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GW2 should finally add "inspect gear" ability to examine other players' cosmetics

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9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Not only "it would be available", but it already is available. So if you want to allow people to look into what you're wearing, once again, I don't understand why you're still not signed up for that?
But since it looks like you'll just keep avoiding everything, I guess this is it. The bottom line is: if you want to know what someone uses, ask them, it takes 5 seconds too. If you want other people to be able to see what you have then put the money where your mouth is and sign up for the site that allows it through the use of official api key.

 The option I want is for you to not have a possibility to freely see what I'm using and it's an option you're actively trying to take away from me.

Because forcing players to go outside the game for features that should be in the game is a waste of time. And that site does not have all players. If the feature were added to the game, it would eliminate the need to leave the game for that info, and ALL players could be inspected. Which is the point. Why is that so scary to you?

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7 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Because forcing players to go outside the game for features that should be in the game is a waste of time. And that site does not have all players. If the feature were added to the game, it would eliminate the need to leave the game for that info, and ALL players could be inspected. Which is the point. Why is that so scary to you?

Asking someone ingame isn't forcing anyone out of the game. As for the site, you're already outside of the game at this very momenty, so not sure why this is still somehow an issue.

Without change, the option I want is for you to not have a possibility to freely see what I'm using and it's an option you're actively trying to take away from me. It's good it doesn't have all players, because it should be voluntary. And so it currently is.
If you think all players should be able to be screened through then do a warmup round and sign up for the site. Otherwise it seems you don't really beleive what you're writing here. 🤷‍♂️

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28 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Asking someone ingame isn't forcing anyone out of the game. As for the site, you're already outside of the game at this very momenty, so not sure why this is still somehow an issue.

Without change, the option I want is for you to not have a possibility to freely see what I'm using and it's an option you're actively trying to take away from me. It's good it doesn't have all players, because it should be voluntary. And so it currently is.
If you think all players should be able to be screened through then do a warmup round and sign up for the site. Otherwise it seems you don't really beleive what you're writing here. 🤷‍♂️

I mean I'm as against big government as the next guy, and and pro privacy where it matters, but I mean...this is just your character in a video game. Hording the information of what gear you wear servers no purpose. It's not like you will be wearing gear no one else in game has, like a "secret" gear set. No one is stealing anything from you by simply inspecting your character. Ah so he's wearing half celestial half marauder? Nice right on....

Are you also afraid if they know your class and character's race too? What about achievement points, do you want that to be hidden? And your spells, should they hide the animations so we can't tell what spells you use when you cast them?

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39 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

I mean I'm as against big government as the next guy(...)

That's really irrelevant to anything here. Just respond to what you're quoting instead of trying to inflate it into some antigovermnent movement. All of that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors in an attempt to avoid addressing what you've quoted.

Without change, the option I want is for you to not have a possibility to freely see what I'm using and it's an option you're actively trying to take away from me. It's good it doesn't have all players, because it should be voluntary. And so it currently is.
If you think all players should be able to be screened through then do a warmup round and sign up for the site. Otherwise it seems you don't really believe what you're writing here. 🤷‍♂️

39 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

It's not like you will be wearing gear no one else in game has, like a "secret" gear set.

That's great, so if you're interested what someone is wearing, ask them. It's not like asking someone a question is so hard or takes so much time that something actually stands in your way to do it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's really irrelevant to anything here. Just respond to what you're quoting instead of trying to inflate it into some antigovermnent movement. All of that is nothing more than smoke and mirrors in an attempt to avoid addressing what you've quoted.

Without change, the option I want is for you to not have a possibility to freely see what I'm using and it's an option you're actively trying to take away from me. It's good it doesn't have all players, because it should be voluntary. And so it currently is.
If you think all players should be able to be screened through then do a warmup round and sign up for the site. Otherwise it seems you don't really believe what you're writing here. 🤷‍♂️

That's great, so if you're interested what someone is wearing, ask them. It's not like asking someone a question is so hard or takes so much time that something actually stands in your way to do it.

I'd rather just inspect them and see for myself. 

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19 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Good thing it exist for those who want it, even better that it's outside of gw2 and optional. My fashion is a child of my own creativity. You want it, you work for it, at least by browsing a wardrobe. Or you can always ask, so I know it's appreciated, you get the look, I get a proud smile on my face. Double win.

Valid argument ... How does it feel if 10 players all of a sudden just transform into your clone and run around in lobby area(rhetorical question btw). GW2 community fashion events in divinity reach and copycats. And so on...

