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If Warrior ever does become competitive again...


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Every thing RONG  whith WARRIOR:

Most armour defense, heavi armor :

Its imposible to warrior be a tank withaut tougthnes, or vitaliti 

Master of weapons : if warrior is the master of weapons, fast weapon swap should be come with the class, not with the profesion discipline

Warrior is core weapons

But his best weapon is the long bow

Its the only weapon to accesible to combos areas


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First off, I'll readily admit to enjoying ranger and all 3 of its especs. But to keep it challenging in light of what one goes through when playing any warrior spec, I'm playing various Untamed builds and power Druid. The experience, even with specifically avoiding Soulbeast, is such a stark contrast with Warrior. Weapon, and especially utility skills, feel impactful. While not nearly perfect, Ranger trait lines might as well be compared to their Warrior counterparts. I could make a decent sized list just with these 2 classes, never mind the bulk of the rest.


As to the new Willbender, the class created from Warrior sub-forum ideas and suggestions, I stopped playing mine almost entirely. It really is that ridiculous. I currently use mine for one thing: the giant slayer achievement. Easily negates every annoying thing those mobs do while performing the hot-knife-through-butter routine. I have like a hundred or so to go; not sure what I'll do with it after that. Maybe go back to having no Guardian of any flavor in my line-up again.


Oh, and lastly, I did say any Warrior spec earlier. I guess that doesn't include BSW, at least for me. I found so very little to enjoy in that espec that I don't/won't consider it until such time the devs rework it. If such a possibility even exists.

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5 hours ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

Pretty much, this is just a observation, but most of the time the type of players I see whining and crying either come from inexperience players, or very biased Ele/Mesmer/Engi players that have the exact mindset of the bolded text in quote. 


I'm someone that Multiclasses , and normally alternates alt characters a while when I'm feeling a certain archetype mood. With the way warrior is currently and how much I enjoy the playstyle, sometimes it scares me if I stick to playing something else for too long, because it feels like I'm being spoiled and as a result dampens my efficiency to play Warrior effectively. 

 A example of feeling of getting spoiled was going back to a what I used to main which was guardian(10k-12k hours) and encountering some people I recognize that  gave me problems before when I was on Spb. I had a vastly easier time managing these encounters, dumpstering these folks 1v2 on a old medi trapper build I haven't even played in a while.  I knew if I was on Spb I'd be clawing and pulling teeth out to manage the same situation.  The same goes with Rev/hearld feels like I get spoiled af actually having some threatening damage but at a cautionary risk of fighting condi flood builds but manageable if they're mediocre.


To look at it from the other side of the ledger:

I've been slowly (usually only playing an average of one game a day, win or loss) collecting the champion titles for all the professions, and for some time now, Warrior is the only one I haven't achieved. Now, there are some builds that I regret not using more when they were around, but the broad trend is that when I find a warrior build that actually works for me, it usually gets nerfed out before I can get more than a dozen or so wins out of it. The greatsword spellbreaker build that was the generally preferred option for warrior during most of the post-PoF-pre-EoD era? Is more reliant on twitch reflexes (and, therefore, low ping) to stay alive than some thief builds I've played. Easy-to-play "basic" profession my foot

(Bladesworn... ehhh. It's okay in PvE, but it's not a style I enjoy in competitive settings either. Some people are able to make it work, I guess?)

There are some builds out there which, by their nature, can be bullied pretty hard by warriors if their team does nothing to help them out, and it wouldn't surprise me if it's people playing those builds that make the complaints, but that's basically the "rock is overpowered, paper is fine, sincerely, scissors" situation. Doesn't mean warrior is strong overall. You need to try playing something before you can really understand its weaknesses and whether it's actually OP or whether it's just that they're the rock to your scissors and they know it.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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10 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Also, we want banners to be available to more builds so we're reducing the target cap to 5 and then making the trait in the mandatory trait line increase it back to 10.

And they might change the trait, so it doesn't even increase the target cap anymore.

