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Rework coming June 28th!


A rework is coming next month!   

261 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think is the biggest candidate for a rework?

    • Warrior
    • Guardian
    • Revenant
    • Engineer
    • Thief
    • Ranger
    • Mesmer
    • Necromancer
    • Elementalist

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  • Poll closed on 06/27/2022 at 04:00 AM

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3 hours ago, ZDragon.3046 said:

I mean a few of other classes dont have 2 true core sets of condi weapons so im not sure what you are on about with that one. 

Sure some of them have traits that make certain weapons condi viable but many of them really dont have 2 sets. As for the idea that rev changed from what it was originally suppose to be does not mean unfinished. Many of gw2's classes changed from their original concept but that does not mean they are unfinished. If not having another core condi weapon and more condi options at core means the whole class is unfnished from your perspective  nothing they can do to it will make it ever feel finished to you because you are dead set on looking at its initial concept which we know likely wont ever be revisited

I cant think of any way to like realistically make that finished from your point of view with any kind of fix that wont ruin  it in some way for people who like how it currently is aside from adding an elite spec to offer you more options.... and they already did this....


Like I get where you are coming from but im not sure i call wanting more option =  being unfinished.

I would like a weapon that lets me block with core necro so i can make legit tanking builds in raids but im not going to say that the class is unfinished because of that for example.

Guardian uses weapons like sword and sceptre that inflict multiple hits in a short timeframe to charge and trigger Justice.

Warrior has sword and longbow.

Engineer doesn't weaponswap (although I do think it should get a core melee weapon so they can stop having to give their elite specs melee weapons).

Ranger has shortbow, sword, and axe.

Thief has dagger, pistol, and shortbow.

Elementalist doesn't weaponswap.

Necromancer has scepter and staff.

Mesmer also has scepter and staff.

Now, some of the examples listed above are hybrid weapons rather than pure condi, but none of them rely on a specific major trait choice in order to dish out condition damage at all. 

Which wouldn't be a problem if revenant was still a profession that doesn't weaponswap, but it does. It's land weapon choices are a reflection of how it was originally designed, and a hole that was opened when that design was changed before HoT released was never filled. This absolutely does make it feel unfinished.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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5 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:


Statistics? What statistics are you reading exactly?

Statistically i'd say the game says the opposite.. unless ur talking about their popularity in Raids and high level SPVP which your talking about a TINY minority If u are so.

Warrior Guides are one of the Most viewed proffession guides on the platform. Valluns Bladesworn guide got 30k Views. While no other Proffession guide got above 18k Views.

There are More content creators maining Warrior then there are of SEVERAL proffessions, including Mesmer, Elementalist and Ranger.

you seem to be unfamilar.

95% of this game. Do not know whjat is and isnt meta, they dont even know Warrior is bad, because they never do content which makes it Obvious and they simply dont even know a DPS Addon exists for the game. Its the TINY Quantity of the playerbase that reads forums and Engages in the game Outside of the game itself who are aware Warriors arent in a great position.

However i never Stop running into Warriors in SPVP.. or Open World content realistically.

its defintly not the MOST Played Proffession. This games too Alt friendly to realistically engage with statistics in that sorta way im afraid.

Just because the same 5 Groups who still do fractals spam One Team comp 10000 Times so it Looks like Nothing else is played. Doesnt mean that nothing else is Played. its Simply the fact. the Fraction of players who still do Fractals. Still Raid, Do Strikes and Engage in SPVP is soooo TINY that Simply the Statistics are automatically Skewed and of 0 Representation of what actually is played.

The reason WoW its SOOO obvious what is and Isnt played.

Is because Difficulty settings Exist.

a Tiny minority engage with M+ in WoW past a +10 Key comparitively. but because Everyone eruns +2s and stuff and does LFR effectively we can Gauge popularity as over 90% of the playerbase engage with Some content that is Measurable.

GW2 simply doesnt have this. so theres no Actual Statistics that means a Dime.

Raidlogs, Fractal logs, Top 250 on SPVP leaderboards, ATs and MATS just dont have a Pool wide enoughb to gauge any sorta Popularity realistically.

I really don't see how you can see statics the opposite in game, not matter this posts with precis hours showed, or people posting about how little warriors they see in game.

and in my personal experience, i can count the number of warrior i see with 1 hand in 3 weeks of constant wvw farming.

and i barely see any warrior in open world farming either.

you either just pulling words out of you kitten, or you don't play the game at all.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Necro:Overhaul dagger and staff possibly maybe make gs faster take away the quick,ness so it feels good on reaper class?


elementalist:There are a few weapons and class specs to change Staff for ele could use some fix some of the Summons could use overhauls as fiery gs is the most used and the others don't see nearly as much.