But then again ffxiv has the inspect feature... So... Idk ... Fashion might not be a brainchild of one individual's creativity

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2 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Valid argument ... How does it feel if 10 players all of a sudden just transform into your clone and run around in lobby area(rhetorical question btw). GW2 community fashion events in divinity reach and copycats. And so on...

But then again ffxiv has the inspect feature... So... Idk ... Fashion might not be a brainchild of one individual's creativity

Can you explain? I don't really know if you are with me on this or against my point.

Like I do not understand second part of your post. How some other game having gear inspect is an argument towards the statement that fashion in gw2 is not a child od your own creativity. 

You might just making a joke that I do not understand, so I am geniuely lost. Xd

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10 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Valid argument ... How does it feel if 10 players all of a sudden just transform into your clone and run around in lobby area(rhetorical question btw). GW2 community fashion events in divinity reach and copycats. And so on...

But then again ffxiv has the inspect feature... So... Idk ... Fashion might not be a brainchild of one individual's creativity

It wouldn't really make a difference to me, seeing as there are only a limited number of gear set combos that people will actually wear, so eventually, more than one person is going to be wearing the same thing anyways. But if someone else is wearing the exact same thing as me, it's not going to affect my performance in game whatsoever. I'd rather avoid as many gatekeeping systems as possible, especially the ones that are in place for the sake of gatekeeping. 

I mean, it's not like there will only be one person who thought to pair one piece of gear with another piece of gear right? Besides, how many people do you see running around with the same mounts as each other, the same weapon skin, the same legendries, etc. This idea that we must preserve individuality, and make sure no two players EVER wear the same exact combination of gear, just doesn't make any sense to me in a game that has hundreds or so logged in at once. 

It's like expecting to be the only person who thought to wear a red shirt on a Wednesday, or who thought they were the only ones who thought of eating chicken with waffles....I mean look when Anet gave away those rainbow wings...how many people did you see wear those wings? Like 80% of everyone you saw almost everywhere you went in game had those wings on for a week or so right? Preserving individuality didn't seem too important then, and I don't see it as important now.

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1 hour ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

I'd rather avoid as many gatekeeping systems as possible, especially the ones that are in place for the sake of gatekeeping. 

What do is somehow supposed to be "gatekept" here?

1 hour ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

It wouldn't really make a difference to me, seeing as there are only a limited number of gear set combos that people will actually wear, so eventually, more than one person is going to be wearing the same thing anyways.

I mean, it's not like there will only be one person who thought to pair one piece of gear with another piece of gear right?

Ok, so you don't need to copy what other people do, instead you can come up with whatever you want within that limited set of gear.

1 hour ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Preserving individuality didn't seem too important then, and I don't see it as important now.

And despite you not seeing it, clearly many other people do.
If you personally don't care about it, sign up for the site mentioned multiple times before. Somehow... pretty sure you still didn't do that. 🤔

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On 7/12/2022 at 6:29 PM, Silverpoopoo.1476 said:

I've been around since launch and I remember clearly the devs saying that GW2 would have no "inspect" ability for looking at other players' gear, specifically to avoid elitism and gear gating of other players in endgame content (dungeons back then).

My biggest reason for asking for this is because the game has way more cosmetics than it did in the past. I often see people with skins that I want to see the name of, so I can look up how to unlock that skin. But the player doesn't respond to my inquiry, so I'm left unanswered and with no clue what the skin is.

Inspecting is a very controversial thing.. even if it's "just" for looks. Some people take hours mix matching their skins and dyes to get that special look, to be different from other players. So, by allowing people to inspect your skins, everyone could just inspect your gear and copy your style? It would surely anger people if that was to ever be implemented lol.. There used to be a website that people posted their looks and pieces so people could copy. But then again, you had the author's permission to copy since it was a public website. The link is: https://gw2style.com/  But idk if it's still being used.

If you ask and people don't want to answer it may be for the reason above, they just don't want to see their looks replicated.

I'd hate to see that option in game, honestly. If you go to the last tab on your bank you can preview all pieces of every weight, and I believe that's enough for people to try out different look combinations on their own, their names are there also so, if you don't know how to acquire a certain piece you can just /wiki it.

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On 7/12/2022 at 4:29 PM, Silverpoopoo.1476 said:

I've been around since launch and I remember clearly the devs saying that GW2 would have no "inspect" ability for looking at other players' gear, specifically to avoid elitism and gear gating of other players in endgame content (dungeons back then).

