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A Round of Applause. EoD Credits. PvP Team!

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Anytime anet communicates with us we praise them, but the minute they dont meet expectations we come at them with pitchforks. In customer service its better to give clients low expectations so they think you did a good job when you did a normal level of work. This is also true in this industry.

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10 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Lol. Theres this achievement you get for waiting for the credits to end (gj whoever designed THAT, good way to get resentment). So I waited to see the developer team credits part, as I was waiting anyhow. I think I counted 22 people? No surprise they can't get any balancing done.


Please tell me you're joking because I laughed so hard upon reading the acheeev 

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4 hours ago, Pimsley.3681 said:


It's the classy warrior! I'm currently in Singapore time and just came back from an almost 4 hour dinner hosted by someone who made truckloads of money and very intelligent.


There were people there too whom we've never met and we got the "free-loader" vibe from them. I don't even think they read the menu and instead ordered the most expensive dishes. Two of them ordered the Maine lobster pre-course, 1kg (2.2 lbs) 28 day aged USDA prime rib ($460 USD each), which they only took a few bites off and didnt finish nor ask to take home, octopus with kalamata olives that they didn't even touch etc etc. 


We ordered tomato soup, duck confit and sea bass while spending time talking with the generous host. He seemed to like us more because we were more authentic, understood business and even though money isn't an object to him, we didn't abuse or take advantage of his generosity. 


It's funny because I went with my spouse to this dinner and while everyone was chatting, the host texted me to meet him at the bar a floor below and he had me try a glass of Louis XIII cognac. He was exited to have me try it but I told him that I had it before but would not want to resist his offer because that stuff is smoother than silk. It was a good aperitif and we went back to the dining room. 


There's a party after dinner but I got woozy from the cognac and wine pairing so we decided to go home. Im no longer in my 20s and it's cool to go home and not get blasted drunk or feed my nose with candy. 


But yeah, I agree with you. 


Relevancy to the thread: 0/10

Weirdly Entertaining: 9/10


I wanted to give you a confused emoji because I was literally confused but not in a mean way and I almost never do that. I like to give happy hearts and trophies. Yes free loaders suck. 


Btw, if that host invited you for a drink alone without your spouse, even if for only a few minutes and away from everyone else, I suggest you be careful unless the invitation was for business or had a professional question for you. 

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2 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

In all seriousness it is all in all marketing and financial allocation within the game that is doing this


Yes it's all in marketing. PvP and WvW are still part of the Guild Wars 2 universe despite negligence. The company has more than a dozen marketers, social media content spammers and product managers. Excluding Pvp and WvW I thought, was poor marketing execution. How could they include the studios they rented and not even the slightest make up a Competitive section and put down Cal, Ben, couple of outsourced labor, couple of interns, something, anything... yes we know they put little to no resource but not including/crediting the Competitive portion of the game on the credits, to me is terrible branding


Btw, I also want to buy the teatime chairs. Are they still on sale on the gem store?

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9 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Btw, I also want to buy the teatime chairs. Are they still on sale on the gem store?

Of course. That thing is a major bread winner.

The teatime chair is currently on the gem store for the price of 800 G-Bucks


I would offer to share mine, but I think we are on different servers on opposite ends of the world 😭

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1 minute ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Of course. That thing is a major bread winner.

The teatime chair is currently on the gem store for the price of 800 G-Bucks


I would offer to share mine, but I think we are on different servers on opposite ends of the world 😭


Well that's a bummer. My charr is ready to serve Earl Grey, brewed exactly 3 min along with other snacks and light refreshments. My charr will also supply reading material, your choice of The Economist or National Geographic. 

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5 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


Are you trying to get backbreaker nerfed, sir?

Mercy no, sir! But I would like it to be renamed to something less violent and more appropriate for the damage it does. Maybe... [Posture Lul] but with the exact same effects as it has now.

