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I would like your opinion about rewards

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First of all sorry if i write something wrong because I'm not English. Second, hi all! 

I write this to know your opinion about rewards for questing, doing achievements, etc. I have like 600h on this game (I know there aren't so much for an MMO) and today I was looking for some achievements to complete but OMG! there are some of them that are so crazy difficult (by time to spend for complete it) for a stupid reward. I just read one about dragonblood weapons and the reward is: a domain point. A DOMAIN POINT AS A REWARD FOR CREATE ALL 16 WEAPONS. And most of achievments are like that. I don't know, it is like I see the reward from them and instantly I don't want to do that because it takes too much time for a stupid reward. 

I remember that this is my personal opinion and I just want to know yours. Thanks all and have a good journey!

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Maybe the problem is mine, my point of view of this is like complete them should give you better reward. Obviusly not all achievements, most MMOs have them and 90% of them don't give you anything, but I feel like in GW2 has a lot of achievements that are so hard to complete them and the reward is nothing or an ugly skin. 

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8 minutes ago, TheRon.5489 said:

Maybe the problem is mine, my point of view of this is like complete them should give you better reward. Obviusly not all achievements, most MMOs have them and 90% of them don't give you anything, but I feel like in GW2 has a lot of achievements that are so hard to complete them and the reward is nothing or an ugly skin. 

So... Dont do them?

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11 minutes ago, TheRon.5489 said:

Maybe the problem is mine, my point of view of this is like complete them should give you better reward. Obviusly not all achievements, most MMOs have them and 90% of them don't give you anything, but I feel like in GW2 has a lot of achievements that are so hard to complete them and the reward is nothing or an ugly skin. 

I don't think your alone in this. I myself have felt this way for a while and I actually think most players between 500-2000 hours of playtime feel this way. For me 2K hours was the magic line after which I just started playing content for the sake of content. And with that mindset the actual reward at the end of a (minor) achievement is just icing on the cake. 

I also believe that due to the mindset many players ( myself included) carry over from previous games with vertical progression vs horizontal progression it's not a weird  'complaint'. It takes (apparently in my case 2000 hours) time to rewire that brain.

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4 minutes ago, Gripz.5683 said:

I don't think your alone in this. I myself have felt this way for a while and I actually think most players between 500-2000 hours of playtime feel this way. For me 2K hours was the magic line after which I just started playing content for the sake of content. And with that mindset the actual reward at the end of a (minor) achievement is just icing on the cake. 

I also believe that due to the mindset many players ( myself included) carry over from previous games with vertical progression vs horizontal progression it's not a weird  'complaint'. It takes (apparently in my case 2000 hours) time to rewire that brain.

Yes, probably is what you say. My brain still on mmos with vertical progression and to play gw2 need to change my mind. Anyway I just want to know community opinion. Still thinking horizontal progression is better for "casual" players and is something I love from GW2, I can leave the game for months and when I come back and don't feel I have lost a lot of time or content. 

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In general I think it's a healthier model for MMO's. Content never goes obsolete with a new expansion/power increase. It's much more respectful for people's investment. I think the issue with GW2 in particular is that there is no tuned content for those that are able to squeeze out every last bit of damage/utility from a class.


Making the content in such a way that a large portion of the player base can complete it makes it feel 'casual' while if we take a look at the actual skill investment needed to play a class well the skill cap is many times higher then in traditional MMO's with gear progression, long global cooldown and no dodges. Just my opinion of course. =]

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I am not usually an achievement hunter unless it gives an item I want.  For the few I have done, some of them really are kind of long and difficult.  But that's ok it gives us things to do.  It all comes down to how much you want the thing you are working for I guess.

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20 minutes ago, Gripz.5683 said:

In general I think it's a healthier model for MMO's. Content never goes obsolete with a new expansion/power increase. It's much more respectful for people's investment. I think the issue with GW2 in particular is that there is no tuned content for those that are able to squeeze out every last bit of damage/utility from a class.