Well nowadays it's extremely common for endgame groups to gate their content by requiring to ping your killproofs, or ping your boots, or nowadays display your Strike CM titles. In fact, the content in CM's is so hard that if you don't require good gear and killproofs, you'll basically never complete the content to begin with. GW2 went from a game where casuals could complete all content, to a game where some content is telling casuals "you have to level up your play before trying this content."

I'm not complaining about there being hard content that is gear gated. I'm just saying that now that devs clearly are okay with it existing, there is no reason to leave "inspect gear" ability out of the game.

My biggest reason for asking for this is because the game has way more cosmetics than it did in the past. I often see people with skins that I want to see the name of, so I can look up how to unlock that skin. But the player doesn't respond to my inquiry, so I'm left unanswered and with no clue what the skin is.

Devs could even make the inspect ability only display cosmetic gear names, not stats, if they wanted to maintain the old reason of avoiding elitism.


I think another reason was for the competitive players that don't want their gear known to others. Just seeing what cosmetics are applied seems fine but I would say everything else should stay hidden if players want it that way. Or maybe a checkbox that defaults to unchecked and if a players is open to sharing the info of their gear they can then check the box, or w/e.

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On 7/24/2023 at 3:10 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Sure! Exactly the same way I get having anxiety, but no one is going to steal your personal information when you ask them what skins they're using, right? Good, looks like "problem" solved by regular interaction over the internet in an mmorpg.

Personally, I use the 'snap pic, preview stuff in bank' method, but that's becoming more and more difficult with all the new skins with esoteric and weird names and the fact that they're not all added upon release of the new skin/item all the time.  I've tried mitigating t his by talking to people, but that person may just vanish in the next second so it's still a bit problematic to find and  speak with these people.

EDIT: Just had a wild idea.  An area to show off fashionable looks.  A few other MMOs I know of have spots to either do this manually or automatically by uploading the style somewhere.  If there was a way to integrate fashion into the hero panel and just look up styles as uploaded by other people, that'd be pretty neat.  This way it becomes opt-in.

A player could make a look they like then upload it to this database.
It'd list your armor,  weapons (First and second set,) and Backpiece and any cosmetic enrichments/infusions without any attributes being listed.
It'd list what armor weight it's for and the player could tag it using various game related tags such as listing it for specific professions it's themed around and if it's casual, combat, futuristic, scifi, etc.

Basically, integrate (or make popular) a webpage to share stuff like that.

Edited by Epsilon Indi.2031
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I could get behind a system where a player could set an inspect fee in their options menu so that anyone inspecting them would be charged that amount. If the person doing the inspect doesnt have enough gold to cover the fee their drops could be sent to the person they inspected until their debt is paid off. Of course someone could set their fee to zero if they wish. 

A given individual's inspect fee should not be visible since a person inspecting them does not have to announce their intention to do so.

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2 hours ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

I think another reason was for the competitive players that don't want their gear known to others. Just seeing what cosmetics are applied seems fine but I would say everything else should stay hidden if players want it that way. Or maybe a checkbox that defaults to unchecked and if a players is open to sharing the info of their gear they can then check the box, or w/e.

How long do you think it would take for people to figure out which combo of the limited number of sets in the game, a person is wearing? How about we just skip the "guessing" step and not waste everyone else's time?

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12 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

How long do you think it would take for people to figure out which combo of the limited number of sets in the game, a person is wearing? How about we just skip the "guessing" step and not waste everyone else's time?

How about you use what you want instead of focusing so hard on copying others though?
And if it's not "that long to guess" then I guess you're free to keep doing that.

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57 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

How about you use what you want instead of focusing so hard on copying others though?
And if it's not "that long to guess" then I guess you're free to keep doing that.

But if the end result is the same (two people wearing the exact same gear) why does it matter to you the means in which it occurred? 

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12 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

But if the end result is the same (two people wearing the exact same gear) why does it matter to you the means in which it occurred? 

Because if you want to keep copying people all the time then at list do a few flips through those hoops. If it's all the same to you then you don't need what you're requesting here.
Ooor you can simply ask the person and check if they're ok with you copying them to have your answer without all the flips you're performing in this thread. Super simple stuff.

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Interesting how many opposers to this feature cite privacy as if the armor and skins they wear are vital personal information. To me, the real potential issue is a weirdo ogling your toon preview without needing to stand next to you. That is what what makes me hesitate on such a feature. Of course, there could just be no character preview. But, that can make it more difficult to identify a specific armor piece since the icons don't reflect its model well at all. Hm...


