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Theory Build: Aristocracy Hammer Catalyst


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This build has the potential to be a melee powerhouse. Hear me out. 

What makes most other aristocracy builds bad is that the way they apply weakness is impractical in actual fights. You're forced to spam a relatively weak skill such as Tranquilizer dart or earth autos in order to apply weakness. This poses two problems:

It's time consuming. Your might stacks are falling off as you take the time to build them

It's extremely telegraphed. Once the enemy sees you building might, they're going to avoid you for the few seconds it takes for your might to fall off. 


Catalyst applies their weakness completely passively. By maintaining Crescent Wind, you can pulse weakness around yourself for 8 seconds with a refreshable duration. This is a free 5 might every time your air sphere connects, and the weakness makes it harder for the opponent to burst you with power damage. With arcane precision, you will also apply weakness every 3 seconds on crit. 

Catalyst already self buffs itself with a lot of might. Running around with 25 might, pulsing weakness, and quickness makes for a pretty threatening build. I think this has potential as a side noder and (maybe) teamfighter thanks to its boonshare. 

Obvious weaknesses with this build is that it is slow, but it isn't quite as easy to kite out as weaver thanks to its range and (slightly) higher mobility.

If nothing else, this could see play as a counter to mechanist. Mechs don't kite or dodge roll, and you can burst it down quickly with your burn damage, weaken it so it tickles you, and get easy might stacks off of it. 



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On 4/20/2022 at 2:50 PM, Grimjack.8130 said:

ive been playing it for like a week now, its big dam and def one of the best ways to play hammer


this is what i personally play, is shattering ice the best util? prolly not since hammer is squish but its too fun to not play and has big synergy so


Been a supporter/subscriber of this guy. I inadvertently called him coz discord is on my phone. He accused me of being drunk and scolded me to never do that again. WTF, lol. 

Despite the wrongful accusation he's still a good ele and maybe smart. Don't know him well but I do work with MIT, Stanford and Caltech Engineers ( the real ones, not the in game class)

Edited by Pimsley.3681
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2 hours ago, Pimsley.3681 said:

I was accused for being a drunk by inadvertently misdialing and that led to confused faces? Maybe you are the ones confused. 

Not once did I gave anyone a confused emoji nor insult on this thread

i think people are voting confused because they think your a weirdo-fanboy for calling someone that you obviously dont know in person and that obviously didnt want to talk to you.


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4 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Thumbs up Kuma.1503

 Looking forward to trying this spec. Is it me or weaver not as sustainable as before? Thanks for sharing. Seriously, the OP is one of the most unselfish spec theory crafters. 


Just you. If anything Weaver is more sustainable then before, because Transmute fireaura has no CD anymore. You can just blast every fireaure that you combo and get insane cleansing/might from it.

What you are noticing is... that the new EoD specs are just straight up better. (atleast a few...)

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3 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Just you. If anything Weaver is more sustainable then before, because Transmute fireaura has no CD anymore. You can just blast every fireaure that you combo and get insane cleansing/might from it.

What you are noticing is... that the new EoD specs are just straight up better. (atleast a few...)


Certain EoD specs just hits super hard. In the past I could hold a node 1vx with conjure shield. The mechanist is the biggest thorn on my spine as node weaver. 

Anyway, I'll try this cata build. Kinda cool ppl are finding ways to make this spec good. 

Edited by greedywholesome.9081
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13 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:



I know you ele lots, how's this build? Pretty solid? The synergy looks pretty good. 

i REFUSE to play EoD specs. i have not even bought it. I dont wanna participate in powercreeping this game any further. xD Also i dont wanna fall in love with a spec only for it to be gutted in a few months. my buddy was so excited for Vindicator. loved it when EoD launched. he was having a blast. But after just 1 week the completly destroyed it. He was so sad and didnt really find enjoyment in his older professions... and he quit. That was a really sad day.

tldr: i dont know.  my brother tried the build against me yesterday. I was playing Dragonhunter for the first time and he could not beat me once...   idk doesnt look to strong, but he could also just suck at Catalyst... altho his Weaver is Godtier. He then switched to Harbinger and won 100% of the fights... Coincidence? i think not!

Yeah mechanist is just straight up dumb. When the only viable tactic to deal with a mechanist is, to have your own mechanist stall him on a sidenode... there miiight be something wrong with the balancing. 😉

Edited by Sahne.6950
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2 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i REFUSE to play EoD specs. i have not even bought it. I dont wanna participate in powercreeping this game any further. xD Also i dont wanna fall in love with a spec only for it to be gutted in a few months.

aka. i dont know.  my brother tried the build against me yesterday. I was playing Dragonhunter for the first time and he could not beat me once...   idk doesnt look to strong, but he could also just suck at Catalyst... altho his Weaver is Godtier. He then switched to Harbinger and won 100% of the fights... Coincidence? i think not!

Yeah mechanist is just straight dumb. When the only viable tactic to deal with a mechanist is, to have your own mechanist stall him on a sidenode... there miiight be something wrong with the balancing. 😉


I tried playing mechanist vs another one and felt a few braincells die. LOL. weaver prolly not good vs mechanist but I've some success playing ranger and WB against them. Also Harb before nerfs were good vs mecha. 


If you play one of the hardest piano classes, when you try other classes, they become child's play. I think that's what happened to your brother. Try the expac when you get a chance and the dust settles. 

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31 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


I tried playing mechanist vs another one and felt a few braincells die. LOL. weaver prolly not good vs mechanist but I've some success playing ranger and WB against them. Also Harb before nerfs were good vs mecha. 


If you play one of the hardest piano classes, when you try other classes, they become child's play. I think that's what happened to your brother. Try the expac when you get a chance and the dust settles. 


The day EoD launched i Queued up for ranked. I consider myself a pretty decent fireweaver. I have been able to hit p2 solo before EoD. What really broke my back was, that i lost a 1v1 against a mechanist on a sidenode.      THIS GUY WAS TURNING WITH THE KEYBOARD!!!!

i have not recovered since🤕 seriously.. i quit Gw2 for a week. That how pissed i was. This guy obviously had no clue what he was doing and his skillevel was MILES below my average enemy, but there was no way on earth for me to win this fight. I am glad they nerfed Mechanist.

Just imagine it! you are a pretty good Fireweaver and are loosing to a guy that is not even playing with a mouse.... how frustrating! Some EoD specs are just straight up overtuned and people dont even notice, because they themselves are playing those new specs. If you dont have EoD you truely notice how hard of a stability/quickness/and mobilitycreep EoD truely is. It is INSANE!

sorry for the rant.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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11 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:



I know what  you mean. When EoD came out, I made a snide forum post about shopping for bed sheets while playing mechanist and beating a weaver. KB turners should be banned in pvp. I'm not being mean or brutal but it's just really courtesy for teammates. 

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On 4/19/2022 at 7:10 PM, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

it'll just get boon ripped by teef, mes, rev, or necro lol, but yeah against some matchups it would be good

you assuming ppl know how to play, right now those are dodgeble if you play any time that isn't primetime lol

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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