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Ranked Matchmaking System


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So, just another day doing ranked matches, thought it wouldn't be a big deal. 


This has happened for quite a few days now, but to narrow it down a bit -> 

Just today alone, I have been getting the same people 5+ matches in a row, one begins to wonder just what is going on. Either there are so few people out there that do ranked nowadays, or the game matchmaking doesn't know to not put the same people up against one another, not to mention causing completely one sided matches, which btw is extremely frustrating. 


Literally also after not even intentially losing, just trying to play and have fun and my own score is actually okay. One would still think the same enemies would eventually rank up and start facing, yanno, DIFFERENT people. But nope. 

Not asking to win every time I play. I am not asking for me to have a one sided bullying-easy-game either.  I just don't want to see the same people over and over, and over...and... over... yanno? 


Any insight on this? Cause again this is insanely frustrating. 

Edited by ToastyFx.3457
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yes, if you play offhour that's pretty much the case,  offhour NA is anything that isn't 2 hour spam from reset, so pretty much you have 4 hours of better matches, better is not good matches, it's only better compared to offhours


on top of that you have "top" players dodging each other, so if there're 2 duos 1600+ they'll actively avoid each other for easier matches instead of facing each other, which causes your matches to be very one sided, cuz despite of they being only 40% of their team when they playing agaisnt 200-300 lower rating than they are it basically becomes a faceroll

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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1 hour ago, ToastyFx.3457 said:

So, just another day doing ranked matches, thought it wouldn't be a big deal. 


This has happened for quite a few days now, but to narrow it down a bit -> 

Just today alone, I have been getting the same people 5+ matches in a row, one begins to wonder just what is going on. Either there are so few people out there that do ranked nowadays, or the game matchmaking doesn't know to not put the same people up against one another, not to mention causing completely one sided matches, which btw is extremely frustrating. 


Literally also after not even intentially losing, just trying to play and have fun and my own score is actually okay. One would still think the same enemies would eventually rank up and start facing, yanno, DIFFERENT people. But nope. 

Not asking to win every time I play. I am not asking for me to have a one sided bullying-easy-game either.  I just don't want to see the same people over and over, and over...and... over... yanno? 


Any insight on this? Cause again this is insanely frustrating. 

It is because of the low population.

A tip i can give you is to just wait a few minutes before you Queue. Let another dude have you space in the match, and Queue up for the next one. There is a few games running parrallel. When yours end, and everybody of that game is Queueing again.. you will all just be put in the same game. Wait a few minutes and you will be put in the next cycle. If you are bored with those people... again wait a few minutes.

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After 2 years I`ve returned to the game and MM seems even wors what is was back then (and it was Tragic)

In plat almost all the matches are 500-30 total blowouts. One team is almost always much more experienced with condifest and 1hit 10k builds tearing to bits the other team at their spawn point. 

Only 1 out of 5 matches I could call a balanced and fun game.

Edited by Bazooka.3590
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Fun story, I was playing in Silver rank near gold, and I came across 1 player on their team that a little logo icon  (similar to the food one ) and it said and I quote:

"here stands before you a true champion of the mist" or something like that, basically this guy played at esports when gw2 was doing it and got that title. We talked , he was a cool guy but then he said," lemme guess, you are wondering how I ended up playing against you (at Silver)?" and it was true, to which he replied that there aren't enouph players at the higher tiers soooo match making is a real soup of all mixed ranks.


but yea also faced a warr 4 times in a row, we teamed up and did well




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A losing row of 8 means -200 points and this result is only 20% personal skill. The rest 80% is mm.

It also makes incredible amount of toxicity in players against each other. 


It would be better if the game would reward personal efforts much more. 

Edited by Bazooka.3590
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10 hours ago, frareanselm.1925 said:

The algorythm puts you in loser teams to keep you playing in loser strikes that can last 5-10 matches until you win.

You wont leave because you pursue the win (daily achievs) and this way anet has enough population to keep pvp working.

Well till you leave pvp or the game forever cause you lose all the time and can't bother with this garbage and the population gets lower. The whole crash your long term profits for short term profits deal.

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On 4/21/2022 at 6:41 AM, phokus.8934 said:

Pvp population is atrocious.

It's not going to improve.  They don't even have the manpower to keep PvE players occupied via reward/progression/loot, there's no way they have the additional people to give for PvP and WvW.

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