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List of Upcoming Revenant Changes for 06/28/2022 Patch

Za Shaloc.3908

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  • Ancient Echo: This skill now grants regeneration instead of alacrity in Legendary Centaur Stance.
  • Rejuvenating Assault: This skill no longer creates healing orbs and instead heals allies around the revenant.


  • Assassin's Presence: This trait has been reworked. It now grants fury to allies while in combat, applying fury with a 3-second duration on a 10-second interval.

Legendary Centaur Stance

  • After summoning Ventari's Tablet, the next Legendary Centaur skill will be empowered. This occurs when entering Legendary Centaur Stance or when using Project Tranquility.
    • Natural Harmony: Healing is increased and endurance is granted to affected allies.
    • Purifying Essence: Additional conditions are removed.
    • Protective Solace: Grant protection to allies in the area.
    • Energy Expulsion: Knockdown duration is increased.
  • Project Tranquility: This skill now activates instantly. Increased base pulse heal from 325 to 363 in PvE only.
  • Ventari's Will: This skill no longer has an energy cost. Reduced cooldown from 3 seconds to 0.25 seconds. This skill no longer heals allies.
  • Natural Harmony: Increased heal attribute scaling from 2.25 to 2.75 in PvE only. Increased heal attribute scaling from 1.25 to 1.75 in PvP and WvW.
  • Energy Expulsion: This skill no longer creates healing fragments and instead heals and removes conditions from allies in the area. This skill no longer consumes all energy when used. Increased energy cost from 10 to 35. This skill now knocks down enemies that it strikes instead of knocking them back.

Legendary Demon Stance

  • Banish Enchantment: Increased energy cost from 20 to 30 in WvW only.


  • Healer's Gift: This trait no longer creates a healing orb. It instead heals nearby allies after completing a dodge roll.
  • Blinding Truths: This trait now has an internal cooldown of 3 seconds in PvE and WvW. The 10-second internal cooldown in PvP is unchanged.
  • Vital Blessing: This trait has been removed. Invoking Harmony has been moved to this slot.
  • Tranquil Balance: This trait has been removed and replaced with Eluding Nullification.
  • Eluding Nullification: This removes a condition from nearby allies at the end of the player's dodge roll.
  • Words of Censure: This trait no longer creates a healing orb and instead heals nearby allies when blinding, immobilizing, or affecting a foe with crowd control effects.
  • Fortified Blessing: This trait fills the slot previously held by Invoking Harmony. Grant protection when you remove a condition from an ally. Internal cooldown is 0.25 seconds.
  • Serene Rejuvenation: Increased outgoing healing bonus from 15% to 20% in PvE and from 10% to 15% in PvP and WvW. This trait no longer causes Natural Harmony to grant alacrity. Instead, it causes Legendary Centaur Stance skills to apply the following boons:
    • Natural Harmony: Vigor
    • Purifying Essence: Regeneration
    • Protective Solace: Swiftness
    • Energy Expulsion: Resistance
  • Generous Abundance: This trait no longer creates healing orbs, and instead heals nearby allies when activating a legend skill. Healing is increased and occurs around Ventari's Tablet when using a Legendary Centaur Stance skill.
  • Selfless Amplification: This trait has been removed and replaced with Invigorating Dismissal.
  • Invigorating Dismissal: This trait grants endurance when the revenant removes a condition from an ally.


  • Planar Protection: Increased internal cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.


  • Forceful Persistence: In PvE only, the bonus damage per active-upkeep herald skill has been increased from 4% to 5%. The bonus damage per non-herald active-upkeep skill has been increased from 13% to 15%.
  • Draconic Echo: This trait now grants 1.5 seconds of quickness to allies when the revenant uses a consume skill, in addition to its previous effects.
  • Elemental Blast: Increased cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. Damage multiplier increased from 1.15 to 1.5. Weakness duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Chill duration increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. Burning duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. These changes are for PvE only.
  • Burst of Strength: Increased cooldown from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. Damage multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.6. These changes are for PvE only.


  • Energy Meld: Increased cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.
  • Balance in Discord: Reduced base heal from 1,162 to 810 in PvP only.
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10 minutes ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:


  • Draconic Echo: This trait now grants 1.5 seconds of quickness to allies when the revenant uses a consume skill, in addition to its previous effects.