Warrior:A good start allowing warriors to put down more banners so they can help their team overhaul berserker something's gotta be done about sustain probably i feel kinda weird how zerker and bladesworn exist. I wonder is bladesworn trying to drive zerker out of existence?


Guardian:I don't know much about it.


Mesmer:I don't like how clunky and long it feels to burst as power chrono. I've heard some folks talk about support chrono and would love to see that be a thing again and There are still some issues regarding virtuoso to deal with regarding the aftercast  on the shatters.

Ranger: Lots of  the classic pets from way back when are not used and even in heart of thorns this was true. Druid has issues with being able to be desired since it heals itself in the shroud which added too much self sustain i don't know about untamed.


Thief: The  nerfs to the amount of initiative is bad deisgn and workaround to bandaid fix Thiefs will always be king as roamers since few classes can keep up I heard mirage is one of the few which can keep up.


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8 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

I really don't see how you can see statics the opposite in game, not matter this posts with precis hours showed, or people posting about how little warriors they see in game.

and in my personal experience, i can count the number of warrior i see with 1 hand in 3 weeks of constant wvw farming.

and i barely see any warrior in open world farming either.

you either just pulling words out of you kitten, or you don't play the game at all.

This only counts players with a gw2 efficency account which the vast majority of players do not. 

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2 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

This only counts players with a gw2 efficency account which the vast majority of players do not. 

does it matter? it is still a massive amount of players to make the statistic valid.

do you think every scientific proven survey include every single human being?

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3 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

does it matter? it is still a massive amount of players to make the statistic valid.

do you think every scientific survey include every single human being?

Less then 500k hours played on a mmorpg across the entiriry of the world lol.. lol its a tiny tiny amount compared to the reality. 

No. But it's also proven that the vast majority of statistics aren't actually valid and are put among very small pools. Hence why companies now have to state the amount of people who participated now by law. 

And ofcourse it is. 

People who use gw2 efficency are generally invested in the game, i.e aware of metas and go into the first category I made. 


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Just now, Daddy.8125 said:

Less then 500k hours played on a mmorpg across the entiriry of the world lol.. lol its a tiny tiny amount compared to the reality. 


LOL you are talking non sense, the amount of users of gw2e is large enough to have a grasp of the general behavior of average gw2 players.

by your logic, science is non existence

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2 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

LOL you are talking non sense, the amount of users of gw2e is large enough to have a grasp of the general behavior of average gw2 players.

by your logic, science is non existence

We aren't talking user numbers. 

And also can u prove that. Gimme a total player base and then the numbers of them on gw2e. 


The only people who use gw2 efficency are invested in the game which is the minority of the games population realistically. 

Over 80% Of the games players don't even use Runes lol you think their signing up too a tracker? They likely consider it elitist lmao. 

Statistics aren't science. 


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6 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

We aren't talking user numbers. 

And also can u prove that. Gimme a total player base and then the numbers of them on gw2e. 


The only people who use gw2 efficency are invested in the game which is the minority of the games population realistically. 

Over 80% Of the games players don't even use Runes lol you think their signing up too a tracker? They likely consider it elitist lmao. 

Statistics aren't science. 

yes because 80% of those players who don't use runes and not invested matters in the this subject about classes playability?

use logic before commenting.


by reading the subject, you would assume your target audience should be the ones who's invested in the game, who has played majority of the content and who's continuingly playing.

i guess you did not.

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13 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

yes because 80% of those players who don't use runes and not invested matters in the this subject about classes playability?

use logic before commenting.


by reading the subject, you would assume your target audience should be the ones who's invested in the game, who has played majority of the content and who's continuingly playing.

i guess you did not.

If this is your reply. You didn't read my original statement properly. 

And ironically. The less invested players will play longer then the more. 

Here's why:

Low content production. 

Smaller patch and expansion sizes. 

No competitive pve content due to barely any difficulty settings. 

Lack of updated or modernised systems 

Slow balance patches

This game doesn't function properly for actual invested players hence why the game has things such as 0 vertical progression. Gead irrelevant in spvp. 

To allow yoy to log off for years and not worry. 

Do you believe people stay invested in this game to a competitive degree??. Cause I would rly disagree anet do a terrible job at sustaining invested players. 

A half decent invested players would clear this games raid and fractal content in a few weeks realistically. They'd have legendary armour pretty fast to stack. 

Would lose any rewards to keep doing content. 

And would likely move games.

This game thrives on open world players...

I'm saying it's hard to find stats which include bronze / silver pvp players. Open world players. So it's hard to realistically understand class popularity.. 

When I was silver I did see alot of warriors, does that make warrior successful? No. It falls off for a reason. 

