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Andreas Victor


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There are those indelible moments in each of our lifetimes that will never be forgotten.  Whether it be a first kiss, the birth of a child or the first day of freshman year, they are etched onto our souls forever, woven into the very skein of our lives.  And then there are our shared events, reflecting the times and struggles of a whole generation, such as the moon landing or the fall of the Berlin Wall.  I think I speak for millions across the world today by stating that Andreas's victory at HCL3 open bracket qualifies as both.  Everyone today will be able to answer the question, "Where were you and what were you doing when Andreas won HCL3 open bracket 2022?".


Unparalled : Putting The Victory In Context
Ancient history is replete with stories of military glory, such as Caesar's stunning victory before the walls of Alesia, King Leonidas's last stand at Thermopylae or even Scipio Africanus's defeat of Hannibal at Zama.  All of these pale in comparison to the glory to which Andreas has earned through his indomitable skill at arms.  I don't think it's going too far to say that modern history books will likely include comparisons between Andreas and Alexander, with Alexander the lesser of the two mighty colossi.


Surely, pogrom, I hear my loyal readers (the best, brightest and generally most virile of all GW2 forums readers) say, you're laying it on a bit thick here. After all, Andreas wasn't risking his life or leading eight legions against a quarter of a million men like Caesar.  And I admit that's true, but I also need to point out two differences that qualify him for eternal glory.  First, he was risking his honor no different than any other storied battle lord.  His actions were directly responsible for their success, or ignominy, on the field of battle.


Second, and this I think is equally vital to understanding the magnitude of this triumph, is that he conquered while playing the lowly guardian, a class that to date had enjoyed no tournament success on DPS role... ever.  There were great Roman generals before and after Caesar.  There were other sprawling empires before and after Alexander conquered his own.  What Andreas achieved had never been done in the annals of human history.  Somewhere I know King Leonidas is stroking his magnificent beard and rehashing the tournament with his mighty 300.  My guess is King Leonidas probably would like to ask Andreas for some tips on tactics as a fellow cleavist. After all, Andreas topped the DPS meters with at least 45% of total damage of his team, every game.


We So Wish Andreas Was Cleaving Our Enemies


Good Defeats Evil At Last
I also don't want to skip over the moral side of this victory.  This was more than a simple border battle between feudal lords over some scraps of worthless land.  This was the Great Crusade, a moral endeavor that shook the very foundations of both earth and heaven.  For years the tournament scene has been in the clutches of that most diabolical of comps, consisting of the very definition of both iniquity and inequity: Rangers.  For once, just once, the Comp of Darkness has been brought low, cast into the infernal void with great weeping and gnashing of teeth among its numberless (skilled) adherents.  It will probably never happen again (and judging by the look on Lord Grouch's face when he handed out the award, count on massive guardian nerfs soon), but for now this great evil has been thrown down and destroyed.


How's Cleave Taste, *****es!


Andreas, Imperator
It was a tradition in the late Roman Republic for victorious legionaries to hail their conquering general by the title of Imperator on the bloody field of battle.  It wasn't a title given out lightly, as it was shouted spontaneously by the survivors to honor their commander.  And so it is here : henceforth on the posts of this forums Andreas, guardian hero and battlefield commander without equal, shall be given the honorific Imperator.




Imperator Andreas, your diligence, your sacrifice, your glory and your honor are an example for us all. I'd like to think that it was your holy guardian spirit that enabled me to earn my shoulders and likely my new title of 3v3 ELITE POGROM. I, along with the rest of the Free World, remain forever in your debt, content to bask in the light of your reflected glory.


Andreas. Victor.

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5 hours ago, pogrom.4501 said:

There are those indelible moments in each of our lifetimes that will never be forgotten.  Whether it be a first kiss, the birth of a child or the first day of freshman year, they are etched onto our souls forever, woven into the very skein of our lives.  And then there are our shared events, reflecting the times and struggles of a whole generation, such as the moon landing or the fall of the Berlin Wall.  I think I speak for millions across the world today by stating that Andreas's victory at HCL3 open bracket qualifies as both.  Everyone today will be able to answer the question, "Where were you and what were you doing when Andreas won HCL3 open bracket 2022?".


Unparalled : Putting The Victory In Context
Ancient history is replete with stories of military glory, such as Caesar's stunning victory before the walls of Alesia, King Leonidas's last stand at Thermopylae or even Scipio Africanus's defeat of Hannibal at Zama.  All of these pale in comparison to the glory to which Andreas has earned through his indomitable skill at arms.  I don't think it's going too far to say that modern history books will likely include comparisons between Andreas and Alexander, with Alexander the lesser of the two mighty colossi.


Surely, pogrom, I hear my loyal readers (the best, brightest and generally most virile of all GW2 forums readers) say, you're laying it on a bit thick here. After all, Andreas wasn't risking his life or leading eight legions against a quarter of a million men like Caesar.  And I admit that's true, but I also need to point out two differences that qualify him for eternal glory.  First, he was risking his honor no different than any other storied battle lord.  His actions were directly responsible for their success, or ignominy, on the field of battle.


Second, and this I think is equally vital to understanding the magnitude of this triumph, is that he conquered while playing the lowly guardian, a class that to date had enjoyed no tournament success on DPS role... ever.  There were great Roman generals before and after Caesar.  There were other sprawling empires before and after Alexander conquered his own.  What Andreas achieved had never been done in the annals of human history.  Somewhere I know King Leonidas is stroking his magnificent beard and rehashing the tournament with his mighty 300.  My guess is King Leonidas probably would like to ask Andreas for some tips on tactics as a fellow cleavist. After all, Andreas topped the DPS meters with at least 45% of total damage of his team, every game.


