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Which class to chose for a male sylvari and a female charr?


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   I would want to known about what would be your profession of choice (in order of preference) for a male sylvari and a female charr, based on lore and cultural backgrounds.

   I already have all the professions and a total of 16 characters, but I'm re-rolling some of them because in terms of racial representation I made the mistake of making half of them from my fav race, and while at short term felt great in the long rung having 5-6 characters with exactly the same voice is turning out very annoying. So I want to increase the variety, and already have at least one character of each race and sex combination outside those two.

   My thoughts are something like this:

Charr (female):

1) Warrior (which I already have, in male form) due military culture and the Blood Legion.

2) Engineer, due the Iron Legion and being charrs the pioneers of that class, plus their war machines and overall architecture.

3) Thief, due the Ash Legion and the furtive nature of felines.

4) Elementalist or Necro, due the Flame Legion, but they are more like outcast inside the charr because the cultural distrust towards magic and spell casters.


Sylvari (male):

1) Ranger; links with nature and outdoor skills, focus on traditional weapons... 

2) Thief; subterfuge, elusiveness, finesse and flow over raw power or tankiness.

3) Necro/Mesmer; links with the Nightmare Court and their twisted view of the Dream and deceit.

4) Revenant (which already have in female form); the youngest race and the youngest profession, the Mist feels a bit like an after-life version of the dream.


    What are your thougths/preferences around the topic? My only gripe is that I'm having really hard time to find out a class at which female charr animations doesn't look bas -very bad-....   Thanks in davance!


Edited by Buran.3796
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On 5/26/2022 at 2:39 PM, Buran.3796 said:

having 5-6 characters with exactly the same voice is turning out very annoying.


Totally agree! I would definitely have more characters if we had a few different options for voice.

I think you have pretty good ideas already. I'll add a few more:

Charr Guardian - it might not look like a profession that fits the charr at first, but the Iron Legion has a special unit called the Adamant Guard, who act as the "police" of the Black Citadel, and you'll see many Adamant Guard NPCs using Guardian skills.

Sylvari Warrior - sylvari of the Cycle of Noon face challenges head-on, which fits Warrior pretty nicely;

Sylvari Elementalist - I feel like any Cycle can fit an elementalist, but I personally prefer the Cycle of Dawn and their empathy and deep connection to their surroundings (which can make it easier to attune to the elements?).


Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
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On 6/6/2022 at 10:39 PM, Ausar.9542 said:

I would like to talk you out of a Charr. Necro Charr may be best, but Fashion Wars is a real thing and Charr and Asura suffer for it. Just avoid those imo

That just means you have not played charr long enough the more you suffer the more you strive to make a good look and you end up with a great result. With great suffering comes great fashion... or an increased power level. 😂

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3 hours ago, ZDragon.3046 said:

That just means you have not played charr long enough the more you suffer the more you strive to make a good look and you end up with a great result. With great suffering comes great fashion... or an increased power level. 😂

Yes and then you are stuck with the same look for years because only a few skins actually stand out

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