Oh man with enough boon duration the quickness might last longer than it takes to activate the consume skill. Why I bet with Elemental Blast and Burst of Strength getting longer cooldowns Heralds could keep quickness up on their group nearly 50% of the time with 100% boon duration!


Seriously? Lmao

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The Ventari and Salv changes sure seem at first glance to be promising. It's a lot to digest at once. You lose alac and outgoing healing modifier potential while gaining a whole lot in the process (based on my first impression).


Really happy about the change to Ventari's Will and the removal of healing orbs. I think the tablet will feel really great now for those that enjoy micromanagement. Having no energy cost and a 0.25s CD on Ventari's Will is MASSIVE and I will very gladly take that over the heal it gives. This will free up a lot of energy for the Revenant to use on other skills.


Being able to get all those boons via Salv while in Ventari is also really exciting. Finally we get some regen back to the legend, though now it feels like even more like Tree Song lite. While I'm sad to lose alacrity, I never liked the way it was implemented on Natural Harmony, so I am happy to see the skill moving in a different direction.


The biggest bummer for me is no longer being able to spam knockback on enemies, though really I just used that as a source of entertainment more than anything. Wondering if the CD will remain the same for the skill. If so, they need to revert the CD nerf to it in PvP. 


Very curious about the tuning of the tuning of stuff in general as that'll determine their viability.


Aside from Ventari/Salv stuff, the quickness duration seems a bit low on Draconic Echo for PvE, at least based on first impression. Banish Enchantment WvW was really out of the blue tbh. Was that nerfed because some people are spamming the skill in zergs and getting high on the boonrip charts? 


Wondering for the PvE endgamers if the change to AP is of any significance for Rene support? Are you able to get perma group fury via pack runes and AP on Diviner Rene?


All in all, the patch was a huge disappointment in my eyes, with one of the few exceptions being for Ventari players. Not gonna lie...didn't see that one coming.

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57 minutes ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:


  • Draconic Echo: This trait now grants 1.5 seconds of quickness to allies when the revenant uses a consume skill, in addition to its previous effects.
  • Elemental Blast: Increased cooldown from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. Damage multiplier increased from 1.15 to 1.5. Weakness duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Chill duration increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. Burning duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. These changes are for PvE only.

This is low key dumb.

Elemental Blast is bread and butter for any kind of open world herald build and the CD increase is very obviously just a counter balance to make the Draconic Echo change not overpowered.

Herald is going to be a lot less dynamic and much more cooldown capped with everything on 15s. And even in the high end content they made this change for I can't imagine stuff to be very engaging now that everything is on the same CD. And it's still a DPS nerf to boot.

I wish they had instead axed Rising Momentum which is afaik the only trait none truly cares about or involved Shield in some way.

This feels like giving Quickness to Scrapper all over again. Being miserly in the numbers for fear of it becoming actually revenant relevant. And then half a year down the line probably just gutting herald by increasing the upkeep cost on Facet of Elements or something like that, just like they gutted scrapper.



Edited by Endaris.1452
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😂 Oh man a whole 1.5 seconds, wow imagine if for whatever reason you had to swap to your OTHER legend for 10 seconds, goodbye Quickness uptime. Even with 100% boon duration you would need to camp Dragon Stance to maintain quickness uptime and that's WITH alacrity. Not to mention you'd be spamming all your facets INCLUDING the annoying knockback one off CD (which will kitten people off about as much as rangers spamming LB 4).

Not a fan of this trend of having all these "boon builds" that sacrifice personal DPS and enjoyment for the sake of providing 1 "essential" boon. This could be soo much better and less restricting if the base duration was 2.5 seconds.

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43 minutes ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:

Wondering for the PvE endgamers if the change to AP is of any significance for Rene support? Are you able to get perma group fury via pack runes and AP on Diviner Rene?

I think Fury is poised to become the least relevant support boon now as anet gave group fury to everyone and their mom on their baseline power DPS builds. Any mesmer will provide 50% fury uptime for their group now and so will power DPS engis, eles and thieves. And at that point of time we haven't even addressed usual sources of fury like guard's Axe 2, Sword 2 and the fact that virtually any power DPS with the exception of necro can generate 50% of personal fury uptime via traits (but reaper is going to get its DPS gutted and is already bottom-tier before that). Nor have we considered whether banner memes for boons will actually be a potential thing as well. I feel like considering fury will start to almost become a non-factor because you will essentially just have it without having to plan for it.