4 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Well that's a bummer. My charr is ready to serve Earl Grey, brewed exactly 3 min along with other snacks and light refreshments. My charr will also supply reading material, your choice of The Economist or National Geographic. 

One of my choice bevvies tbh. That's why I bought the tea table. To maximize immersion.

Would probably go with The Economist. I get enough National Geographic reading in when visiting any of the balance threads here on the forums.

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36 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Would probably go with The Economist. I get enough National Geographic reading in when visiting any of the balance threads here on the forums.

I would call it a fiasco for all intellectuals. That's what a top league player means.

Don't take it personally, I'm just trying to go with your flow :-)))

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54 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Of course. That thing is a major bread winner.

The teatime chair is currently on the gem store for the price of 800 G-Bucks


I would offer to share mine, but I think we are on different servers on opposite ends of the world 😭


This right here, is word of mouth marketing properly executed - I bought the tea chair so I can hold a tea party like Alice. 

Question is, should I loiter in Divinity's Reach or the Forest (with the tree ppl) on my Charr

Lol, you should be an influencer! 

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22 minutes ago, Tescao.3042 said:

I would call it a fiasco for all intellectuals. That's what a top league player means.

Don't take it personally, I'm just trying to go with your flow :-)))

As a former top league player, I find it hard to take being called an intellectual seriously.

So hakuna matata and all that.

16 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


This right here, is word of mouth marketing properly executed - I bought the tea chair so I can hold a tea party like Alice. 

Question is, should I loiter in Divinity's Reach or the Forest (with the tree ppl) on my Charr

A very merry unbirthday to you!

Personally I recommend celebrating it in DR, but each has their own perks for bank sitting.

I'd go with the latter if I fancied some peace and quiet. I'd go with DR if I wanted to cause a scene and deal with the occasional RP solicitor.

16 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Lol, you should be an influencer! 

I appreciate the thought, but I must respectfully decline.

Historically speaking, the price for being a Gw2 influencer has been one's soul.

I'm going to need that if i'm ever going to stand a chance at taking down the wintrader cartel. We're close to winning that too, as there are very few who still cling to the practice.

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

As a former top league player, I find it hard to take being called an intellectual seriously.


You're very humble for being a top league player. I've noticed gamers, especially competitive ones have above average intelligence. Consider hand-eye coordination, knowing hundreds of animations, skills, combos, anticipating enemy movement and reacting accordingly all done in a few seconds. 


What matters more than anything else is having common sense (which isn't common, lol)


Good luck taking down the cheating cartel/syndicate. Some of the members are very close to upper management. 


When the mode was regulated by a team, they'd have crazy rules like:  if one disconnects during a match, it was considered to be a desertion, even if you came back and won the game, it will count as a loss. Evan Lesh personally responded to my comment explaining why I had 12 losses and a win rate below 60%. It was punitive but I'd take that over what we have now with AFKers and match manipulators going unpunished. My main got permabanned by just mentioning a certain quasi political movement


When I suggested influencer, I meant it to be outside of GW2 🙂 Audiences like friendly, funny and approachable streamers Youtubers.

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7 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


You're very humble for being a top league player. I've noticed gamers, especially competitive ones have above average intelligence. Consider hand-eye coordination, knowing hundreds of animations, skills, combos, anticipating enemy movement and reacting accordingly all done in a few seconds. 


What matters more than anything else is having common sense (which isn't common, lol)


I agree completely common sense is more important than people give it credit for. Game knowledge is important as well, but the problem a lot of top players have is with their egoes.

They cheat for internet clout, but they also take away all meaning from their achievement at the same time through the cheating.

7 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


Good luck taking down the cheating cartel/syndicate. Some of the members are very close to upper management. 

It is an uphill battle for sure. Anet has given them things like DuoQ and class-swap which makes it easier for them, but at the same time a lot of them are just getting bored with it.