However the mediocre player base I do see quite alot of warriors among.  Besides I'd imagine this will swings and roundabouts. 

Sadly I don't know my details off top of my head to log in to look. 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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Just now, Daddy.8125 said:

If this is your reply. You didn't read my original statement properly. 

And ironically. The less invested players will play longer then the more. 

Here's why:

Low content production. 

Smaller patch and expansion sizes. 

No competitive pve content due to barely any difficulty settings. 

Lack of updated or modernised systems 

Slow balance patches

This game doesn't function properly for actual invested players hence why the game has things such as 0 vertical progression. Gead irrelevant in spvp. 

To allow yoy to log off for years and not worry. 

Do you believe people stay invested in this game to a competitive degree??. Cause I would rly disagree anet do a terrible job at sustaining invested players. 



LOL you are talking non sense, people who don't use runes are far off from casual people who played majority of the content of the games.


and HOW less invested players will play longer, then the time required to complete the content is equal?

where did your logic go? they just have far more off-line hours.

when one content requires 10 hours to complete, one dude did 10 hours in one go, and other did 1 hours each day. does it mean the second dude played longer?

you think people who don't use rune plays longer then even the full ascended geared people?! haha

your comment amazes me.


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2 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

This only counts players with a gw2 efficency account which the vast majority of players do not. 

If being used as evidence for a perceived balance problem, if anything gw2efficiency is actually better than a hypothetical 'sample literally every player' poll, since those it catches are probably more likely to be the people for whom performance actually matters.

And in that context, I'm not surprised warrior is low. Biggest surprise is that elementalist isn't lower, but I can think of a few factors that might account for that.

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On 5/20/2022 at 12:00 PM, Ryou.2398 said:

What are you talking about? The rev is still unfinished and still has some class bugs, it was majorly neglected im sorry but it seems your going for some type of damage control here.

Huh? Sure rev has issues, but neglected? If we discount that condi renegade is great in PvE, support renegade is one of the best, power Vindicator is fine in PvE and rev has multiple decent PvP builds.


That is better than warrior, thief, ranger and ele. But sure, it is “neglected.”

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2 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:


LOL you are talking non sense, people who don't use runes are far off from casual people who played majority of the content of the games.


and HOW less invested players will play longer, then the time required to complete the content is equal?

where did your logic go? they just have far more off-line hours.

when one content requires 10 hours to complete, one dude did 10 hours in one go, and other did 1 hours each day. does it mean the second dude played longer?

you think people who don't use rune plays longer then even the full ascended geared people?! haha

your comment amazes me.

Well, they are just saying that the sample of player is to limited and biased to be representative of the whole population of the game. It isn't wrong as gw2e is a gathering of players that share some value and opinions already.

It's like asking 100 players belonging to a guild named PurpleForever what their main character is and 90 of them answer mesmer. Then you publish statistic and say: "Look! 90% of the players are mesmer! Other professions need buffs!" (the example is exagerated but that's more or less the issue with statistic taken from gw2e. The sample just isn't large and objective enough, it can only represent a minority with strong biases. For example, if you look at their statistics for PvE raid between PoF and EoD release, you'd see warrior in a very good and stable spot, which doesn't mean that this was necessarily true.)

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13 minutes ago, otto.5684 said:

Warrior needs this more than any class. If I remember correctly, devs already mentioned banners are getting reworked and that warrior will get quickness. Will see. 

This banner rework feel like it will be the death of the last warrior niche... As much as I feel that Untamed will be a good match with the reworked spirits, I feel like warrior will get the shrot end of the stick.

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16 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

This banner rework feel like it will be the death of the last warrior niche... As much as I feel that Untamed will be a good match with the reworked spirits, I feel like warrior will get the shrot end of the stick.

I hope not. Warrior has been struggling in PvE and PvP content. I am just hoping that we do not end-up with super banner slaves. 

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1 hour ago, otto.5684 said:

I hope not. Warrior has been struggling in PvE and PvP content. I am just hoping that we do not end-up with super banner slaves. 

After a banner rework it can only be banner slave. What I'm affraid of is the fact that trading unique buffs for generique boons will take down the warrior.

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5 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:


LOL you are talking non sense, people who don't use runes are far off from casual people who played majority of the content of the games.


and HOW less invested players will play longer, then the time required to complete the content is equal?

where did your logic go? they just have far more off-line hours.

when one content requires 10 hours to complete, one dude did 10 hours in one go, and other did 1 hours each day. does it mean the second dude played longer?

you think people who don't use rune plays longer then even the full ascended geared people?! haha

your comment amazes me.


I think people who log on daily just to run around open world and hit world bosses stick to the game longer then those who are looking for a challange yeah.