Making the content in such a way that a large portion of the player base can complete it makes it feel 'casual' while if we take a look at the actual skill investment needed to play a class well the skill cap is many times higher then in traditional MMO's with gear progression, long global cooldown and no dodges. Just my opinion of course. =]


much healthier.  For me its all about playing with build in fractals/wvw/pvp as my core activity, then getting rich/skins/achieves/gear on the side.  The key aspect is that you can take a break from GW2 and come back and pick up where you left off.  Its so much nicer having that luxury without the need to keep up with the top of the vertical ladder with +999 power.  For me GW2 feels like a real MMO whereas other MMO is about being the number 1 player on the damage meter with the current shiny gearset of the month.  Great example, i'm still wearing a skin from GW1 HOM and am still proud of it!

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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It doesn't bother me, but then I'm mainly used to single-player games so maybe I'm not as 'reward motivated' as people who mainly play MMOs. I'm most likely to do an achievement because I want to do it, and then I don't care what the reward is because the appeal is the activity.

There are times when I want a specific reward, and then I compare how much I want it to what's required to get it and decide if it's worthwhile for me. If it's too much trouble I just won't bother. It's very rare that I really want something which comes from something I can't stand doing to the point where it frustrates me, it's more likely I'll find an alternative to get instead.

Horizontal progression helps with that in two ways. Firstly there's relatively little you need to have to play the game, most of the rewards are cosmetic or convenience items (even ascended equipment isn't needed for most things) so you can take your time getting it instead of having to force yourself to prioritise something you don't like because it's holding up what you want to do. Secondly there's almost always an alternative, even with progression systems. For example you don't need all the available mastery points and don't even need to complete all the mastery tracks because the important things are in the lower tiers, so you'll never be stuck with only one way to progress.

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28 minutes ago, Gripz.5683 said:

In general I think it's a healthier model for MMO's. Content never goes obsolete with a new expansion/power increase. It's much more respectful for people's investment. I think the issue with GW2 in particular is that there is no tuned content for those that are able to squeeze out every last bit of damage/utility from a class.


Making the content in such a way that a large portion of the player base can complete it makes it feel 'casual' while if we take a look at the actual skill investment needed to play a class well the skill cap is many times higher then in traditional MMO's with gear progression, long global cooldown and no dodges. Just my opinion of course. =]

For me the problem that GW2 has is all the content doesn't have any "good/satisfying reward" when you do content. For example, on fractals. You spend a lot of time (months) to reach t4 if you are a new player. That's ok, but meanwhile you don't have anything usefull or important. You repeat the same content all the time for a bit currency and not much more. On pvp the same, you play pvp for complete tracks (and for fun) and get a reward (mostly skin). For example in WoW (zZzZ) I remember do BGs, and while I made them I got points to spent on armors, mounts, tabards, etc. Here is like you start something, you spend a lot of time doing the same to reach something, but on the run is empty. A to B, nothing on the middle. And all you do is for gold and buy something on TP, and that's the sh*t and the greatest of this game at same time.. 

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I'm a bit of an achievement hunter and I have a habit of trying to unlock whatever skins I can just for the sake of unlocks. I did wind up going for all 16 dragonsblood weapons and Pre-EOD I was actually going for all Heroics too. Sad there actually isn't any achieve for unlocking the ascended ones, though, would have kinda liked that.


Personally I like the rewards as they are, and for some people raising their AP score is enough. Tons of achievement based titles exist in the game, tons of achieves reward gizmos or useful personal vendors like the Leyline converter, the Fractal Reliquary, etc. It isn't just a measly mastery point or a skin you don't want. In a game that does lack a lot in the way of aspirational content, some difficult achievements and their associated skins/titles (I'm looking at you, Cod), are the only way to really show off. It'd be a bummer if that was changed.

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I understand what you want here: Effort and reward being on the same level.


The issue is, theres too much easy content with great rewards already.

So this leaves us to 2 problems:


1. Tone down rewards from easier content: ppl get mad and leave

2. Proportionaly raise up the rewards from harder content: economy breaks


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5 minutes ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

I'm a bit of an achievement hunter and I have a habit of trying to unlock whatever skins I can just for the sake of unlocks. I did wind up going for all 16 dragonsblood weapons and Pre-EOD I was actually going for all Heroics too. Sad there actually isn't any achieve for unlocking the ascended ones, though, would have kinda liked that.