A lot of the former known wintraders that had been "punished" for wintrading in the past don't do it anymore because they're bored with the game which is a blessing for anyone else left playing.

Some of them even talk about how they used to do it on their streams and YTs which is a big help in understanding. Its wintrader redemption.

7 minutes ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

When the mode was regulated by a team, they'd have crazy rules like:  if one disconnects during a match, it was considered to be a desertion, even if you came back and won the game, it will count as a loss. Evan Lesh personally responded to my comment explaining why I had 12 losses and a win rate below 60%. It was punitive but I'd take that over what we have now with AFKers and match manipulators going unpunished. My main got permabanned by just mentioning a certain quasi political movement

I'm gonna share this with you because you're cool and that's a bit kittened up.

I'm friends with someone who used to work at Anet and they're super nice. Anet as a company is genuinely very nice and respectful with good people working for them.

They were a GM in charge of handling player reports. 

From their words: Verbal Abuse, bug abuse, botting, gold farming, and all the base report options all take precedence over idle player reports and match manipulation reports. Which you probably already knew. It should be obvious when the option only appears when you're in a PvP match.

If you report someone for idling and/or match manipulation, it usually gets put to the side indefinitely and I don't think their team was even responsible for those at the time.

For proof here's some screenshots from my old pal

recognizing how salty I am

and wishing me a good night - Like I said, Anet are homies

All they really need to do is give the PvP players some of that love and attention and we'll be golden.


I may do a stream at some point, but idk. While I was making friends with Anet, I was also making enemies with the wintrader cartel and a lot of them are streamers/content creators/influencers who's audiences hate and gatekeep WEA agents like myself.

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39 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

A lot of the former known wintraders that had been "punished" for wintrading in the past don't do it anymore because they're bored with the game which is a blessing for anyone else left playing.


That's promising though sad because they have ruined the experience of other players who have also left. On the bright  side, this is good news. 

40 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I'm friends with someone who used to work at Anet and they're super nice. Anet as a company is genuinely very nice and respectful with good people working for them.


I could tell from the get-go that Anet's ran by nice people. I just tease them a lot on the forums but do have tremendous love for this game. They're very generous with content, they allow players to farm for gold and exchange for gems (huge source of their income, it's like they're allowing the player base to eat up their income just so ppl keep playing). I don't like farming, lol and just support them directly through gem purchases. Also, Anet being too nice could put them and the remaining player base at risk if they are influenced by gamers with sinister intentions.


Mass Banning

They did a mass ban on thousands of accounts and I believe it happened in two waves. Their reason was gold selling for the mass bans and then my main that seldom left the Mists got banned, I think from verbal abuse (but it was just me being labeled as not politically correct and just repeated what someone said) That account was banned around 2017 but during the pvp ladder days of early 2015, it reached top 100. That was 7 years ago, I was younger, probably played better and way saltier but never raged or directly insulted anyone

It would be cool to watch your stream. I couldn't open the link with your displayed saltiness but hard to imagine that you are or were.

Banishing Cheaters

I totally understand your dilemma with streamers, fanbois and gatekeepers. It's worse in NA, I believe. If the game gets an influx of new players, I'm certain they'd rather follow and watch you. In the streaming world, kindness, likeability, charm, humor and relatability goes a long way. 

Thinking Positive

Positive psychology works. Try this when Qing prime time. Before the match, say something nice and random to 2-3 teammates and wish the entire team well. If they were receptive to the getting pumped up to win, the team is likely to win. If it doesn't, everyone still experienced enjoyment. Granted, there will be hostile outliers not open to suggestion yet full of rage. You're a top pvper and Im certain you're familiar and definitely more experienced than I am. 


These days, when someone AFKs, I no longer bother to report. 