Oh, and l saw that. Someone here's a child. Whoever you are, know that I only place Reactions when I read the post. You went through my post history for unrelated posts.

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On 7/26/2023 at 12:28 PM, Biziut.3594 said:

Can you explain? I don't really know if you are with me on this or against my point.

Like I do not understand second part of your post. How some other game having gear inspect is an argument towards the statement that fashion in gw2 is not a child od your own creativity. 

You might just making a joke that I do not understand, so I am geniuely lost. Xd

Not exactly with or against your idea... Just tried to weigh the options... 

On one hand, players feel uncomfortable when they spend time dressing and dyeing creating a nice look only to be copied in a flash and the copycat getting praised for the look/outfit fashion in lobby map chat...

On the other hand inspect gear might lead a (new/bored) player who doesn't have the piece of gear striking up a conversation on how to get the Armor and getting interested in game content by pursuing that gear piece


So... Weighing "commendation to the deserved", "individuality", "privacy" WITH "game content exposure", "player retention", "potential social connection"

Could be 'n' number of things vs n things... So idk ... Just throwing this out there.... What's good for the game? What benefits the game to stay longer and what maintains the game's integrity and what creates a good experience in game


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On 7/26/2023 at 8:16 PM, Gravitron.7982 said:

It wouldn't really make a difference to me, seeing as there are only a limited number of gear set combos that people will actually wear, so eventually, more than one person is going to be wearing the same thing anyways. But if someone else is wearing the exact same thing as me, it's not going to affect my performance in game whatsoever. I'd rather avoid as many gatekeeping systems as possible, especially the ones that are in place for the sake of gatekeeping. 

I mean, it's not like there will only be one person who thought to pair one piece of gear with another piece of gear right? Besides, how many people do you see running around with the same mounts as each other, the same weapon skin, the same legendries, etc. This idea that we must preserve individuality, and make sure no two players EVER wear the same exact combination of gear, just doesn't make any sense to me in a game that has hundreds or so logged in at once. 

It's like expecting to be the only person who thought to wear a red shirt on a Wednesday, or who thought they were the only ones who thought of eating chicken with waffles....I mean look when Anet gave away those rainbow wings...how many people did you see wear those wings? Like 80% of everyone you saw almost everywhere you went in game had those wings on for a week or so right? Preserving individuality didn't seem too important then, and I don't see it as important now.

When Ure passionate about something and invest your time in doing it , u will atleast need an acknowledgement let alone merits just for courtesy when someone copies your work.

If Ure a new player and haven't invested time haven't acquired many gear outfit u won't bother to have an inspect feature.


Same goes for lot of other things.... Game instanced content, competitive content, irl stuff,... 

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2 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Not exactly with or against your idea... Just tried to weigh the options... 

On one hand, players feel uncomfortable when they spend time dressing and dyeing creating a nice look only to be copied in a flash and the copycat getting praised for the look/outfit fashion in lobby map chat...

On the other hand inspect gear might lead a (new/bored) player who doesn't have the piece of gear striking up a conversation on how to get the Armor and getting interested in game content by pursuing that gear piece


So... Weighing "commendation to the deserved", "individuality", "privacy" WITH "game content exposure", "player retention", "potential social connection"

Could be 'n' number of things vs n things... So idk ... Just throwing this out there.... What's good for the game? What benefits the game to stay longer and what maintains the game's integrity and what creates a good experience in game


Thankd for clearing it up for me. ❤️ As for your point of inspect encouraging new players to ask someone about acquiring certain armor. Imo there is nothing to worry about. When I was beginning my journey through Tyria, I wasnt hestitant to ask for many pieces I just saw someone wearing at the moment, for example centurion claw or heritage armors, and ppls always explained it to me. 

From the other side, when Grothmar Valley map came out with super rare helmet for charr, Visage of the khan-ur. I had 5 whispers every day asking how to get it and how nice it looks.

So I don't think that having inspect would make ppls ask for armor pieces, since they do it anyways. And not having it gives more opportunities to help someone and strike conversations imo. ^^

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Inspecting gear for cosmetics is seen by some (maybe many?) as a precursor to people demanding a full on inspect gear ability, and that's what I feel many don't want as inspecting gear can be used to gate-keep players out of content and/or have the potential to make for some toxic encounters between players.

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