Because this game does pve content. INCREDIBLY badly lmao, 

Because here's the thing:

There are better options if your looking for Raids / Pvp and dungeons. 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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On 5/20/2022 at 8:54 PM, Daddy.8125 said:

In all honesty. I dont think June 28th will fix everything, i'd like to see a Positive directino from it however.

im hoping

Elementalist conjure weapons get some changes done, i think picking these up properly would solve ALOT of issues by itself and would be a high impact change.

Necromancers see some form of rework to its Life force system to modernise core and reaper uptoo scourge and harbingers standard.

Warriors get some Core changes following its Banner buffs, somethings done concerning the fact bladesworns gunblade hits like a wet noodle espically in PvE

Rangers get some really good changes with its Spirits rework, Untameds Hammer gets some reworks, and Druid gets Reworked.

Thief gets Some initiative cost reductions and some other balancing factors to take place.

Engineers Scrapper gets some strong Damage buffs to mitigate the loss of barrier.

Core mesmer gets some buffs, Mirages Dodge gets dealt with properly and its 2nd dodge restored and Chronomancer takes some level of Reworking.

Guardians Willbender gets tuned properly not to put it in the trash, Firebrand takes some level of reworks so it can be properly balanced in game modes.

Revenant, Vindicators Power DPS Gets some positive changes. Herald gets some level of rework as its been made even More irrelevant since the cut in 10 man boons.

now my dissapointment will be like somewhere between 1 and 10 xD so we'll see how it turns out lol.


in other word, just boring stuff, with high risk to ruin other things.

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I only wish they ever bring Javelins like it was in Guild Wars 1, Paragon class :D or spear elite spec outside of water then i would be happy ! maybe add a bit more Arcane spells for ele like some dps/ aoe better spells not just fart spell dont even know if it worked XD 


But defo cant wait to see what will they do !

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Reworks needed in this order:

  1. Warrior (Full rework needed)
  2. Ele and Mesmer (Lots of work to do)
  3. Ranger and Thief (Need some good polish)
  4. Engi and Rev (Fix bugs and some work here and there)
  5. Necro and Guard. ( Only touch if other classes are on the same level of care and love. So maybe in 5-6 years.)
Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

in other word, just boring stuff, with high risk to ruin other things.

Boring? Not rly. 

High risk to ruin other things? Don't rly understand how you add that one up. 

Lol. Why you wanting things to remain as they are or something? Lol. 

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10 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Reworks needed in this order:

  1. Warrior (Full rework needed)
  2. Ele and Mesmer (Lots of work to do)
  3. Ranger and Thief (Need some good polish)
  4. Engi and Rev (Fix bugs and some work here and there)
  5. Necro and Guard. ( Only touch if other classes are on the same level of care and love. So maybe in 5-6 years.)

Unfortunately if they do that, you'll have players concerned by the fact that the devs don't touch Necro and Guard, saying they are favored and need to be hit badly... Bla bla bla... Blue and green child Bla bla bla...

While other professions getting rework and polish would go like: "They made us worse! It unfair! We didn't deserve those nerfs... Bla bla bla... Why don't they blow the green and blue child out of the game... Bla bla bla..."

Well, I guess you see what I mean. After all, that the forum in a nutshell on a daily basis.

All professions need some work, as "work" don't necessarily mean "buffs" (and in fact, when ANet rework something, it seldom end up in an overall buff of this thing. And if you're not convinced, you can look at the rework of necromancer's focus and warhorn results or simply the rework of thief's traps into preparations).

- Necromancer's minions (traits and skills) need to focus less on using them passively than actively. Minions need a limited life span, Death nova's damage should probably affect only sacrificed minions, Death magic traits should focus on pushing the active skills of the minions instead of giving them passive ability that promote a lazy gameplay... etc. All this is worth a rework and would lead to a shift of gameplay for minionmancer that would probably be seen as a nerf for the people that like to laze around with minions or a buff by people suddenly getting caught off-guard by some long forgotten minion active skills.

- Guardian is still waiting for an actual trade-off on firebrand. It might not be on the scale of a "rework" but it would still be better than scaling down it's skills and stripping them from essential component to the point that they become unplayable in any gamemode.

- Elementalist need a rework of fonctionality (and sometime even on the skillkits) to it's conjure skills. It's time the devs realize that sharing them is a boat that they, themself, sunk a long time ago. Nowaday, the fact that they can be shared is more of an hindrance than anything else.

- ... etc.

People just want to focus on what's immediately under their noses and prefer to complain about the things they have an issue right now instead of the long underlying issues that plague the game. A rework is meant for long underlying issues in the game not for day to day sPvP salt.

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