For Renegade you probably will still just take it because with the current situation the combination of Alac + Fury just *makes sense*.

HMech brings Alac + Fury, Druid will bring Alac + Fury, Alac Mirage and Alac Chrono will bring Alac + 50% Fury, Alac Tempest will bring Alac + Fury, Alac Spectre will bring Alac + 65% Fury. So since everyone else can bring it, you bring it too.

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2 minutes ago, Endaris.1452 said:

I think Fury is poised to become the least relevant support boon now as anet gave group fury to everyone and their mom on their baseline power DPS builds. Any mesmer will provide 50% fury uptime for their group now and so will power DPS engis, eles and thieves. And at that point of time we haven't even addressed usual sources of fury like guard's Axe 2, Sword 2 and the fact that virtually any power DPS with the exception of necro can generate 50% of personal fury uptime via traits (but reaper is going to get its DPS gutted and is already bottom-tier before that). Nor have we considered whether banner memes for boons will actually be a potential thing as well. I feel like considering fury will start to almost become a non-factor because you will essentially just have it without having to plan for it.

For Renegade you probably will still just take it because with the current situation the combination of Alac + Fury just *makes sense*.

HMech brings Alac + Fury, Druid will bring Alac + Fury, Alac Mirage and Alac Chrono will bring Alac + 50% Fury, Alac Tempest will bring Alac + Fury, Alac Spectre will bring Alac + 65% Fury. So since everyone else can bring it, you bring it too.


I see, thanks for the nice explanation! 

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My initial reactions:

  • The rework to Salvation seems to have fixed one of my 3 biggest problem with Rev. Salvation now looks on paper like you don't have to use Ventari to get value out of it and have some actual choices. Almost fixes another issue I had with Core Rev swiftness access but not quite there yet.
  • Ventari changes seem good as well. No energy on Project Tranquility is huge change. Excited to try this legend again.
  • Empower Misery was low key OP in WvW roaming (and zerg boon stripping if you were good with it) Love that ability. 30 energy is a lot now. 25 would have sufficed.
  • I'm big on the changes to Quickness Herald. Seeing complaints of just the 1.5 sec base duration, but I'm optimistic. Facet of Nature gives pulsing boon duration and gives 3 sec boon duration on activation with trait. My assumption is that the loop for PvE quick Herald - Activate Facet of Nature, spam the normal Facets, and finish with activating Facet of Nature (which keeps ticking boon duration Facet of Nature with Draconic Echo) then legend swap which will give enough quickness until you swap back to Herald.
  • Assassin's Presence is a hit or miss. Power dps decrease for group at the cost of pulsing Fury. This mean power Rev doesn't have to go Invocation for fury access, but fury is pretty accessible for groups that this change actually might be better for solo non-Invocation players.
  • Curious to see if Sanctuary Runes are dead or still good with Rev.

Overall, I'm a hopeful for the changes. Now just rework Hammer to be more reliable in dueling and we're in business :) (PS - also give Aggressive Agility a source of swiftness or a perma 25% move speed and I'll be very content!)

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Another successful patch. Thanks for the buff Mallyx needed in a long time. I almost felt like he was overlooked since his last massive direct and indirect nerf but boy Anet proved me wrong. As always i could count up on them to do all the necessary balance changes in order to bring him to play on even playable field. And u guys say Anet dont listen. I cant wait for more upcoming patches and i wish game designers all well for their amazing job. Cuz honestly without them this game would be doomed long ago. Go forward ANET!!!

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* They made better the healing builds, which I don't touch. Nice, I guess.

* They nerfed Mallyx (already dead, so who cares?).

* At PvE they nerfed some Glint utility cooldowns to the PvP values, but buffed the damage coeficients and added 1.5 seconds of quickness procs with the most used trait. I have no idea if that would work, but so far for me PvE with Rev is either condi Renegade or condi Herald, everything else (specially power) just screams "play Guardian instead", so I'm neutral tho those changes.

* They nerfed Renebow in PvP again: after butchering Forced Engagement from 1200 to 600 range to make duelling Necros almost impossible now they increased the Dome of the Mist cooldown from 20 to 30 seconds, so Harbingers and other ranged characters not only keep having range advantage but also a 26 seconds window to spam projectiles towards Renebows (a build already fading and largely unseen in MATs). This season I played ~15 of my ~150 matches with Renebow and this patch is a good bye. Another former viable Revenant build which ends beheaded...

