different collection, maybe legendary insights the same way as obtaining the runestones for legendary gen 3 weapons. 
And for the legendary armor just all gifts like for raiding armor. Only the raiding part should be different. (And please not behind story) 

everyone in the game should have the same chances and not exclude some players. 
I don’t say I want the armor for free. But just another collection in another way. 
Anet earns money from every not rich player. I think they earn the most from open world players. So we also want nice things. Raiders earn easy money. Skilled players, doing fractal t4 cm. 

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Ok, but if you’re not doing any challenging PvE endgame and not WvW then why do you need legendary armor?

There’s plenty of black lion skins and outfits to choose from, I guess this is what one can spend their time on if they  don’t do real endgame. Like does changing stats really matter in open world? C’mon

Edited by Mik.3401
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