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2 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

I could tell from the get-go that Anet's ran by nice people. I just tease them a lot on the forums but do have tremendous love for this game. They're very generous with content, they allow players to farm for gold and exchange for gems (huge source of their income, it's like they're allowing the player base to eat up their income just so ppl keep playing). I don't like farming, lol and just support them directly through gem purchases. Also, Anet being too nice could put them and the remaining player base at risk if they are influenced by gamers with sinister intentions.

For sure. If it was gold farming then you might wanna talk to support about that because it could have been an accident. It happens quite a bit from what I know.

If it was verbal abuse though that did the account in then I want you to email me what unholy words you said that was so horrible it deserved a perma ban. 😰


As to Anet being influenced by people with bad intentions

Yes I think it happens all the time

There's people who have been caught and banned for wintrading; ruining hundreds of games, ATs, and the competitive ladder for multiple seasons.

They get banned, yes. Get this; for only a few months and only from PvP, and they even get to keep their titles from Ranked.

They also did one of those ban waves you mentioned to 5 dozen accounts for doing the exact same thing on EU, only they got permabanned.

It should be the same universal punishment if its a permabanable offense. Someone shouldn't be let off just because they're a content creator. If they know they can get away with it, they're just going to do it again.

There's really nothing to stop them apart from them getting bored. Don't worry, I will aid the process with my CC spam build.


These days, when someone AFKs, I no longer bother to report. 

Tbh that's fair. Nobody's looking at them anyway.

The AFKs are here to stay until their existence starts to get looked at holistically. 

I appreciate the kind words and positive message. It is hard for me to express because through CmC, I have experienced ego death. 🙏

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14 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

I could tell from the get-go that Anet's ran by nice people. I just tease them a lot on the forums but do have tremendous love for this game. They're very generous with content, they allow players to farm for gold and exchange for gems (huge source of their income, it's like they're allowing the player base to eat up their income just so ppl keep playing). 


Not 100% accurate. Someone has to buy said gems and put them on exchange market. It was actually smart move on their part to design said system. One might say its basically legalized gold buying within the game. But it also lets "f2p" grinders buy all this shiny stuff off shop at same time

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On 6/12/2022 at 12:09 PM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

As to Anet being influenced by people with bad intentions

Yes I think it happens all the time

There's people who have been caught and banned for wintrading; ruining hundreds of games, ATs, and the competitive ladder for multiple seasons.

They get banned, yes. Get this; for only a few months and only from PvP, and they even get to keep their titles from Ranked.


Hi Hipster! Hope you're doing well. Yes sir, I'm aware of the slap on the wrist punishment that left the players base with doubt and questioned the integrity of the company decision makers. It diminished trust the gamers had with the devs. The selfishness and greed of these win traders and cheaters will leave a long lasting negative effect unless they reverse their act immediately. 


Regular communication with us will reap greater returns than the devs supporting a group of "elitist" streamers. 


You have my full support. I'm just an average casual gamer but feel that your agenda is for the greater good for all. 


Have a nice weekend and that would be great if get damage with our CC's. 


Be well, be positive, never forget how awesome you are. My RL now has limited my gameplay but once I get a breather, I'll ping you. 

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On 6/13/2022 at 12:33 AM, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

Not 100% accurate. Someone has to buy said gems and put them on exchange market. It was actually smart move on their part to design said system. One might say its basically legalized gold buying within the game. But it also lets "f2p" grinders buy all this shiny stuff off shop at same time


You're right! What's wrong w me. Next time, I'll shoot for 100% accuracy. Thanks for the tip. 

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5 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Be well, be positive, never forget how awesome you are. My RL now has limited my gameplay but once I get a breather, I'll ping you. 

Ty bb 🙏wishing you a wonderful, non-robotizing week as well.

2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


I bite, but I promise it'll be funny and not impact your morale.

CmC if you're still here, allow me to amend my original statement.


Some of us bite, but i'm sure they're loving crowd control bites that deal 13 damage at max.

So come. Come and scream into the wind with us!


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On 6/15/2022 at 3:58 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Ty bb 🙏wishing you a wonderful, non-robotizing week as well.