* They nerfed Vindi in PvP, which I don't care (they arleady were a free kill 90% of the time, anyway).


    Seems a very tame balance patch, I doubt it affects too much aside from narrowing even more the playable choices. By the way, the bug that resets the order of utilities changing between game modes is still happening, and made mad at PvP this morning turning a easy win into a disputed defeat. Hope they fix that (they won't, and being honest neither I hope it...).

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The Serene Rejuvenation change is... weird.  It looks like they're trying to make it so Ventari gets something, when in reality it is getting nothing.

Natural Harmony:  This gives vigor, and since Natural Harmony is the skill that heal revs use the most, it means it will give vigor to teammates.  Problem is, the restrictive zoning on the tablet means that it only works well in places where everyone can stack, which is also the place where you'll need vigor the least.  

Purifying Essence:  This one angers me.  The biggest weakness of heal rev is the lack of regeneration.  All of the healing is focused on the tablet, and outside of that tablet you get nothing.  Giving constant regeneration for heal revs would've made them much more effective healers.  Putting it on Purifying Essence, however, is like a booby prize.  The only time this skill gets used is during a condi bomb, which are generally rare.  The energy cost and lack of healing means it isn't worth it to use this skill over Natural Harmony for healing.  It's like Anet put the Regen in a bad place just to antagonize us.

Protective Solace:  This is just a head-scratcher.  Protective Solace is used when you want to hunker down behind the projectile destroying barrier, not when you want to move.  Giving it swiftness is tantamount to giving it nothing at all.

Energy Expulsion:  Resistance is a good boon in PVP and WvW, not so much in PVE.  The costs are too high, though, since you'll lose all energy in order to gain this resistance.  Heal revs just use Purifying Essence if they want to cleanse condis.  Really, the only place that Energy Expulsion is used is on Breakbars, where Resistance does... basically nothing there

So, aside from all the big, flashy words, heal rev traded Alacrity for Vigor.  They changed out the orbs for dodge based traits, but this encounters the same problem that vindicator faces: when you're forced to dodge for offense/defense/boons, it means you no have a dodge to avoid attacks.  Anet is trying to synergize the dodge traits with Vindicator to make heal vind a thing, but with poor boon options it is just never going to happen.  Vindicator is just a PVP spec right now, and that function keeps getting nerfed.  None of the issues with Vind were really addressed.  But at least Herald is getting way to little quickness that ruins the benefits and playstyle of Herald as a whole.

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17 hours ago, Nomad.4301 said:

😂 Oh man a whole 1.5 seconds, wow imagine if for whatever reason you had to swap to your OTHER legend for 10 seconds, goodbye Quickness uptime. Even with 100% boon duration you would need to camp Dragon Stance to maintain quickness uptime and that's WITH alacrity. Not to mention you'd be spamming all your facets INCLUDING the annoying knockback one off CD (which will kitten people off about as much as rangers spamming LB 4).

Not a fan of this trend of having all these "boon builds" that sacrifice personal DPS and enjoyment for the sake of providing 1 "essential" boon. This could be soo much better and less restricting if the base duration was 2.5 seconds.

Thing is is not ment to be perma then, but just a boost when u use them.

Like i said before, if aint perma to carry players wont like it...

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7 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:


Purifying Essence:  This one angers me.  The biggest weakness of heal rev is the lack of regeneration.  All of the healing is focused on the tablet, and outside of that tablet you get nothing.  Giving constant regeneration for heal revs would've made them much more effective healers.  

That's exactly how rev works since was released ...... it always had the over 1k perma regen (actually in past could reach 1.4k perma regen ticks )and u can preserve  arround the 2k power stats while providing that heal power...... now u will have it on tablet and continue with the perma regen outside ventari, and u can make it aplying might when u apply boons to allies, Vindicator Regen values can be somewaht  similiar under certain buffs.


@Malkarne.8167  its actually good that isnt a perma boon crap, but a boost but it's still awfull in its function, IMO the adition of quickness m8 confuse alot of players, i bet that alot of players will start activate/consuming all facets before the bursting targets  ahahaha, that's a massive telegprah warning, thing is its not ment to be used like that ist is idiotic at minimal is players start to do this....

Draconic Echo is worst change IMO that rev is getting should be better DE do something else :\

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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