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Regarding Ranger/Soulbeast, I think I've mentioned it before, but it's embarrassing how much better greatsword is compared to Warrior.

It also happens to have a block that's better than Warrior's Shield Stance in Counterattack. It lasts the same amount of time, has greater utility in having a flip-over to a hard CC, and has a 10 second shorter cooldown at 15 compared to 25 secs.

Seriously, imagine the howls if they increased Full Counter's duration to 3 seconds.

But that's the kind of fix Warrior needs.


And your secondary weapon's probably going to be Longbow, which is just ridiculous when compared to the Warrior's one.

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On 6/15/2022 at 8:59 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

Instead of learning to counter Warriors over the years and become better players, people have screamed and screamed for the profession to be nerfed instead, because surely it's wrong that they can be beaten by the basic profession

The issue is its the community mentality. If they get beaten they screech. 

Anything that's meta is "easy to play" compared to what they play. No matter what. If you beat them your overpowered. 

People have been complaining about guardians and necromancer for as long as I've been in the game realistically. People have referred to them as to easy to play and too effective in all game modes. Yet nothings done. 

It's hard to believe the community are the one driving this, when warrior isn't alone in amassing QQ over. Yet is hit the hard Continously. 

If anet was basing their balancing on the communities issue I think the balance patches would look incredibly different. 

I think the larger issue is.

Anet don't want to rework change or fix core proffession issues. And because of that proffessions that need major changes to core seem to suffer the most. 

So we have a problem with the elites being built on uneven grounds and has amound to 3 proffessions being great and 6 being janky or problematic. 


I rly do hope spellbreaker does become competitive again. Its so much fun to play. 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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So, I've posted this on Reddit...


Yeah, it went about as well as I would expect lmao! (shakes head)...See, this is Reddit's supposed "freedom zone" for gw2 to express and challenge opinions, not like the pesky forum echo chambers!

So...yeah. I don't expect a good portion of the community to embrace warrior buffs peacefully.


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On 6/17/2022 at 9:01 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

Regarding Ranger/Soulbeast, I think I've mentioned it before, but it's embarrassing how much better greatsword is compared to Warrior.

It also happens to have a block that's better than Warrior's Shield Stance in Counterattack. It lasts the same amount of time, has greater utility in having a flip-over to a hard CC, and has a 10 second shorter cooldown at 15 compared to 25 secs.

Seriously, imagine the howls if they increased Full Counter's duration to 3 seconds.

But that's the kind of fix Warrior needs.


And your secondary weapon's probably going to be Longbow, which is just ridiculous when compared to the Warrior's one.

Good thing on warrior you can have multiple sources of block while you have only gs on ranger then you need to be quick on running away from dmg but that is the the part which is usually missing from the commentary

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On 6/18/2022 at 8:12 PM, Daddy.8125 said:

The issue is its the community mentality. If they get beaten they screech. 

Anything that's meta is "easy to play" compared to what they play. No matter what. If you beat them your overpowered. 

People have been complaining about guardians and necromancer for as long as I've been in the game realistically. People have referred to them as to easy to play and too effective in all game modes. Yet nothings done. 

It's hard to believe the community are the one driving this, when warrior isn't alone in amassing QQ over. Yet is hit the hard Continously. 

If anet was basing their balancing on the communities issue I think the balance patches would look incredibly different. 

I think the larger issue is.

Anet don't want to rework change or fix core proffession issues. And because of that proffessions that need major changes to core seem to suffer the most. 

So we have a problem with the elites being built on uneven grounds and has amound to 3 proffessions being great and 6 being janky or problematic. 


I rly do hope spellbreaker does become competitive again. Its so much fun to play. 

If the game would be balanced based mostly on forum feedback....none of us would be here, because there would be no game, over 90% of forum feedback in general is pure illogical drivel

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On 6/16/2022 at 9:34 AM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Neglecting the fact that you have to be extremely skilled to survive in a world of magic with just an axe, and that the less mundane classes are often easier to lend themselves to that fantasy. 

I'm more sad now. T~T

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