CmC if you're still here, allow me to amend my original statement.


Some of us bite, but i'm sure they're loving crowd control bites that deal 13 damage at max.

So come. Come and scream into the wind with us!



Hope you're having a great week. I have a brilliant idea; maybe we can try to lure CmC with a case of San Pellegrino fizzy water bottled at the source to get his attention. 


Keep charming the guys and gals at Anet. I know they're big into community integration and hope they get the bigger picture. 

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13 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:


Hope you're having a great week. I have a brilliant idea; maybe we can try to lure CmC with a case of San Pellegrino fizzy water bottled at the source to get his attention. 

That's a really good idea actually. I don't know if I can find that brand, so I hope CmC likes La Croix as much as I do.

I plan to sit down with a case of Pamplemousse and a functioning spirit box one of these nights in an attempt to commune with the nerf father.

13 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Keep charming the guys and gals at Anet. I know they're big into community integration and hope they get the bigger picture. 

I don't know anyone who works there personally anymore, but I appreciate the heads up.

I will be sure to incorporate some smooth jazz into my session.

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On 6/11/2022 at 8:20 PM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:


I agree completely common sense is more important than people give it credit for. Game knowledge is important as well, but the problem a lot of top players have is with their egoes.

They cheat for internet clout, but they also take away all meaning from their achievement at the same time through the cheating.

It is an uphill battle for sure. Anet has given them things like DuoQ and class-swap which makes it easier for them, but at the same time a lot of them are just getting bored with it.

A lot of the former known wintraders that had been "punished" for wintrading in the past don't do it anymore because they're bored with the game which is a blessing for anyone else left playing.

Some of them even talk about how they used to do it on their streams and YTs which is a big help in understanding. Its wintrader redemption.

I'm gonna share this with you because you're cool and that's a bit kittened up.

I'm friends with someone who used to work at Anet and they're super nice. Anet as a company is genuinely very nice and respectful with good people working for them.

They were a GM in charge of handling player reports. 

From their words: Verbal Abuse, bug abuse, botting, gold farming, and all the base report options all take precedence over idle player reports and match manipulation reports. Which you probably already knew. It should be obvious when the option only appears when you're in a PvP match.

If you report someone for idling and/or match manipulation, it usually gets put to the side indefinitely and I don't think their team was even responsible for those at the time.

For proof here's some screenshots from my old pal

recognizing how salty I am

and wishing me a good night - Like I said, Anet are homies

All they really need to do is give the PvP players some of that love and attention and we'll be golden.


I may do a stream at some point, but idk. While I was making friends with Anet, I was also making enemies with the wintrader cartel and a lot of them are streamers/content creators/influencers who's audiences hate and gatekeep WEA agents like myself.

I may get on Anet the devs, but it's them as a whole, as an institution. I make it clear not to attack any individual honest dev who's just trying to put food on the table. Hell, a lot of them seem to want to do good but they have their hands tied. My issue is with the collective pvp disaster that has been allowed to fester by Anet as a company. Cheating is only allowed because there is no accountability. So no, I will _not_ protect ANY company. If a game is promoted with a service(pvp) and the service is not provided, people should say something. They're getting ripped off.

I've seen enough crookedness in this current game industry to not simply turn a blind eye for the sake of "peace". Too many people in society, never mind games, excuse shady company practices simply because they love the product in question. I call it a case of "consumer Stockholm Syndrome". Consumers just passively accept this and try to rationalize it. Astute criticism needs to be had, even if it is not polite or civil. There's too many situations in gaming these days, where players excuse and hand-wave company practices or in-game bigotry simply because the franchise is above question. Fanboyism, if you will.


But _yes_ on the entire win-trader cartel of streamers and influencers and their gaggle of apologists. A lot of them are on Reddit and they HATE it when the apple cart is budged even a little bit, never mind knocked over!

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