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just need help

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Hi I've been playing gw for years, I got it from my son, hahaha you can check how young I am. (68) But only do simple things. So no fractals or anything like that. I have never done a strike mission but I really want to experience this once and especially because of the mount. how could I ever get into a group where they accept me? The guild so far does not.

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Hit and miss. I am on the older side myself and pug nearly all my group content. I use the LFG tool and so far have had very few bad experiences.

I gather you want to do Kaineng Overlook to unlock the siege turtle. Since you have never done strikes before, I would follow these steps.

  1. Breathe deeply and remind myself to be patient. It will likely take a few days, maybe a few weeks.
  2. Look for a strike build you could see yourself playing, apply it and get familiar with it.
  3. Watch some YouTube videos for the strikes you intend to do. Learn the basic mechanics. I recommend Mukluk, especially his 'get to the point' series, but would not watch just his stuff.
  4. Periodically scan the LFG tool under Strike Missions. I would start with the so-called 'easy three', namely Shiverpeak Pass, twin bears and Fraenir of Jormag. I tend to avoid groups advertising for specific builds/boons.
  5. Once you join, it may be a good idea to indicate you are new to this. Yes, you might get some flak, but you could also get some great help and support.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for Kaineng Overlook.
  7. As an aside, ask youself why you are you are in a guild that will not help you. Their reasons may be perfect valid, or maybe you are not a good fit for each other.
  8. Enjoy the game.
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16 minutes ago, Deedrick.4372 said:

Just list a LFG that you need help doing strike for mount. People will assist. It may not be the perfect group but after some tries, it usually gets done.

This. My first and only Strike was for the turtle. Failed a few times, but we got it eventually with a bunch of player corpses lying around.

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@Harfang.1507 gave some really good advice, but I'd say the main thing is simply to ask people to do it with you and let them know it's your first time doing a strike. If anyone is rude or refuses to let you join because you don't know it already then you saved yourself from wasting more time dealing with them and a lot of people will actually offer more help.

I've been doing a lot of Fractals recently, almost entirely with random groups found in LFG and often people will start just running through it but if anyone says they've not done that one before, don't understand what's going on or what to do at a particular step or seem not to know the mechanics it's far more likely the group will slow down and take the time to explain than kick them out.

I've not done a lot of strikes but whenever I have it's been a similar experience. I join groups which don't ask for any specific requirements and while we may not succeed first time it's rare that anyone is rude about it or wants to blame someone. Usually the worst they'll do is rage quit.

I've also had good experiences starting groups for all kinds of things with descriptions like "It's my first time, come and fail with me!" At worst I get people willing to do just that, at best I get someone volunteering to teach me and the other newbies.

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21 hours ago, Suzyke.7964 said:

eu server

Bummer, I am on NA so I cannot help directly. But, perhaps a suggestion for your guild.

When my guild leader saw the strike mission requirement for the turtle he asked a few of us who played a lot to practice the strike together so that we would have a core group with a couple of empty slots in order to be able to help more casual, or less able (we have some older and some disabled guild members) get their completion. This has worked well for us and everyone who wants the turtle, even if they dont normally care for harder content, has gotten it.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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3 hours ago, Suzyke.7964 said:

Last night I joined a guild it worked out, just a bit of a shame that they later disrespected behind my back about the fact that I played GW at my age (discord was still on) but thanks for all the advice!

Young wipersnappers are immature mate dont worry about it.

I sure wish my mom and dad shared my passion but at 80 it is hard to get them into stuff.

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