Personally I like the rewards as they are, and for some people raising their AP score is enough. Tons of achievement based titles exist in the game, tons of achieves reward gizmos or useful personal vendors like the Leyline converter, the Fractal Reliquary, etc. It isn't just a measly mastery point or a skin you don't want. In a game that does lack a lot in the way of aspirational content, some difficult achievements and their associated skins/titles (I'm looking at you, Cod), are the only way to really show off. It'd be a bummer if that was changed.

Well, I didn't complete a lot of achievements but all I completed I have to say that for 40 achievements 1 is difficult, the others are just stupidly long and tedious. One thing is difficult and you need to play and do it well, the other is put a big amount of stupid content to make it longer than it should be. And that last I said is on most game. 

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I think rewards are a personal thing in Gw2. Sure skins, AP, and titles are some of the main rewards from achievements, but the rewards are what you make of them.

I like completing the meta achievements from story releases, but one main thing playing an MMO is you realize you can't be a completionist in them.

I, personally, like collecting titles and account value. Neither of which has an actual achievement.

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1 minute ago, TheRon.5489 said:

Well, I didn't complete a lot of achievements but all I completed I have to say that for 40 achievements 1 is difficult, the others are just stupidly long and tedious. One thing is difficult and you need to play and do it well, the other is put a big amount of stupid content to make it longer than it should be. And that last I said is on most game. 

An apple a day...

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9 minutes ago, TheRon.5489 said:

For me the problem that GW2 has is all the content doesn't have any "good/satisfying reward" when you do content. For example, on fractals. You spend a lot of time (months) to reach t4 if you are a new player. That's ok, but meanwhile you don't have anything usefull or important. You repeat the same content all the time for a bit currency and not much more. On pvp the same, you play pvp for complete tracks (and for fun) and get a reward (mostly skin). For example in WoW (zZzZ) I remember do BGs, and while I made them I got points to spent on armors, mounts, tabards, etc. Here is like you start something, you spend a lot of time doing the same to reach something, but on the run is empty. A to B, nothing on the middle. And all you do is for gold and buy something on TP, and that's the sh*t and the greatest of this game at same time.. 

What's the difference between getting currencies you can use to buy something and getting points to spend on it? Isn't that just different names for the same thing?

Also I've been working my way through Fractals recently because I'm making the legendary backpack and I'm only up to early tier 3 but I've already gotten a lot of ascended drops and some new skins as well as things I need for the backpack collection and gold. (I could have used the fractal relics to buy more stuff, but I've been using it for the backpack collection.) So I wouldn't say there's no rewards until T4.

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I find 99% of the open world rewards to be really really bad and lackluster. Most achievements aren't worth the time and effort.. for their rewards. I'm not sure what keeps people chasing these things because for me most aren't worth getting out of bed for these days.

Edited by Dante.1508
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Because they stack. I don't think the design is to chase after a single achievement. Imo it's designed as an extra cherry on top of the activity your already doing. This game absolutely blasts rewards at you which by itself are pretty worthless other then precursors or leg crafting materials. But together, they add up.

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Thanks all and those who will come, it's good to know some opinions from community. For me, I think I have to change my view of the game, probably GW2 is not the MMO for me but, hell yeah, I love this f*cking game, or maybe I'm just addicted at him XDDD

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My own opinion on rewards. Coming from experience over the years in more traditional MMOs like WoW. When we complete content we actually received a reward that was beneficial to us in-game. Like higher rated gear. When a new expac comes out we would get access to higher levels and gearing to grind through.


I know I'm gonna get some flack on this opinion, but I miss those days when we earned rewards and it felt.....useful. Not as a progression to an achievement that doesn't matter much and not because it's a nice looking skin. But because they boost my character stats even higher, or it has a inherent added benefit for some on my abilities.


I know the game is horizontal. But, can we become idk diagonal? Not necessarily, vertical like traditional MMOs were, but at least access to a higher level of content and gear? Something useful for with in the game and not so shallow like skins and achievements that ready don't mean all that much to players not into fashion wars or completionist?


The end game content as is gets really old really fast. The lack of good rewards in EOD just makes it worse.

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