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How about a New Legendary Eternal Battleground Map with next gen PvPvE gameplay for Expansion 4

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I been thinking about this for a while. I had many ideas on how it could be done using the current map, but I have come to the conclusion that its just outright better for the long term appeal of the game to get a brand new rotational Eternal Battleground map with new gameplay features and new structures and more.


WvW is suppose to be reflective of the game world across dimensions. Well we see new things added in each expansion and living world. So why dont we see some of these things reflected in WvW gameplay as well?


Iam a avid PvPvE gameplay fan. I can appreciate the well done blend of both PvP and PvE with the overall goal winning a battle against enemy faction players. So I want to create a New Legendary Eternal Battleground Map the promotes Zerg vs Zergs, Small Group scrimmages, Defenses, and Solo/small scale objectives to play at all times.


The Design:


The legendary ETB map is larger than the normal ETB. 

Each faction has 2 Keep.  1 is a land Keep, the other is a Dock Port.

Each Faction has an Airship station at the starting area with teleport pad.

Meta Events are timed duration events on timed triggers. Each has different objectives.

The Center of the map holds the Castle Island, surrounded by large body of water and Large Bridges.

The Water in the center has rivers than run through the map to Naval Keeps.

New Mobile Sieges such as Siege Turtle.

New Respawn system and downed mechanics. 


Naval Combat:

With new water ways, Naval Keeps provide players with temporary crafted Skiffs that have special skiff cannons for multiple players to board and use to attack other naval ships and skiffs.


Ships are somewhat bigger but move slower but have longer ranged attacks. They need to be defended. Skiffs provide the best protection.


Ships are produced in a timed manner.


Air Combat:

The main Airships rotates in orbit. 1 per faction. Airships have ranged weapons for attacking  other air fighters as well as land and sea fighters.  

Jade Bots can be taken control by players to attack other Jade Bots and Airships. 



Small Scale objectives:

NPC soldiers are upgraded and morals are upkeep by players gathering event material armor fragments from enemy territory and from player drops from defeating players and running the supply back to the structure forge to upgrade NPC troops. Mercenary Food is also gathered  and returned to troops to boost moral. 


Siege Turtles have to be raised and produced.  Small groups of players and individuals can do this task to help your server build siege turtles. 


Armory is a new sub structure inside towers, that players can help stock up with experimental sieges and environmental weapons which replace banners.


Respawn system:

Players no longer respawn at waypoint. Respawn Shrines are captured and defended. Respawn Shrines respawn players on a fixed timer every few seconds. When you are defeated, you can release and be automatically spawned at the closest Respawn Shrine. If player captures the shrine while players are waiting for the timer, they are sent to the next nearby Respawn Shrine. Shrines will always continue its respawn timer. Shrines also have a radius that effect downed state. Heath of Downstate is reduced for players of factions that dont control the shrine in the area. 


Meta Events:

Hydra Event. During this event, players help Summoner NPCs spawn the Hydra Boss of your faction color. It will circle the land Keep for a set time build-up to the second stage of the event in which the Hydra will march around the map clockwise for a fixed time attacking players and structures.


Air Event is the Airships lower down bombarding the ground. A Laser Station spawns in the center of the sky and players fight to control the laser that can temporally destroy targeted airships and ground walls/gates and players. 




NPC AI is improved to simulate player Siege use when siege is placed on structures walls.

Each Structure has unique named NPC lords with its own special attacks.

Roaming NPCs are stronger but defeating them provides your faction with a temporary boost. 


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56 minutes ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

That's all you took from it hu?

Considering the amount of changes that have happened over the many years with introduction or removal of things due to siege abuse / hacking and balance issues etc etc, then yeah my response is what I thought of when I read your post seeing 'event' and 'meta event' said more than once. 

I am sure it sounds fun to you, doesn't mean that everyone has to agree. Hell if that is the case get them to spawn that lag fested event in desert borderlands that was there when the map was put into rotation, or the ORB OF POWER... yeah bring that back 😂

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EBG is by far the most popular WvW map. Reworking it would be stupid. As an additional map the suggested mechanics could be worth a try, but I guess ANet has not the ressources for such an experiment that could end up as a waste of money like desert borderlands.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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the current state of wvw community shows that people have it too hard landing damage fields on opponents already.

they have it too hard to 1vs1 and call the game unbalanced.

they say that one cannot have fights on desert borderlands...

they say that desert borderlands is too complicated to move around at while in reality there are air shrines, haystacks, jump pads, fire tornados which make you able to travel fast.

believe me, the majority wants to have a commander tag and turn their head off.

im afraid but more map-mechanics will lead to more complaints cause everything one need to prepare for is nowadays "too hard, too unbalanced"...

School, maths + geometry, teachers and everything related to this is boring but yet they log into an mmo where you need math, geometry and everything school and teachers teached you to be good at it...

a new map must be designed in a way that there are short and simple ways between keeps and towers and this map cant allow for any mechanics where people need to read more than one sentence of event text to understand what needs to be done otherwise this lazy communty will cry again for event nerfs or such and they will keep away from this map.

see pve map drizzlewood coast for an example. the event texts tell what to do, yet they ask in map chat for commanders to tag...

Lets see what happens when alliances comes out and some alliances will try to fill up with 500 players to have no randoms around and mow over everyone else 😄 they will cry alliances just brought more unbalance... just wait and see what happens then...

Edited by SlateSloan.3654
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they say that desert borderlands is too complicated to move around at while in reality there are air shrines, haystacks, jump pads, fire tornados which make you able to travel fast.


Don't tell people that, it's a good way to catch up with groups that run through the keep.

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If we would have all of that added anyway, we might as well have flagged open world pvp instead and have some mechanics for open world structures or territories to fight over and defend with supply yaks to attack and defend. Then add a global WvW chat tab for diplomacy, trash talk, and just keeping the playerbase vibrant. 

Pve players wouldn't have to take part but their maps would be far more lively and that's one of the major complaints I hear about this expansion.

WvW players would have more round the clock activity and not have to detach entirely from one game mode or the other to progress either. 

PvX guilds could all play together 24/7 and maybe have a rift on a few maps that can access EBG map as a persistent ruins and battlground when you just want to drop in and out of blob fights.

Well thought out idea OP and I'd be there if it happened but we have to consider the design resource and time for that tall oder.


Edited by kash.9213
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i think what missing is week main event,like king of the castle.top server against two other servers one event,to protect their top position their castle,big castle map.if u want pve,i remember in one game there was boss event in pvp, like they spawn bosses on pvp map, even better in one game player could transform and play as boss...

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