We So Wish Andreas Was Cleaving Our Enemies


Good Defeats Evil At Last
I also don't want to skip over the moral side of this victory.  This was more than a simple border battle between feudal lords over some scraps of worthless land.  This was the Great Crusade, a moral endeavor that shook the very foundations of both earth and heaven.  For years the tournament scene has been in the clutches of that most diabolical of comps, consisting of the very definition of both iniquity and inequity: Rangers.  For once, just once, the Comp of Darkness has been brought low, cast into the infernal void with great weeping and gnashing of teeth among its numberless (skilled) adherents.  It will probably never happen again (and judging by the look on Lord Grouch's face when he handed out the award, count on massive guardian nerfs soon), but for now this great evil has been thrown down and destroyed.


How's Cleave Taste, *****es!


Andreas, Imperator
It was a tradition in the late Roman Republic for victorious legionaries to hail their conquering general by the title of Imperator on the bloody field of battle.  It wasn't a title given out lightly, as it was shouted spontaneously by the survivors to honor their commander.  And so it is here : henceforth on the posts of this forums Andreas, guardian hero and battlefield commander without equal, shall be given the honorific Imperator.




Imperator Andreas, your diligence, your sacrifice, your glory and your honor are an example for us all. I'd like to think that it was your holy guardian spirit that enabled me to earn my shoulders and likely my new title of 3v3 ELITE POGROM. I, along with the rest of the Free World, remain forever in your debt, content to bask in the light of your reflected glory.


Andreas. Victor.

you really think that guardians never had a dps role in pvp....


lmao, get this guy some help. or share what you are smoking.


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Lmao, that was the most beautiful post i've read in awhile.


6 hours ago, pogrom.4501 said:

There are those indelible moments in each of our lifetimes that will never be forgotten.  Whether it be a first kiss, the birth of a child or the first day of freshman year, they are etched onto our souls forever, woven into the very skein of our lives.  And then there are our shared events, reflecting the times and struggles of a whole generation, such as the moon landing or the fall of the Berlin Wall.  I think I speak for millions across the world today by stating that Andreas's victory at HCL3 open bracket qualifies as both.  Everyone today will be able to answer the question, "Where were you and what were you doing when Andreas won HCL3 open bracket 2022?".


Unparalled : Putting The Victory In Context
Ancient history is replete with stories of military glory, such as Caesar's stunning victory before the walls of Alesia, King Leonidas's last stand at Thermopylae or even Scipio Africanus's defeat of Hannibal at Zama.  All of these pale in comparison to the glory to which Andreas has earned through his indomitable skill at arms.  I don't think it's going too far to say that modern history books will likely include comparisons between Andreas and Alexander, with Alexander the lesser of the two mighty colossi.


Surely, pogrom, I hear my loyal readers (the best, brightest and generally most virile of all GW2 forums readers) say, you're laying it on a bit thick here. After all, Andreas wasn't risking his life or leading eight legions against a quarter of a million men like Caesar.  And I admit that's true, but I also need to point out two differences that qualify him for eternal glory.  First, he was risking his honor no different than any other storied battle lord.  His actions were directly responsible for their success, or ignominy, on the field of battle.


Second, and this I think is equally vital to understanding the magnitude of this triumph, is that he conquered while playing the lowly guardian, a class that to date had enjoyed no tournament success on DPS role... ever.  There were great Roman generals before and after Caesar.  There were other sprawling empires before and after Alexander conquered his own.  What Andreas achieved had never been done in the annals of human history.  Somewhere I know King Leonidas is stroking his magnificent beard and rehashing the tournament with his mighty 300.  My guess is King Leonidas probably would like to ask Andreas for some tips on tactics as a fellow cleavist. After all, Andreas topped the DPS meters with at least 45% of total damage of his team, every game.


We So Wish Andreas Was Cleaving Our Enemies


Good Defeats Evil At Last
I also don't want to skip over the moral side of this victory.  This was more than a simple border battle between feudal lords over some scraps of worthless land.  This was the Great Crusade, a moral endeavor that shook the very foundations of both earth and heaven.  For years the tournament scene has been in the clutches of that most diabolical of comps, consisting of the very definition of both iniquity and inequity: Rangers.  For once, just once, the Comp of Darkness has been brought low, cast into the infernal void with great weeping and gnashing of teeth among its numberless (skilled) adherents.  It will probably never happen again (and judging by the look on Lord Grouch's face when he handed out the award, count on massive guardian nerfs soon), but for now this great evil has been thrown down and destroyed.


How's Cleave Taste, *****es!


Andreas, Imperator
It was a tradition in the late Roman Republic for victorious legionaries to hail their conquering general by the title of Imperator on the bloody field of battle.  It wasn't a title given out lightly, as it was shouted spontaneously by the survivors to honor their commander.  And so it is here : henceforth on the posts of this forums Andreas, guardian hero and battlefield commander without equal, shall be given the honorific Imperator.




Imperator Andreas, your diligence, your sacrifice, your glory and your honor are an example for us all. I'd like to think that it was your holy guardian spirit that enabled me to earn my shoulders and likely my new title of 3v3 ELITE POGROM. I, along with the rest of the Free World, remain forever in your debt, content to bask in the light of your reflected glory.


Andreas. Victor.


51 minutes ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

you really think that guardians never had a dps role in pvp....


lmao, get this guy some help. or share what you are smoking.


kinda wanna know what you're smoking since clearly whatever you take affects your ability to understand high quality kitten posts xD

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Interesting stuff. I'll confess that when I stayed in NA for a week, one of my guilty pleasures was reading the RPing that would sometimes occur in the PvP mapchat. I'd chime in a few times when it came to discussing RL stuff and folks were rather friendly.


Rome would have been better off had they remained a Republic. 

Ultimately, it was the decision of Emperor Constantine that influenced Western History and civilization. 

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